Published at 6th of June 2024 06:30:14 AM

Chapter 146

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Under the elegant, illusory and colorful knife work of loster.

These two are valuable wine puffers that most chefs around the world dare not deal with.

Flesh and bone separation.

The fish bones were put into another bowl by loster.

This loster is going to fry it later.

And fish.

It was in loster's knife work like wind and lightning..

Into pieces of meat.

These fish are thick and thin, and there are many wells..

From thin to thick, thin and clear, crystal clear, completely placed..

The fish of this wine puffer fish is very beautiful just looking at it, and it is not like ordinary fish. Its fish also carries a Baijiu flavor.

Let people just look and smell, they have a great appetite.

When all the fillets are cut and finally placed on the table..

Rochester finally put down his knife.

And this big wave of operation, directly stunned next to Cyril Rudd and bisji..

So fast, so accurate, so thin, I can't see it at all.

The light and shadow of the sword are as fast as lightning, with two minutes of stars and meticulous attention..

It's a master cook, a master knife maker.

Even bisji was very impressed and felt that it was the right choice for loster to become a food hunter..

Cyril Rudd couldn't close his mouth.

Just those operations..

At least his obvious chefs in big restaurants can't find a comparable one.

Loster didn't know what Cyril Rudd and bisgi thought.

I only smile when I know, and I don't care at all.

Now he doesn't want to compete with some chefs or anything.

If there is anyone in the world who can compare with him, it is estimated that it is the real food hunters.

Craft and strength, coupled with their collection of high-grade ingredients.

Maybe comparable to loster.

At this time, loster was wiping his hands with a white towel.

He frowned a little, and looked at the exquisite sashimi he had just finished with some helplessness at the corners of his mouth.

It's still a little close.

Although when he made it, he was very careful, careful and careful.

Even if it's so original.


When it is made, the system has given the answer.

It's like the teacher announces the results after the examinee completes his homework.

But loster was not very satisfied with the result.

[five star cuisine]

If it was in the previous world, it could reach the level of five-star chef.

He must have laughed off his big teeth.

But when he came to this world, loster's heart was much bigger.

It was difficult for him to accept the use of six-star ingredients but only five-star cuisine.

It seems that we have to continue to study and practice.

After all, this is just the beginning to get these special ingredients.

I watched myself become a five-star chef.

Loster had no fluctuation in his mind and no excited idea of using such ingredients.

Making at least five-star cuisine is the least.

There is nothing to be happy about.

"Are you ready to eat?"

At this time, the wine puffer really blooms completely, just like a blooming white lotus, that is, you can't use ice, otherwise, the visual effect will be better.

The sashimi of Fugu, a five-star cooking wine, attracted several people next to loster.

Although it doesn't taste very strong.

But when they stood here, they could still smell it clearly.

The smell of this raw fish fillet is like that of old wine.

If it is some drunkard who likes drinking, he must be tempted to start.

Even if you're not an alcoholic, you can't stop it.

The smell directly caught bisghie's greedy insect and couldn't help patting loster on the shoulder.

And Cyril Rudd was also looking forward to it. At this time, his wishful thinking was over.

Now he also paid attention to the wine puffer sashimi.

This was originally just wine puffer fish, but there was no particularly obvious feeling.

It is now made into sashimi and placed so appetizing.

Let Cyril lard, who was already full, get hungry again.

However, for the fear of Fugu and loster, he was not in a hurry and watched.

"You can eat it. Try it. If you're not satisfied, I can make a dip."

Loster looked at the two people next to him. The originally dissatisfied corners of his mouth came back and changed into a faint smile.

"No, I'll try it first."

Bisji was really rude and said directly.

Cyril Rudd didn't say anything, but he was a little euphemistic, but looking at his body, he obviously felt that he was very interested in this cuisine.

"That's all right. Take a look. From one millimeter here to one centimeter here, from thin to thick, you can eat some separately. Don't eat all of them."

Seeing that bisji had moved his hand impolitely, he put several pieces of sashimi in his mouth.

Loster explained to her.


Then he said to Cyril Rudd.

Cooking heals the heart.

When eating delicious food, no matter how dark minded people are.

Can be peaceful.

With this wine, Fugu can't be distributed to the bodyguards.

The wine puffer fish is so much, and the meat is close to one kilogram. It is estimated that the meat of the two wine puffer fish is only one kilogram, less than two kilos.

This is the original wine. The Fugu is a little bigger.

An ordinary puffer fish is about a kilo. This wine puffer is a little bigger than an ordinary puffer fish..

Cyril Rudd watched bisghie eat several mouthfuls without any problem..

Just took a pair of chopsticks and added some fish fillets.

This is not an ordinary dish for wine puffer fish..

He had to be careful.

Accidentally, alcoholism is not a joke..

When he picked up the fish, he cut it thin enough to see it through the opposite side, and he couldn't help it..

This fish fillet can't resist the sight at all. It's very thin.

The entrance seems like a drop of water, except for the fresh and tender shells of the fish itself.

There is also a smell of old wine, which is spreading when puffer fish meat is imported..

People are not willing to eat, but also impatient to eat..

This puffer fish is more delicious than the roasted whole sheep just now.

Let Cyril radz slip and almost swallowed his tongue.

Eating this delicious wine puffer fish is like walking into a special artistic conception..

Let Cyril Ladd couldn't help but clip it three times in a row and taste the change of the fillets from thin to..

This wine puffer fish fillet made Cyril Ladd admire loster even more..

In the hotels they are responsible for, there are not none that can handle wine puffer fish.

But to the point of dalost, at least he hasn't eaten it before..

Let him swallow Luo with puffer fish slices and his saliva..

Mixed with the smell of wine, it is delicious in the world..

Cyril Rudd even suspected that this was definitely the peak of the world. No one could make more delicious food than this.

Obviously, this is just a knife cut..

He didn't even add seasoning, which was eighteen thousand miles away from the wine puffer he had eaten before..

Cyril Rudd is completely unaware of this..

Loster is not going to explain anything.

As he quickly wiped his hands, bisgi and Cyril Rudd ate a third.

One third of this was eaten by Siri Rudd..

At this time, he was more restrained and stopped..

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