Published at 6th of June 2024 06:30:12 AM

Chapter 147

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Cyril Rudd had his stomach full.

In fact, I can't eat any more.

After eating these 2 two fish in succession, I just thought it was too delicious.

If you continue to eat, you can still eat a little, but you can't eat much.

After all, the satiety brought by this wine Fugu is not weak at all. It doesn't look like ordinary fish food at all.

And although this fish has no alcohol toxin, it is also intoxicating as liquor.

This degree is not low at all.

It was Bisky who was rude and didn't care about all this at all.

Still eating, looking at her lovely appearance, and eating slowly.

She doesn't care about alcohol, drugs or anything else.

This is nothing to her.

Loster also knew her strength and didn't say much.

I also started to eat, which was originally used to eat.

If he doesn't do it again, with bisji's character, although he won't eat it all, there won't be much left.

After Cyril lard was full, it was basically loster and bisghie who ate in the end.

Most of it was eaten by loster. Bisji couldn't match him.

Cyril Ladd tasted it when loster brought out the new cuisine.

The last wine puffer fish bone was fried by loster.

The grade given by the system is four-star cuisine.

In loster's opinion, although there may be some defects in his workmanship, it is more about the food materials.

In addition to the fish bone, other materials are a little common.

Naturally, the cooking has dropped a little.

A meal can be said to have prepared loster for several hours, but the eating time is actually more than half an hour, nearly an hour.

If you don't eat and cook.

It'll be done in half an hour.

Especially the roast whole sheep, which was eaten by Rochester in less than twenty minutes.

It can almost be said that you eat a kilo of meat a minute.

Scared the bodyguards nearby.

This is what he eats most.

Wine puffer fish and bisji come and grab it, and there's not much.

With puffer fish, bisji likes the new and hates the old. He doesn't like roast whole sheep.

All this is what loster expected.

I still filled my stomach with [cream lamb of Searle plateau].

After eating and drinking.

Cyril Rudd didn't really have to stay much longer.

"Los, I'll go first. I'll transfer the money to you later. Contact me when you want the ingredients, and I'll have someone send them to you."

Cyril Radko never forgot his task. Anyway, remind him, and now he wants to go back and report the good news.

No matter how much it costs, the task is finished anyway.

"OK, I won't give more."

Loster didn't care too much. Although having dinner together made them say a few more words, in fact, the relationship is a fair weather friend.

Whether the specific can get along or not depends on the situation.

"No, no, bye."

Watching Cyril Ladd leave, loster went straight back to the house and packed up. These things don't need him to clean up.

Towards the end, Cyril Rudd called someone to clean up.

Someone has cleaned up the inside and outside of the house for a long time.

It's really nice to have money.

When loster returned to the room and just walked to the living room.

A sweet little girl's voice came.

"Are you going to leave here?"

Although the first thing biggie didn't know.

But the conversation between Cyril rad and loster did not hide bisji. Bisji was full and collapsed in the sofa in the living room.

"Yes, I've taken all the benefits. Why do you keep it if you don't go?"

He has no feelings for this gourmet capital. Anyway, he can reach his destination.

It's okay. There's nothing.

As for this gourmet capital, just let someone send it.

Anyway, with Cyril Rudd, these are small things.

"That's good. I always think there's nothing good for you to stay here."

Bisghie had no particular opinion on the results.

In his opinion, the management of the gourmet city reconciled with him and let him leave.

This is the best ending.

Otherwise, ordinary people go to other people's cities or countries and make a big fuss like loster.

It's strange not to be wanted.

"A new destination?"

Just as Rochester sat down, he heard bisgie say.

"It hasn't been decided yet. Just say what you want to say."

Loster naturally knew that bisghie must have something in mind to ask this.

"Have you heard of the sky arena? I suggest you go and have a look. The flow of people there is also good. It's also suitable for you to open a shop. You can practice in the arena in your spare time. "

Besgie said, staring at loster.

"You want to be a food hunter, don't you? This strength is also essential. "

Bisghie is not so sure whether loster can find a suitable opponent in the sky arena.

But there is still a chance.

Although the strength of most building owners is not very good, there are still some strong ones.

Although the strength of loster is good, it is still a little worse than the real fighting faction.

Sky arena.

There's nothing to say about the arena. Just listen to the name.

Located in the Republic of batochia, with a building height of 991 meters and 251 floors, it is the fourth tallest building in the world.

To become the master of the sky arena is absolutely the dream of most fighters all over the world.

This Los also knows the existence of the sky arena.

I've seen it in animation before, and he's very interested in it.

It is still unknown whether the people in the arena can help him and promote him.

However, according to the flow of people, it is indeed a good store address.

Before he came to the food capital, he also considered the past there. There are one billion tourists there every year.

This is definitely a very scary number.

If it weren't for the fame of this gourmet city, his first goal might have been there.

"How's it going? Are you stupid? "

Bisghie watched loster listen to himself and suddenly became silent again.

Just say it.

In bisji's opinion, loster still needs to exercise and continue to improve his skills against the enemy.

After listening to bisghie's words, loster also thought carefully.

Now all this is not in a hurry. With money, the satisfaction value is enough for the time being. There are forces to help collect food materials, and the strength is not too weak now.

Now we really need to check the situation of the world and the strength of the rest of the world.

There are certainly not so many people in this world in the original animation, in the criminal organizations, like the criminal organizations of the same level as the A-class phantom brigade.

Just a lot, a lot.

There may be just a few strong players.

There are many hidden intelligence organizations, countries and so on. There are absolutely many powerful people.

The hunter association is actually a non-governmental organization recognized by major countries.

One of the top forces.

There must be other comparable existence, even if it is not comparable to a lower existence.

"Sky arena is really a good place. Go and have a look at the situation at that time."

Loster agreed without much hesitation.

This is the first step in his real contact with the world.

However, before, it can be solved as soon as possible, and the seal will be solved as soon as possible.

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