Published at 6th of June 2024 06:29:44 AM

Chapter 165

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It doesn't matter to let the sloppy boss take over.

In front of him as like as two peas, he didn't believe that the boss could just drop it in front of him, unless the guy could take out another thing that was exactly the same.

Otherwise, it's impossible.

As for other ideas, he doesn't care much..

I don't care about his packing. His eyes have been attracted by the things in front of him.

Of the more than a dozen things, loster is interested in the three energetic things..

A shabby little machete that looks very old and has a sense of time.

Although it is short and shabby, it still looks very exquisite. We can see that it has been brilliant before..

Although it looks shabby now, it has become so after years of interference. After reaching the sloppy boss, this maintenance must be necessary.

The other two things, especially strange, are actually one thing, which is not too much..

Just two beads.

Similar to two eyes, it is put in a glass bottle by a sloppy boss.

From the outside, it is obvious that they are not human eyes. They are too big..

It should be similar to the eyes of some kind of animal..

Although it seems that it is enough to confuse the real with the false, in loster's perception, the two beads are definitely made of some kind of material.

Not real eyes..

"Boss, you have a good eye for this thing."

The sloppy boss's hands and feet are very fast. It doesn't take long to pack a ceramic ware when he puts the packed ceramic ware in front of Lotte.

Said to loster, who was still staring at the two strange eyes.

"What are these two eyes?"

Loster couldn't understand it. Naturally, he needed to ask the person who understood it. He felt that the energy of the ceramic ware had not been changed.

Although I turned my eyes to the sloppy boss.

These three things are the same and cannot be directly absorbed by the system.

If this energy can be absorbed, it will be absorbed by the system at such a close distance..

There must be something hidden in it that he should discover..

"Has the boss heard of the existence of dragons?"

The sloppy boss said with a mysterious smile.

As if to say something big..


Loster also has some doubts about this. Is dragon popular in this world?

"Yes, dragon, the legendary Warcraft."

"The dragon is not so popular in our side. Basically, I have only heard of it, but it is very popular in the countries in the East, and it has really appeared. This thing is that a carving master over there has directly carved the image of the dragon after seeing the dragon, and the two eyes are carved separately."

"It is said that as long as these two eyes are put into the body of the carved dragon, the carved dragon can live."

When the sloppy boss spoke, he was still mysterious, but when he saw Lotte's silence, he knew he couldn't frighten him.

I can only scold secretly in my heart, and then continue to say..

"Of course, I don't know whether the legend is true or false, but I've identified it. It was more than 100 years ago. It took me a lot of hands and feet to get it."

Although this thing is a bit exaggerated, it has a legendary color. The price of this thing is definitely not low.

When the sloppy boss talked about it, he was also proud. Obviously, he had great expectations for it.

After loster came here, there was the action of the sloppy boss.

The situation of the booth here also attracted a little onlookers..

But they were just onlookers. They didn't say much. The words of the sloppy boss were just heard as a story.

No one believes that it is possible to carve a living dragon with eyes.

And loster was very interested in it..

Even if he can't live, the energy on this thing is enough for him to find out what the situation is.

"Do you know where the carved dragon is?"

Looking at the beads, loster also knew that the dragon should not be too big, of course not small, within ten meters..

"It's not clear. Things more than a hundred years ago were either destroyed or collected by someone. Such things can't be found."

The sloppy boss heard that loster was interested..

As soon as his eyes lit up, he was also raising the force of this thing.

This is indeed something that can be met but not required, and customers can also be met but not required..

We must find people who are interested in this thing, or it will be of no use if we can't ask for it or eat it.

"Stop talking nonsense. If you don't know, make an offer and think it over."

When loster heard that he didn't know about the carving of the dragon, he was not much interested in the words of the sloppy boss.

He doesn't know how true or false such a person's words can be taken seriously..

Believe him.

When the sloppy boss heard this, he smiled and stretched out a finger..

"A million?"

Said loster jokingly.

Of course, he knew it was impossible. It was just bargaining and looking at the boss wanted to blow it.

If it's food, he won't feel heartache, but he can buy it back.

If it doesn't work, he's still a little awkward, although he's not short of money..

"A million is certainly impossible. 100 million, 100 million guineas. Take it if you are interested."

The sloppy boss was embarrassed when he heard loster's words, and his original complacency solidified..

It's just that people who should cooperate with him turn a blind eye.

This operation also caused people nearby to make fun of it. Most people can't see how it fell to the ground.

Only a few people are interested in things. Of course, they are interested in the so-called 100 million.

"100 million? You want to kill me as a fat sheep. "

Loster sniffed the speech and said with disdain that this value is obviously very water..

Just like before him, this guy has to cut in half at least..

He can even buy it at a price of one or two percent.

It can be seen from the words and situation of the sloppy boss.

"Well, I don't say much. The old rule is 50 million. With that knife, I'll take it."

Look at what the sloppy boss wants to say.

Rochester said impolitely in advance..

"What old rules? Where do I get such old rules? Boss, you cut half at once. Isn't it life-threatening? I also want a knife. You can sell it for a million anywhere. "

As soon as the sloppy boss heard this, the whole face changed directly. The whole face became lively and bitter. He was going to pretend to be poor and sell miserably, and said pitifully.

In fact, I already have an estimate in my heart. He will definitely make a lot of money if he sells it.

At that time, he spent five million on this thing. As for the knife, it was bought by tens of thousands of Jieni who didn't know anything..

Except for those who often mix with this flea market, it is normal to know this situation..

Everyone else was surprised.

Do you still have such an operation??

I'm planning whether to buy vegetables in the future..

In the future, no matter what you buy, others say 10000 will cut 5000, and say 100 will cut 50.

In fact, the current price has also attracted the attention of many people. Even if it is cut in half, it is also 50 million guineas.

This is not a small number..

At least for the people here, this 50 million guineas is not a small number.

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