Published at 6th of June 2024 06:30:50 AM

Chapter 121

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Dark with malicious thoughts, it was amazing. Even bisji and Maggie who had been standing next to them were forced back.

This kind of thinking is really frightening even bisji.

Originally, the spirit of the beast was strong, and finally there was a small explosion.

It's really terrible.

In the human world, there are absolutely few people who can have such Qi.

I can't find many.

The other, loster's anger, also surprised bisji.

She knew very well whether loster had been angry before.

She was pretty sure when she was coaching loster.

Although loster was in good health, he didn't have the presence of mental Qi, and his pores didn't open.

It had reached the level of being in the car, which had surprised bisji.

And up to now.

Look at the breath of loster in front of you.

I really don't know whether it is unique or whether it should be said that loster is a rare genius in a century.

This is definitely the most talented guy she has seen in decades.

She was quite sure that loster had some kind of secret.

Bisji didn't care much about the secret of loster. Even now, loster's strength is her brother.

Everyone has his secrets. Who doesn't have any secrets and hidden means.

She won't ask too much. She likes to explore other people's secrets too much.

She's just breathing a sigh of relief for Rochester now.

At least this spirit, even this curse and beast terror, is enough to save your life.

Dark thoughts burst out with all their strength.

It attracted everyone present, and even St. Cade noticed it.

The golden light on the body blooms.

It is also shrouded in the periphery of loster, which is obviously helping him.

And these dark thoughts are completely impolite.

It turns directly into thought Qi, just like the thought Qi carried by loster himself.

He tried desperately to drill into loster's body.

Although there were thoughts to resist the melting, in less than a minute, loster's peaceful thoughts like the sun were directly broken by the dark thoughts with the smell of evil corrosion.

The gap is really a little distance.

After breaking through loster's thoughts, these evil thoughts did not stop at all.

As long as they could touch the body of loster, they went directly into his body.

Let loster himself be very shocked.

And his body has had countless dark lines.

It's like a hell demon.

It doesn't look like anything normal.

And these things like tattoos are obviously not only tattoos, but also puffy, moving and shaking after entering Roth's body.

It made loster blush, his blood gas churned, and the whole person was very uncomfortable.

He can clearly feel it.

These thoughts entered his body and turned into something, which was beginning to destroy his body.

Although the life energy breath carried by his body is restored and stopped in time, there is the help of St. Cade's holy light breath outside.

But he still couldn't resist this terrible evil, just like the thought Qi from the place of yin and evil.

Among them, loster can also feel the negative emotion of malicious resentment and killing intention mixed in this thought.

Are accelerating the destruction of loster's body.

Let loster's body, which was enough to resist ordinary bullets, could not bear it and began to bleed.

"What's the matter? Is he okay? "

Bisji looked at the strange shape of loster, which was obviously not normal.

He quickly turned to look at St. Cade.

St. Cade is obviously the one who knows more about this kind of thing.

Hearing the speech, Maggie's eyes also shifted from Los to St. Cade.

He still knows more about the mental system, but now whether it is the ability to curse or eliminate thoughts has nothing to do with her.

She doesn't understand this at all.

"This is a normal state. The Nian Qi has begun to damage his body. It's still expected for the time being. It's all right."

St. Cade answered when he heard Biscay's words.

After finishing this sentence, he continued to concentrate on helping Lotte repair his body and get rid of the malice of reading Qi.

His answer just now was just to reassure biscuit.

And now he's sitting, only completely his previous commitment.

Just try your best.

Originally, up to now, his task has been completed to resist the Nian beast and eliminate part of the malice of the Nian beast.

It's a superfluous task to help now.

Two minutes.

Three minutes.

Five Minutes.

ten minutes.

Twenty minutes.


Time goes by minute by second.

Loster, they're not without progress.

With the passage of time, I can clearly feel that those dark thoughts have been much less.

But it will take some time to melt them completely.

And St. Cade was the first to stop.

His mental energy was not enough to support him and help loster get rid of his thoughts.

He had barely supported for more than an hour before.

I only rested for about half an hour and supported for another half an hour.

This is his limit.

He has completely overdrawn his physical energy and let St. Cade sit directly on the ground to rest.

His hands and feet were weak, his head was heavy, and he couldn't even stand steadily.

It was obvious that his face was very pale, only some blood could be barely seen, and his eyes were still red. Such a face was even more ugly than loster's face at this time.

Looks worse than him.

I don't know. I thought it was St. Cade rather than Los Angeles who was cursed now.

Biscuit did check on St. Cade as he sat down.

I was relieved to see that I just collapsed.

Now she has nothing to help, so she can only watch.

Keep them undisturbed.

Especially Maggie next to him, bisji doesn't know why loster asked this guy to come here.

In her opinion, this guy is the most dangerous person here.

She is now very afraid that Maggie will suddenly attack anyone, so she has been on guard.

Naturally, Maggie knew bisji's attitude, so her face was always cold.

But it's not that she doesn't know the current situation. She didn't do anything superfluous to make bisji misunderstand.

Basically, I just watched loster and looked at his current physical condition.

In fact, loster is not so good now. His whole body is covered with some kind of black lines.

And it was swollen and moved from time to time, as if there were worms with thick fingers hidden inside.

Very scary.

However, due to the strong mental support and the help of St. Cade before.

His face was only a little red now, but there was no danger of anything bad.

But as St. Cade's anger disappeared.

Although the remaining dark mental Qi was much less than before, loster's mental Qi also consumed a lot.

Still incomparable.

It made loster groan in pain.

The dark lines of the whole body have slowly begun to surge up, in good order.

It's completely different from whether you moved it before.

This has completely crushed loster's mind.

Right now, loster's mental Qi can't be stopped. He can only continue to repair loster when his body is damaged. It's only reluctantly to resist.

Ten minutes after St. Cade's breath is exhausted.

All this is finally over.

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