Published at 6th of June 2024 06:28:20 AM

Chapter 201

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Soon, loster understood the situation of this option.

The ability of this upper limit is that after Lotte chooses, he will not draw anything above this limit..

It won't happen again that you can't buy anything.

As for those within the quota, there will be a probability. Loster doesn't know how much this probability is..

It's all calculated by the system itself..

Loster looked at his remaining 20 million satisfaction value and finally chose 10 million satisfaction value.

In his opinion, 10 million satisfaction value, should be able to appear good things..

While loster was sure, the things he extracted had emerged in front of him. Finally, it was not an option.

Look at the void modeling panel in front of you..

The goal is a necklace.

Silver structure, which has many strange marks, is very difficult to forge..

There are also small crystals of unknown objects on the four sides. Although they are unidentified, this exquisite production seems to be telling others that this is not an ordinary thing, but the most conspicuous place..

In the middle of the necklace pendant is a heart-shaped gem, which is shiny and attractive.

Although it is very small, but this does not affect its precious..

[price: 5 million satisfactory value]

This price can be said to be very expensive, but it is obviously not an ordinary thing, with some special ability..

Loster looks directly at the information..

[holy angel's purification Necklace: This necklace is infected by the holy power all the year round. It can purify the negative factors on the carrier, and the effect is limited.]

Is this the emperor of Europe??

Loster looked at the objects in front of him and felt a little overwhelmed.

Although his reading ability was sealed before, he was not in a hurry. He believed that with systematic help, it would not take long to untie the reading seal.

But now this situation..

Obviously faster than he thought..

Originally, Rochester didn't think he could get something that could remove his seal at will.

This time, I have to say, it was really a burst of luck..

Without hesitation, loster chose to buy directly. Such things must be bought without thinking.

Anyway, it was the first thing he met that could be read apart..

Negative factors, should be able to remove his reading seal.

No matter what, Rochester wants to try. No matter what, with the function of this thing, he won't lose.

The satisfaction value of 5 million disappears in an instant..

Loster also has an item in his hand..

It's the purification Necklace just now..

This thing, in your hand, is more attractive than when you saw it in the virtual space before..

Especially around the necklace, it emits a faint white light, giving people a feeling of peace and harmony..

It makes people feel redeemed..

At the moment of getting something, he also got the way it was used.

What's special about this thing is his little heart. It's the most important thing..

As long as you wear this necklace, use your spiritual power to hook the divine power hidden in the necklace.

Can purify the negative factors on the carrier..

Including pain, illness, curse, seal, etc.

By the time he got the information, loster knew it was useful to him..

Even if it is something from other worlds, something like ability still has something in common.

Whether it's mental or divine.

As long as it is useful, it is a good ability..

Put the purification Necklace directly around your neck.

Then he can't wait to communicate the necklace..

Although today's battle was not very troublesome, it did make him suffer from his lack of reading ability..

If you have the ability to read, whether it's a crippled wolf or a greedy wolf.

They are all second kill goods. Although their reading ability is good, they have reached the Xiaocheng level, but in terms of physical quality and other aspects..

Nothing like loster.

Using the method given by the system, loster has hooked the purification Necklace very quickly..

At the moment of loster's use..

White light shines, appears and disappears in an instant.

The purification Necklace flashed, accompanied by white light gradually entering his body, and then the purification Necklace burst.

No mistake..


Look, delost was a little confused. The whole thing really exploded, leaving only some slag. It also made his chest a little painful.

And then there is warmth, warmth..

After the original white light entered his body, it quickly and clearly consumed the seal left by the Kula Haihua Nian beast..

[recovered: energy value + 12]

[recovered: energy value + 56]

[recovery completed: energy value + 6]

The system is fast, and bursts of prompt sound appear. It is very fast, once a second, two or three times a second..

There are many and few, from single digits to hundreds.


Time disappears minute by minute. In fact, it doesn't take long, that is, more than a minute..

Loster felt the white light disappear from his body.

And his seal..

Loster checked it. It's still there.


It has not been completely removed, but it is not completely useless..

This necklace..

It's valuable.

Loster felt the air flow of his clothes again..

Although there is not much time for the mind to be sealed, use this ability again.

Loster had a feeling of being separated from the world..

He now knows that the reason for the explosion of the purification necklace is that he failed to eliminate the thought and suffered a reverse bite.

Directly cracked..

It is conceivable that if a mindfulness teacher helps him with mindfulness, it may help him solve a small number of problems.

But this division will certainly suffer a great counterattack..

This is definitely not an impossible thing. If the necklace is directly exploded, it may also be exploded in addition to reading the teacher. Even if not, it will not be a very easy result.

Otherwise, St. Cade would not have been so afraid to refuse to help Lotte.

And surprisingly, another thing that surprised loster was.

He himself did not suffer any backlash.

It is not clear whether there will be no reverse phagocytosis or the reason for purifying the necklace..

This is something he can't understand for the time being. After all, he is not a professional addition teacher now, so loster doesn't have much trouble.

Ask a professional when you have time.

Now one thing he is sure of is that although his mental power has recovered a little, it has not fully recovered.

The power of purification seemed to open a hole in loster's reading seal..

Loster could even feel the wound healing, a little weird.

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