Published at 2nd of May 2021 06:20:19 PM

Chapter 896: 896

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"When did Mr. Qingchen disappear?" Sitting in a simple building in the valley, Ye Li asked lightly. Looking at the furnishings downstairs, although simple and simple, but one should also need a lot of things. There is also a half read ancient book beside the table. The room where Xu Qingchen lives is neat, clean and orderly. It doesn't look like someone broke in and robbed Xu Qingchen.

The men and women looked at each other, and one of them came up and said, "I'm the princess, you clean childe He disappeared two days ago. "

"Two days ago?" Ye Li picked her eyebrows. "Since Qingchen disappeared two days ago, why didn't you report it to Dongfang girl? Have you sent someone to look for it? " The man had no choice but to smile bitterly: "at that time, we sent people to look for it, but inside and outside the valley, the mountains and the mountains were all searched, but no one was found. The little Lord told us to look at Mr. Qingchen. Now that Mr. Qingchen has disappeared, we are really... "

Ye Li understood the ideas of these people. They followed dongfangyou for some time. I'm afraid they also knew the means of dongfangyou. Qixia Princess just taunted Dongfang you a few words, and she was nearly killed by Dongfang you, not to mention these people lost Xu Qingchen. I had to wait one day later. Maybe I found the man before you came to the East.

Ye Li glanced at dongfangyou who was stiff and sat on one side. In a short time, Dongfang you could grow into such a master who made his subordinates frightened. It was unexpected. But now that she was caught, it would be nothing. Cangmangshan, a nail buried for hundreds of years in various countries, will be completely eradicated sooner or later.

"Where else can I go out of the valley except through the secret passage?" Ye Li asked.

The people shook their heads, and the leader said with a bitter smile, "princess, even if there is a way, it is not the way that the young master Qingchen can go out. It's just climbing out of this cliff, but you can see that the cliffs on all sides are as high as a knife, not to mention the people who can't master martial arts like Qingchen. It's just the people like us... " Ye Li nods, such a cliff, if not with the help of tools, is Ye Li himself is also unable to go up.

"What was Mr. Qingchen doing before he disappeared?"

"Because the little Lord ordered his subordinates not to neglect Mr. Qingchen, so as long as he didn't escape, he could do whatever he wanted. We stare at today, Qingchen childe has been very peaceful, every day just read books, play the piano. So we didn't care. Every day at that time, Mr. Qingchen would sit on the hillside outside the building and read a book

Ye Li stood up and said, "take me to have a look."

Now these people's lives are pinched in Ye Li's hand, naturally will not go against Ye Li. What's more, if ye Li didn't show up suddenly, with Dongfang you's anger at that time, maybe they would die just like the first one who died. So in a way, Princess Ding saved their lives. What's more, from any point of view, it's better to be loyal to the king's mansion than to follow the ruined Cang Mang Mountain.

Ye Li looks at Dongfang you with a smile. Dongfang you stares at Ye Li without showing weakness. His eyes seem to be poisoned. Ye Li frowned and said calmly, "Oriental girl, please stay here for a while longer."

Oriental you glared at her and said, "I'm going to find Mr. Qingchen together."

Ye Li frowned, "big brother won't want to see you, do you harm him enough?" Dongfang younu said: "I didn't harm Qingchen childe. I just I just Ye Li waved his hand and said, "I don't want to hear what you are, just tell me whether you want to stay here peacefully or not."

Dongfang you defiantly glared at her and said, "how about I don't want it? You can tie me up

Ye Li's lips raised a smile, "since it's like this..." The hand rises and falls, a hand knife cleanly cuts in the east you's neck, the east you eyes closed fell on the ground, "Wei Lin."

Wei Lin worshipped Ye Li, nodded and said with a smile: "don't worry about the princess. Make sure she can't turn over any waves." Ding Wang's residence is a way to block the internal force and medicine to ensure that Dongfang you will be soft even if you wake up.

Put in the east you, a line of talent in those a few people led down to Xu Qingchen missing place. As expected, it is the most beautiful place in the whole valley. There is a smooth stone on the ground. Compared with the stones in other places, this stone is particularly clean. Obviously, someone often wipes or sits on it. Ye Li sat down on the stone, raised his eyes and looked around. He asked, "where is the book that you read that day?"

They looked at each other and said for a long time: "it seems that He also disappeared with Mr. Qingchen. " Qingchen childe has always let everyone fly, where there is time to manage a humble book. Now I remember that Mr. Qingchen came out with a book, but after that they didn't see the book nearby. This shows that when Mr. Qingchen left, he took the book with him.

Zhuo Jing whispered at Ye Li's side: "it seems that Qingchen childe should not be forced by others, but walk by himself?" If you are coerced, where can you be so careful that you don't forget to take a book away. If Mr. Qingchen was unconsciously removed, it would be even more impossible. The person who took him away suddenly saw the ancient book and couldn't put it down. Would you just take it with you?Ye Li pondered for a long time, and finally pointed to the cliff in front of him: "go up and have a look." He also pointed to the lake not far from him and said, "go down and have a look." At once, several bodyguards in black came to the cliff and began to climb it. There are also two good water bodyguards crisp into the water, quietly sink down.

"Princess, you should not..." Several people who had been guarding Xu Qingchen only thought that Xu Qingchen had fallen into the lake, so they quickly advised him. If Mr. Qingchen really fell into the lake, the body would have surfaced in the past two days.

Ye Li waved his hand to show that they didn't have to say more.

After a while, the bodyguard who climbed up the cliff came down and said, "dear princess, there are footprints on the mountain, but Mr. Qingchen didn't go up from the cliff. " It takes a lot of time and Kung Fu to get up from such a high cliff with a person who doesn't know martial arts. And the chances of being discovered by the people below are too great. What's more, there is no trace left on the stone wall and cliff. Only if the other party can fly far away from the cliff with his own strength. However, I'm afraid that even the king can't do that.

Ye Li sighed a little, but she didn't have any hope. Waving back the guard, Ye Li stares at the lake with light waves in silence. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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