Published at 6th of June 2024 06:31:09 AM

Chapter 108

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Killing is just a routine for Maggie.

When she came, she also explored the manor.

There are a lot of readers here.

With the strength of loster's previous performance, he may not be able to win.

She was also worried about accidents.

"No, I'll be enough alone this time."

Loster didn't promise.

She's not needed this time.

This time he was going to solve it himself.

He's going to use it.

That's enough to calm the troubled times.

Mu dun.

This attack range is enough. You don't need Maggie's help.

When the tree world came, he had already got it, but according to the hint, in fact, he had the mastery level of reading ability before.

It doesn't control trees, it's just a one-time destruction.

It's not that powerful.

Now his reading ability has reached Xiaocheng.

It's a small improvement.

Enough to use his own mental ability to manipulate these trees.

He believed that even if he could not kill everyone, he could kill most of them.

This is an attempt.

"Are you sure?"

Maggie didn't know the tree world was coming.

Some suspicious looked at Lotte, big eyes flashing, a little cute..

She was thinking about loster's means. Loster didn't seem to want to die without confidence.

"Well, don't worry. Thank you."

Rocher didn't know what Maggie thought and didn't explain too much.

Just wait and see.

If Mu Dun is really as he expected, Maggie's entry will also be affected.

"I'm leaving."

I didn't say anything more.

Now it can be said that we are racing against time.

St. Cade has also said.

It won't last long.

At that time, even the Nian beast will take time to come here.

I guess there's only about an hour left.

Kill the guys in this manor.

And have a rest.

When I think of my satisfaction, there are still more than three million left.

Nor did loster save.

[special ability: mental ability (minor achievement) 3%.]

More than 3 million has only increased the experience value by 3%.

But Nianqi has indeed improved a lot.

After reaching Xiaocheng, even 1% is more than 10% of the proficiency level.

After improving your reading ability.

Loster's mind burst.

The whole person disappeared in place.

It's not a stand in doll this time.

It's just shaving.

The blessing of Xiaocheng's mental ability, plus Xiaocheng's six forms · shaving.

Let his speed get a leap.

Those ordinary miscellaneous fish boys on the periphery of Lotte road.

I haven't seen anything at all when loster only feels something in the past.

I haven't reacted yet. I haven't had time to shout or anything.

The whole person fell directly to the ground and lost consciousness.

Even the guy who was a little far away was directly pierced in the head by loster's finger gun and missile.

For killing, it is easy for loster now.

After all, loster doesn't know how many people he's killed these days.

Now he feels no different from slaughtering other creatures.

Although loster's action was very fast, the little brothers died without making any sound.

But a large area of the younger brother died.

After all, it attracted the attention of people farther away.

Loster entered the manor and killed more than 20 younger brothers in less than ten seconds. Then the alarm sounded in a few seconds.

It's obvious that someone has found loster.

Loster didn't care about it at all.

Even if it's a gun or a sniper's sneak attack, he can perceive it in advance as long as he enters his domineering range.

As for the so-called hiding.

He had no intention of hiding any trace.

Now what he wants to do.

Is to kill them all, find him, and then gather better, just catch them all.

No matter how many miscellaneous fish are, they are all miscellaneous fish.

Another purpose is to frighten others.

Let them fear.

Not only the Kula family, but also other families in the gourmet capital.

Let them fear.

In this way, no one will want to provoke him again. At least before, we need to think about whether we can bear loster's power.

"Bang bang."


A house in the Kula family manor that is significantly larger than other villas.

The sound of pistols and machine guns outside the wall attracted the attention of the people in the room.

"What's going on outside?"

One of the top officials of the Kula family said that his tone was a little bad. It was obvious that he was dissatisfied with the situation outside.

This time they gathered to distribute the next benefits.

After all, Kula Haihua took the blame and gave way.

And he said he'd take care of that guy in Los Angeles.

For the rest of the Kura family.

I've been waiting to distribute benefits for a long time, especially those who caught up with the current owners as early as before.

"What's going on now?"

"Does anyone dare to provoke our Kula family now?"

"It seems that our family's prestige is a little low recently."

After the first person made a sound, several senior executives spoke later.

They don't worry about anything.

After all, they have so many people here.

There are not many bodyguards who follow. Basically, there can be no accident. There is nothing safer than here.

Even if there is any accident, it is impossible to resist their bodyguards..

"Well, what is noise?"

The current owner of the Kula family is Kula Hote, the eldest son of Kula Haihua..

He is the only one left in their family.

Both brothers died, and now his father probably has no way to live.

Although he was a little excited to inherit the title of home owner, he looked at these vampires in front of him..

Kura Holt felt irritable.

If you don't pay attention to him one by one, you will pretend when it comes to interests.

Although the top leaders of the Kula family don't pay much attention to their new owner..

But their goal was also achieved. Originally, they just pretended and shut up when Kula Holt spoke.

The hall was instantly quiet..

"What's going on outside."

Kula Holt looked at the people who had been quiet and said to the bodyguard with some strong black skin next to him..

Although this guy looks ordinary, Kula Holt knows that his bodyguard is not ordinary.

It was his father who left it for him and was the most trusted person of his father. Now it is handed over to him.

This is also the reason why he thinks Kula Haihua is definitely determined to die, otherwise he can't give all his bodyguards to him.

The bodyguard didn't know how many times he guarded him. Even he resisted the bomb attack of loster before..

The reason is his ability to read..


The vows and constraints of usability dictate that each use of ability consumes his life..

And he can only guard, not attack. As long as he uses his mind Qi to attack others, his mind will disappear.

Such harsh conditions make his mind like an indestructible wall..

As long as it is to protect others, his mental quality can be improved without limit..

In theory, as long as he lives long enough, he can carry even a star explosion.

Of course, to resist the attack of star explosion, the life consumed is estimated to be able to kill him..

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!