Published at 6th of June 2024 06:28:16 AM

Chapter 204

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[recovered: energy value + 13521]

After all the energy was absorbed, it was only more than ten seconds. After loster solved the driver, it was absorbed..

It feels that the person with reading ability will burst his head, and the absorption speed of the system is particularly fast..

It was solved in less than a minute..

"I'm a good man!"

Simple and calm words came out of Lotte's mouth..

No matter what the blood wolf's mood is now, he is in a good mood at this time anyway..

It has to be said that this guy in martial arts clothes is a good guy next to the blood wolf. There are thirteen thousand..

It's a little better than those ten thousand or something before..

However, in the face of loster who can already use his reading ability, he is also a second kill. There is no need to look for any weak points.

And in order to make sure he was killed with one shot, he directly used hard..

As long as the opponent does not use hard, if he takes a punch, he will not die or be seriously injured. His solution depends on his mental and physical quality.

He didn't use his mind for a few days, but it didn't make his body feel strange. Instead, he mobilized his mind faster.

It can be said that while waving his fist, he has gathered 100% of his mind. After attacking the target, he immediately cancelled the hard application.

The whole process is between one punch and no second.

Let your body return to entanglement again.

Fast switching state can reduce the risk of using hard. You know, when using hard, it can be said that you can transfer your mind to your right hand.

For other parts, it is very dangerous. If you recruit an attack or something, if you don't have any special means to defend, you may be killed at one stroke.

Therefore, for the circulation and application of this mind Qi, life is racing against time. As a mind power person, loster is very clear about it.

Loster is very happy at this time, not only because he can use mindfulness again, but also because he found out.

It may be that he has less mental energy, but his mental proficiency is relatively high.

At this time, his mind was transferred very quickly. It was moving at will and shifting in an instant.

Actually, I think so.

After all, he still has a lot of mental Qi sealed and can't be used. If he releases more than ten times of mental Qi, it is estimated that he will be a little more troublesome to mobilize than now.

But at that time, he estimated that even ordinary fists had this hard power.

If ordinary people who are proficient in level reading ability do not use practice or hard, they will punch one by one.

It's like hitting children.

Loster is in a good mood, but the blood wolf is in a bad mood.

good person???

When you hear what loster said, the blood wolf has the heart to kill. The good people in your family directly punch others in the head without saying anything??

The blood wolf's face was a little ugly, looked a little gloomy, and his eyes were staring at loster with fierce eyes.

But nothing was said, just as the other party was amusing himself.

After all, the situation at this time is very dangerous. It is so dangerous that he may lose his life if he slackens.

The blood wolf's breath reading performance is very good. At least he is very solid. The outbreak of practice makes his gas volume several times higher than that of ordinary entanglement.

His spirit surged, as if he were talking, telling others that he was very angry and was going to be angry at any time.

And in the next second.

Loster was speechless..

Looking at the blood wolf in front of him, he thought he wanted to attack..

The result was to escape..

This guy is obviously more insidious and careful than greedy wolves and disabled wolves. He doesn't even want to test his hand, so he directly chooses to run away.

Such people are very dangerous and can bear it.

But unfortunately, under the real strength, all this is useless..

Although the blood wolf pretended to be very similar and very true, all this was completely useless under the domineering color of seeing and hearing.

Before the blood wolf took action, loster had noticed it and had a reaction in an instant..

The speed of the blood wolf can be said to be very fast. It can be seen that he not only has a lot of energy, but also has good physical quality.

But it's a little worse than loster. The blood wolf's mental Qi should be compared with loster at this time, but this physical quality is much worse..

Many people with mental ability do have this situation. After discovering their mental ability, they put their mind on their mental ability and become completely indifferent to their own body.

Talent and energy are limited. Not everyone has plug-ins. This is a normal phenomenon..

The blood wolf's legs disappeared directly on the roof, leaving only a pit on the roof of the red car and left the road originally stopped because of the traffic lights.

We have reached a corner in an instant..

This speed is extremely amazing. Although it does not reach the limit that people can't detect, it also makes people feel overwhelmed.

After turning, the blood wolf was still proud. He thought he could escape with his martial arts and speed, but it was a pity.

But unfortunately, the blood wolf's speed is fast, and loster's speed is faster..

Loster obviously won't give him a chance to escape..

With the six moves and his physical quality surpassing that of ordinary martial Taoists, he had caught up with the blood wolf in less than two seconds.

Came less than a step behind him.

Finger gun..

In terms of round attack speed, the finger gun can be said to be the fastest attack speed ability that loster has mastered.

Of course, this attack method is a little single and easy to see through, especially in the face of more powerful martial Taoists.

It's very easy to avoid, but at this time, the use of finger guns is the fastest and most useful..

When attacked, are you avoiding? Or not hiding?

I felt a burst of breaking sound, and the blood wolf reacted instantly..

The blood wolf's reaction was good. He quickly shifted his body method, changed his direction and directly avoided the attack of loster.

Let loster's finger go straight into a steel pipe on the side of the road.

But it also made the blood wolf have to slow down and stop..

"Where do you want to go?"

Seeing that the blood wolf wanted to continue running, loster directly pulled out his finger and stopped him..

His mind surged, ready to mobilize to deal with various situations, talking in his mouth, trying to add pressure to him.

The blood wolf looked at the loster who stopped him and swallowed his saliva. The fighting pressure was very great..

When I saw his fist just now, I also knew that he might kill the residual wolf and greedy wolf. The blood wolf had no desire to fight at all..

Originally, his character was a bit sinister and cunning. Can't he run even though he can't fight??

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