Published at 6th of June 2024 06:30:24 AM

Chapter 140

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That's what loster expects most.

Nature is the highlight of this time.

[the cream lamb of the Searle plateau] and the wine puffer he has been waiting for for for a long time.

Seafood was his favorite food..

He also often eats seafood.

He has decided on the method of [wine puffer fish] and put it in the final treatment to make sashimi.

This is the best way to try out the original taste of [wine puffer fish].

The first time he tried, he wanted to try how it tasted..

To prepare for his next meal..

Even if it was the same ingredient, Rochester didn't intend to make a way to eat.

The last [cream lamb of selplateau] is used as the staple food, roast lamb, roast whole lamb.

To fill your stomach.

Originally, loster was not careful enough, but Cyril Ladd sent one..

It is just fine.

Two remove some inedible parts, there are about 50 Jin..

I won't worry about not having enough to eat.

The real food must be the three of them, the bodyguards and so on. Naturally, it is impossible to do it.

At most, loster wondered if he would invite St. Cade over..

It should be enough to eat. At most, eat less.

For better ingredients, loster will definitely taste fine, fine.

Food is used to fill your stomach. Delicious food still needs to be tasted carefully, especially what you can't eat all the time.

Naturally, we should pay attention and enjoy it.

When the others went to prepare the tools, loster had prepared the ingredients in advance.

Naturally, the most important ingredient is the cream lamb from the Searle plateau. This is a big project. It can't be processed in a few hours.

To make food, the first thing, of course, is to know the ingredients..

Now there are two [cream lambs of selplateau]. Just now, Cyril Rudd has sent someone a similar size, and the speed is really very fast.

It made loster wonder if he could eat more.

Looking at the two butter lambs bleating in front of me.

Loster directly opened the system and analyzed the cooking methods..

This is also one of the functions of the system.

It's just that there was little satisfaction before, and I haven't encountered any special ingredients, all of which have not been used.

This is the right time.

His hands caressed the two [cream lambs of Sela plateau], and Luo Shui used his ability silently.

[cream lamb of Searle plateau]

Food grade: [five stars].

Features: Creamy aroma.

Handling precautions: the slaughtering method needs to appease the slaughtering. It must be appeased before slaughtering. It must be killed in one shot and let it die in an instant when [the cream lamb of Searle plateau] is not paying attention..

Otherwise, the lamb's struggle will make the blood affect the taste of meat, and the state of fear will also affect its meat quality..

Let the original cream smell mixed with some bloody flavor, but also affect the taste.

This system is very convenient. In addition to the introduction, there are also precautions. It also allows Lotte to understand the methods and methods of dealing with the [cream lamb of Searle plateau].

This makes loster very satisfied. With this, he doesn't have to waste too many ingredients when he meets unknown ingredients.

With the infusion of memory knowledge, loster has a better understanding of [the cream lamb of Searle plateau], relying on his current physical quality and his control over the body.

The probability of mistakes is almost nil..

After all, his body is not ordinary now. If he first came to this world, he may have a little trouble killing [the cream lamb of the Searle plateau].

It is said to appease slaughter, but it is not as simple as the system explanation..

Come on.

Is the most important.

The second is to be accurate.

One shot.

Let this [the cream lamb of the Searle plateau] have no resistance.

Otherwise it will affect its meat quality.

[satisfactory value - 500000]


Originally, he was very satisfied with the system, but when he received the system prompt, he was depressed.

It cost him half a million dollars just to analyze the [cream lamb of Searle plateau]..

It's really expensive.

Although this made him very familiar with the nature of the creature [cream lamb of the Searle plateau], he felt a little bad.

But I thought that there were more than 100000 energy values behind him. In fact, this 500000 was nothing.

Loster didn't care any more.

Continue to harvest his memory and knowledge, roast the whole sheep..

There is no formula for the lamb, no matter how it is prepared..

Half a million satisfaction value is worth the money. If you go to the experiment yourself, you don't know how much to waste [the cream lamb of Searle plateau].

These little lambs don't come often.

Now with the handling method, loster didn't worry, but put two [cream lambs of Searle plateau] not far away to let them change their mood..

The touch just now, loster could see that they were very nervous. Now it's not time to kill.

"Look at them. Don't go near them. Just don't run away. Stay away from them."

Loster put them in the yard for the time being and let the bodyguards stare at them for the time being.

Someone doesn't need it anyway.

Those bodyguards are also very knowledgeable and know what kind of person loster is.

After hearing what he said, he scattered away from the position of [cream lamb of Searle plateau].

Make these two little lambs more relaxed.

Loster just looked a little and went back to the indoor kitchen.

Now what he needs to do is marinade.

Before baking, be sure to marinate it, or it will spoil the taste..

It's supposed to be a little bad, and the marinade must not be too strong..

Otherwise, it will overshadow the creamy flavor of [the creamy lamb of selplateau]. He still wants to try what the creamy lamb tastes like.

Just get some plain marinade.

After his many attempts, loster chose flour, starch, eggs and some seasoned tree fruits to make marinade..

After the production, he also tried it. The taste is OK, and it won't be too heavy.

It should still be able to retain the cream flavor of [cream lamb of Searle plateau].

It took loster half an hour to make the marinade, and finally a big pot came out..

Now he's going to kill the [cream lamb of selplateau] and let them take a bath.

After coming to the yard.

Half an hour really makes them a lot easier..

The two cream lambs of the Searle plateau are now dependent on each other, completely unaware of their next fate.

Loster wondered what to do with them.

If only one comes, they will be frightened and affect their mood..

I didn't think much before. I couldn't let them together before.

And now, I'd better kill them both in an instant..

If you take one and come one, it will certainly affect you, and killing two sheep in an instant may be a trouble for ordinary chefs, but for Lotte.

With the current strength of loster, it can be done easily and effortlessly..

Just thinking about it, loster came ten meters away from the two [cream lambs of Searle plateau].

This distance is almost the same. If you get closer, the lamb will be afraid..

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