Published at 6th of June 2024 06:29:35 AM

Chapter 171

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"There are many ways, but it needs to be determined according to different things. The most common ones, such as Nian animals, can be crushed by violence. Except for some special types, they can basically be broken up. Without sustenance, the mind will dissipate quickly."

"Those who read animals with physical forms are basically the same. If they are not artificially controlled, there is no way for those who read animals to supplement their will."

"Basically, you can only be solved with the help of the master. This seal has been intertwined with you. Of course, if you die, it will disappear."

"Or you are strong enough to kill your mind. In addition, I haven't found any other solution to your situation."

St. Cade explained it carefully.

Loster also knew that he could only go two of the three ways, either by others or by himself..

Like him, he is the physical form of mental will. He needs to be killed before he can end the seal.

And it's clear to me that loster can't kill himself..

He is not thinking about his own situation.

It's his collection..

The reason why he asked this was because of these collections.

According to St. Cade, all he had to do was smash the collection..

This energy should be absorbed.

Loster thought to himself, more and more likely..

In addition to reading, you don't have the ability to remove reading, but break it? It's OK..

"I know. Thank you, master Cade."

"If there's no problem, let's do it first. If there's any problem, call me."

St. Cade also felt that loster had an answer. He didn't say anything more. He was also very busy..

It's good to give him some time to explain.

Then they hung up..

And loster.

His eyes turned to the twenty-one collectibles..

It's not just how much money, it destroys a few facts.

Loster is also a man who does what he says..

In his attempt, the first ceramic purchased became the first victim..

With the sound of ceramic breaking, the ceramic has turned into pieces.

Loster could feel that the energy on the ceramic was gradually disappearing.

[recovered: energy value + 2546]

It didn't make him wait long.

Loster grinned, and sure enough, his guess was right..

This is also a way, that is, it costs a little money.

Since people's mental energy can be charged, the energy value of these collections must also be OK..

More than 2000 energy values, equivalent to more than 200000 satisfaction values, which is a lot..

This led Aaron and his men to open a shop. It would take many days.

[recovered: energy value + 5546]

[recovered: energy value + 54]

[recovered: energy value + 834]

[recovered: energy value + 646]

[recovered: energy value + 556]

[recovered: energy value + 16666]




With the strange sounds, loster became a violent maniac who destroyed his collection..

You also get a lot of energy..

Except for longan beads and Golden Buddha.

The other 19 things were all turned into defective products under loster's hands.

Under the great power of loster, even several hard things can't escape from loster's palm.

Although the dragon eye and the Golden Buddha have the most energy response, for the time being, he doesn't intend to destroy them directly..

Find out if there's anything special first.

If he hadn't destroyed it again, he wouldn't be in a hurry now..

The most energy value of a collection is 16666, which is higher than that of an energy value. The least is only dozens, a few are thousands, and most are hundreds.

Nineteen collectibles brought more than 30000 energy values to loster..

[energy value: 30254]

That is, the satisfaction value of more than three million seems to be much, but in fact it is not much, that is, the reading ability is only 3%..

However, this has made loster very satisfied. After all, it is an additional way to collect energy value.

Tens of millions for three million satisfaction value, this is definitely not a loss..

As long as he continued to search for things, he believed that he would soon be able to remove the seal.

"Kowtow, kowtow, sir, what can I do for you?"

Loster's series of operations in the room frightened the servants outside. The sound outside the door was a little nervous and trembling.

Worried about whether loster had an accident or a special situation, he decided to ask a servant to check the situation.

If there is any problem, call the police or call the police..

"Nothing. You're busy."

When loster heard the knock on the door, he knew that he had frightened the servants just now..

But it didn't explain anything,.

"Yes, sir."

The other end of the door was obviously relieved and left with an answer.

I walked very fast. I was obviously afraid that this crazy boss would get angry with her..

Loster didn't care.

His mind is now on his own system..

More than 30000 energy values plus more than 5 million satisfaction values, more than 8 million.

But that's not enough. More is needed.

According to his estimate, it will take at least 32 million yuan to raise his reading ability to the next level.

It's far from enough.

And even if you are promoted to the next level, you may not be able to break the seal..

Therefore, the task of collecting energy still has a long way to go.

In addition to the Golden Buddha and dragon eyes, he suddenly thought of the meat grinder at the warehouse.

And there's the Black Wolf Gang..

There must be a lot of collections.

Let them contribute directly, which will be much faster..

Heart is better than heart.

Before it gets dark, get ready first and act directly when it gets dark.

There is also the warehouse. I didn't care too much, but I just buried a few people in a hole..

But that means delaying the time of being discovered, which can't be concealed for long.

The black wolves either think they ran away, or they know they were killed..

As long as you look at the situation at the flea market, it's natural to know that they're after Lotte.

And just when loster wanted to start first.

"Jingling, jingling."

His cell phone rang.

Bisky? St. Cade? Cloud Valley?

Several names came to his mind and wondered if they had called..

"Hello, uncle Corey."

And the answer is very obvious, not the people he thinks..

It's Davis Corey. Go help him deal with the store today, Aaron's father..

"Loster, someone came to the store today. It's from the black tiger martial arts school."

Davis Corey's voice was very low, obviously looking for a secret place to call alone..

The voice is a little low and weak.

"What happened to you?"

On hearing this, loster knew that something must have happened..

I didn't expect that the people of black tiger martial arts school would come so soon.

And went downtown.

"Don't worry, we're fine. We're not hurt. They didn't do it. They just asked me to give you a message."

Uncle Corey has a bad attitude.

Clearly said to help him manage the store, but now he's in trouble without doing anything.

Although the trouble was found by loster himself, it was also a fact that he couldn't solve it, which made him a little embarrassed.

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