Published at 6th of June 2024 06:27:18 AM

Chapter 220

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Gun warehouse, drug warehouse, gold jewelry, antique collection..

Loster was an eye opener..

Cunning rabbit three grottoes, that's really good..

The Black Wolf Gang is no longer the third cellar.

He found seven or eight places..

When he arrived, people in some places had disappeared. I don't know if he heard the news and ran away? I was transferred to the manor by the black wolf before.

But none of this will affect him.

As long as the things are still there.

Because the gun has a storage ring, he left something casually. After all, it is sometimes useful.

After this battle, he also knew something..

For him, there is indeed a lack of long-range attacks.

Drugs, no interest, are of no use to him. Burn them all..

Gold jewelry, in fact, has no interest, but it's also put away. After all, it's all money. I also found some good gemstones. It should be better to bribe than Siji at that time..

These antique collections do not need to be said, but they are treated in the same way.

Those with energy value will be directly destroyed and absorbed, and those without energy value will be directly entered into the storage ring..

It may be true at this time, except for getting rich overnight..

There are no other words to describe loster. It's not just wealth. These are external things.

[energy value: 238665]

Tonight's harvest is impressive, but this is the biggest harvest..

More than 200000 energy values.

With so much harvest, loster didn't feel so uncomfortable in his ragged clothes with blood stains.

With so many satisfaction values, maybe he can solve the problem of reading the seal at one time..

The nine eyes are useless for the time being. Let them go directly.

He has decided how to deal with the matter of black tiger martial arts school..

We'll have to wait until tomorrow.

Loster finally decided and worked all night. Now it's more than 1:00 in the middle of the night.

Even his extraordinary body does feel tired..

In the cottage that Lotte bought.

Aaron's family didn't stay here. They just stayed here for one night. Now, it should be in Yungu.

There was only one day in the villa that I didn't see the servant of the owner's house, and I haven't rested yet..

Perhaps in their view, loster is also a strange master..

I bought a villa and didn't see many people all day. I didn't know what I was doing most of the time.

However, they are very clear about their identity positioning and don't say much..

Even if loster returned to the villa in rags, he just quickly prepared his clothes and checked the medicine box for loster..

"I'm fine. You can have a rest."

After tying clothes, he directly refused other inspections..

For his own body, loster is still very clear that he has not received any injuries..

Even if something happens to his body, these servants can't check it out.

"Yes, master, if you need anything, just tell me."

After confirming that it was not the wound on loster, several servants said a respectful word directly to him and left for the room.

They are all professional servants..

Having a master is actually no different from selling, that is, it is better than real selling.

After professional training, they know what to ask about and what not to ask..

Just do your part.

"Hoo, sure enough, it's most comfortable to take a hot bath after exercise."

In the bathroom, Rost stood under the shower head, his whole body had been washed clean..

Only those dark lines can't be washed away..

With his eyes closed and his palms propped against the wall, he felt the mental power of his body.

He is hesitating now..

It is to directly use more than 200000 energy values to improve reading ability and try to break through the reading seal.

Or is it directly used to extract capabilities..

With so many energy values, maybe you can find something that can break the read seal..


Let the water flow all over the body, the killing in one night seems to have been cured.

Finally, he decided to use this energy value to improve his reading ability..

In any case, his reading ability needs to be improved, even if he uses other methods to break the reading seal.

This does not mean that his mental ability will not improve in the future..

So now the most cost-effective and stable is this.

[satisfaction value: 24366481]

The satisfaction value of more than 24 million is enough to improve the reading ability to Dacheng..

According to his idea, it is possible to untie the seal..

At the time of decision, loster didn't continue to struggle. He directly exchanged satisfaction value and chose to improve his reading ability. He didn't even give himself time to repent..

Reading ability (minor achievement) 86%.






Watching his reading ability and proficiency gradually improve, loster also felt his body change..

It's really getting more and more..

The quantity and quality of this mental Qi really began to rise completely. Correspondingly, the improvement of mental ability also drove his body.

His physical quality has also increased by 3%. Now, with the gradual improvement of his physical quality, his physical impurities are less and less at this time.

There is no smell all over the body..

With the small achievement of reading ability, it becomes a big achievement of 0.1%.

Loster clearly felt the changes in his body's seminal foramen..

It's as comfortable as the warm sun. Such a huge amount of reading capacity is something he never had before. If you want to find someone to compare..

He should have been a full member of the Sheba and phantom brigade by now.

Dacheng, although his proficiency is certainly not as high as theirs, he is really close to them and faces them again.

Loster will never be as confident as before..

If the seal can be untied.

A satisfactory value of 14 million was spent.

At this time, the reading seal on loster was very weak, and there was even a feeling of breaking with a poke.

But this thing is still very complete, not completely disappeared..

The original small leakage hole has completely changed. Before, it was like a hole in the reservoir, only a little water leaked out..

Now it has become a dangerous project, and a large number of ideas leak out.

Although we haven't completely solved the reading seal, it's almost the same.

Glanced at the remaining more than 10 million satisfaction value..

Loster didn't hesitate.

Directly choose to continue to improve.

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