Published at 6th of June 2024 06:30:15 AM

Chapter 145

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Loster turned his attention to the wine puffer fish in the water tank. He had a more different smell than before.

In the past, even if he didn't show much, he was peaceful with an indisputable feeling.

In matters, I am very reluctant to suffer losses.

And now it's completely changed.

It becomes softer and kinder, giving people a feeling of being a kind boy, a good friend and a brother.

Even with a knife in his hand, he doesn't look like a butcher who is about to kill the wine puffer.

But like a young man playing with small animals.

In this case, bisji beside him was stunned, but others didn't notice anything at all.

The knife in his hand was instantly released.

This knife was specially found by loster. It's very short and small. It's different from ordinary cooking knives.

Smaller than the knife used to cut meat.

This is such a knife. When two wine puffer fish just surfaced, it turned into a silver light, just like a meteor.

Before I saw the action of loster, I saw that his knife returned to its original position.

The knife in his right hand is placed in front of his chest.


What happened? For this situation, Cyril Rudd only looked confused. In fact, he just felt like he saw something.

But I feel like I haven't seen anything.

I just felt that loster's hand was a little, and then returned to the original position.

"Good knife skill. I didn't expect you to be so skilled."

Bisji stared curiously at the completely ignorant wine puffer fish in the water and said to loster.

This knife worker.

It doesn't mean that you can use it if you have strong physical quality.

At least for her, it is absolutely difficult to have such a knife without hard training in the next period of time.

"It's OK."

Loster was not complacent and modest.

What he expects most is not the peak, but progress.

As long as he can make progress and find other things, he will be satisfied.

Now, with the improvement of his physical quality, his good knife work has been blessed.

He didn't bother to deal with the wine puffer like this.

"Oh, so modest."

Bisghie didn't say much either. In her opinion, this was just low-key words of loster.

That's the knife.

It's really very good.

If you specialize in learning a swordsmanship or something, you are definitely a rare swordsmanship master.

With bisji's experience, she knows very well.

That's the gift of loster.

"What is this talking about?"

The only person who can't understand the whole process is Shirley Ladd.

Cyril Rudd thought, but said nothing.

He didn't see anything just now.

I saw the driver blowing here.

He didn't know the situation, and he didn't want to ask.

But very curious.

But soon he knew what besgie meant.

I saw the wine puffer fish swimming freely in the water tank.

Swimming, there was a trace of red water around me.

With the gaze, we can soon find that a knife edge appears on the bodies of the two wine puffer dolphins.

The blood of the wine puffer is flowing out of the wound.

And these two wine Fugu don't know anything.

Still rolling freely in the water tank.

And with their swimming, their bodies obviously began to turn red.

Obviously, the blood in the body is flowing and overflowing.


Is this the result of loster's knife just now?

Cyril Rudd's eyes are going to pop out.

It's incredible.

For Cyril Ladd, this is amazing, and it is absolutely impossible for ordinary people to do it.

He has met many unknown cooking masters before, and he has no such knife work at all.

Now it seems that those cooking masters also call themselves cooking masters, which is quite different from that of loster.

It's good to kill puffer fish. If loster's knife stabbed him just now.

This is definitely a dead end.

Quietly swallowed saliva.

Cyril Rudd can only pretend not to know about it.

It's just a bigger fear of loster.

I was even more reluctant to provoke loster.

In such a person's side, you really lose your life at any moment.

Life is completely in the hands of others.

"What are you doing? What do you want to cook? "

Bisji didn't know that Siri Rudd thought so much. Although Siri Rudd was a little abnormal, she didn't care at all.

Now her mind is on the wine puffer.

"Sashimi sashimi, try the original flavor."

Loster is still very interested in the taste of this wine fugu. It's a big deal to get some sauce dishes.

Bisji didn't say anything. No matter what she did, she could accept it.

As long as it's delicious.

"What are you doing now? Not yet? "

The reason for asking is that loster's practice is so strange that he actually puts the fish in it to bleed.

Bisji doesn't know anything about this kind of thing. I've probably heard of it.

This wine is poisonous to puffer fish.

"The wine puffer fish is poisonous. Now it's bleeding. Don't get it out until their blood is drained."

Loster's curiosity about bisghie also satisfied her.

This is not a special treatment process.

I just don't know how people in this world deal with it.


Bisky finally just nodded vaguely.

I didn't say much. There is an expert in an industry.

For such things as cooking, she only needs to be good at eating.

Let's leave the cooking to someone else.

Then lust asked someone to prepare some water.

When the wine puffer is slaughtered, it needs to be cleaned.

And loster didn't mean to leave at all, so he looked at the two wine puffers.

The sight of the eyes did not leave them at all.

Over time.

These two wine puffer fish also began to appear abnormal.

With the passage of blood, they slowly lost their strength and finally died.

After observing them in loster, they determined that the blood had completely passed away.

He fished them out without hesitation.

Peel off the skin, remove the internal organs, poison sacs, brains, eyes and all inedible things, and then tear off the mucous membrane of the fish.

It takes only about a minute to complete the whole step.

The action is very fast and concise, as if it has experienced drills for many years.


It's no joke to clean up the whole wine puffer.

This guy's alcohol is very scary.

Although it may not be useful for loster, if Cyril Radd eats it, he may have to be poisoned.

Loster didn't invite him to dinner to poison him.

Finally, cut meat and put it on a plate.

No ice can be placed under the puffer sashimi, because the water content of the sashimi will increase after the ice melts, which will seriously affect the taste.

In addition, if puffer fish fillets are red, it means that the fish blood is not drained.

For the serious loster, of course, he won't get caught in these two mistakes.

Two wine puffer fish were put on the table by loster.

As the light of the knife drifted by, there were no other movements of loster.

See knife meat separation.

The light and shadow of the sword are elusive.

I can't see how many knives loster made.

How many cuts.

Loster's action is like an artist fiddling with his own art.

Elegant and calm.

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