Published at 6th of June 2024 06:28:12 AM

Chapter 206

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"Ah ah."

At the moment of being caught by loster, the blood wolf still wanted to struggle and resist, but his attack seemed weak in the face of loster's strong defense..

He also hit loster with his head, but such an attack can only make him eat the consequences himself.

He hit himself dizzy. Loster didn't do anything at all..

At this time, in terms of defense, Los te's body is definitely harder than steel, not to mention practice. Where is it so easy to be broken..

The six moves do not need face. Anyway, they are the top martial arts in another world. Although they are not necessarily the peak, they are not comparable to casual martial arts.

With the contraction of loster's arm, the whole person of the blood wolf twisted and trembled quickly, and struggled. His mouth was also howling and screaming. His original body became full of blood because of the use of reading ability..

It gives people a feeling that the blood is exposed on the skin, but now, with the forced extrusion of loster.

This is no longer a feeling. His body has begun to show blood from all kinds of places, all of which have been stained on loster..

His original mental Qi may be due to the pain of being squeezed, which can't be maintained.

"Be good and get rid of it early, won't you? This is the greedy wolf's move. How about killing you with his move. "

Feeling that the blood wolf who was about to be killed stabilized his practice again, loster frowned and continued to add pressure to him.

I didn't intend to give him a chance to say anything. I just hit him on the head with a head hammer..

Not to mention the armed color, not armed color domineering, the six style iron block plus the blessing of practice, any head hammer is not acceptable to the blood wolf at this time..

There is too much difference in physical quality and martial arts. According to the situation of blood wolf, you can compare with him at this time.

Quantity can be compared, but quality can't..

"Leave me alone, please."

In the face of Lotte's head hammer, the blood wolf couldn't stand it at once. The strong squeeze made him more miserable. Although he was seriously injured and looked like dying, he was still groaning for mercy because of his desire to survive.

Looking at the miserable appearance of the blood wolf, loster smiled a little and didn't care that his head was stained with a little blood wolf's blood, and his clothes were covered with the blood just vomited by the blood wolf..

It is at this time that loster always has a very happy feeling.

"If I let you go, who will let me go!! Isn't that what you just did? One more time? "

Loster narrowed his eyes slightly and smiled as if he were a sunny boy..

Although Los te's expression was very kind and gentle at this time, his eyes never changed, blooming with killing intention, staring at the blood wolf with cruelty, and the corners of his mouth tilted slightly, as if he were looking at something interesting.

"Let go, let go, let me go, I have money."

At this time, the blood wolf can only barely open his eyes. The pain caused by his muscles and bones can be said to be the smallest crisis. His real crisis is the internal organs..

He can clearly feel that his internal organs have been cracked and damaged, and have been squeezed and bled directly. Although he doesn't know the specific situation, it is obvious that he has entered a very dangerous state..

Visceral bleeding, if not treated, most people must be dead.

Loster's words frightened him directly. He was dizzy when he was smashed once. Now he can't even control his anger, but he is barely conscious. Once again, he is estimated to have been smashed to death..

"What a coincidence. I have money, too."

Loster smelled the speech and looked like he didn't know what he was talking about. He took a deep breath, and his arms rose again. He didn't stop until he sandwiched the blood wolf into meat patties..

Then no matter what he said, he hit the blood wolf's head again with a head hammer.

It makes him physically powerless, unconscious and unable to do anything..

The whole person is like a dead fish hanging on loster.

Just unconscious??

Loster determined the state of the blood wolf. Although his breathing was weak, he did have breathing. Ordinary people were injured like this. It is estimated that they will die directly..

The vitality that this reading ability brings to those who read ability is really not covered.

With his attack, this strength is not weak at all, so the attack of two cars did not die..

But without much thought, he threw the blood wolf to the ground and watched his blood flow all over the ground around him.

As soon as loster stretched out his foot, he gave him a direct result. He mended his knife and burst his head. There is no doubt that he will die..

The reason why he likes to blow his head, except that it is the performance that can best reflect the state of death, is because loster found that as long as he blows the head of the person with reading ability.

You will soon be able to absorb energy..

With the fall of loster's foot, the blood became more and more, while the blood wolf didn't move at all. The difference between the body and the previous one was a corpse with a head..

It's a headless body, that's all.

I'll never see his pathetic face again..

After eliminating the blood wolf, loster didn't leave directly.

This action was very easy. He didn't receive any injuries. Simply, it was much easier than when he didn't have the ability to read before..

The wasted time is basically chasing the blood wolf. In fact, it doesn't take much time...

However, the clothes are troublesome again. They are stained with the blood of a lot of blood wolves. The blood wolves really deserve the name. They will stick to your blood when they die..

At this time, many people have been watching around. These people are really not afraid of death..

Only when loster glanced at the past did they secretly avoid their sight, or the whole person pretended to be passing away.

But when loster looked back, he continued to look at the situation here..

Being surrounded by people, loster didn't say anything more. He just didn't want to run over without brains to join the fun.

Wait a few seconds..

The energy absorbed by the explosion head will be faster.

The energy he wants has been recovered..

[recovered: energy value + 22546]

This energy value is indeed a little less than that of the remnant wolf and the greedy wolf, but at this time, there is nothing less than Los.

All for his contribution.

He didn't care if his feet were stained with blood. Stepping on all the blood footprints, loster left directly next to the blood wolf's body.

Black Wolf Gang, there are only two high-level and four people who read ability..

Originally, there were nearly 20 people with reading ability, and there were six left.

It's really sinful. Although the number of six capable people is quite a lot, it's nothing for loster..

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