Published at 6th of June 2024 06:26:54 AM

Chapter 234

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"Do you want to influence me, too?"

When the last few words came out, the breath on loster was still fully displayed, and his whole mind had been revealed, with his malice and killing intention..

It was like a howling ghost standing in front of them.

The onlookers hundreds of meters away couldn't stand it, not to mention the reading ability group of the police department so close to Los Angeles..

Although they wear a lot of clothes, the weather is not cold at this time. In addition, they are all capable people, and they won't feel cold even in ice and snow..

But at this time, including asno himself, he couldn't help feeling it.

A shivering feeling, could not help but also hit a thrill..

The surrounding team members stand upright, and all their thoughts are involuntarily released. This is the most primitive instinct of a person with reading ability..

But he had no intention of attacking at all, as if he were just trying to save his life.

Asno, too, stared at loster with vigilance, and he remembered the sign of intelligence and vigilance for loster..

It's enough to crush them just by virtue of this, regardless of their ability.

And the eyes that don't care about life, as if they don't care about other lives, with a sense of contempt, people don't want to get close at all..

"Calm down, we don't mean that."

Asno hesitated and responded directly in a moment..

He even doubted that if he didn't say anything, he wouldn't care about directly attacking them.

"Oh, really?"

Loster heard the speech and said frankly..

The momentum of the whole body dissipated, elegant as the wind, and there was no sense of evil spirit before.

That fresh and tender face with a kind smile makes people see a bit of sunshine. It's hard to imagine his changes before.

When asno wanted to say something, loster's expression returned to expressionless..

He spoke firmly, as if he were talking to asno or talking to himself..

"I don't want to find any trouble, but revenge is inevitable. No matter who it is, as long as it provokes me, no matter how small the hatred is, as long as it is remembered by me, it must pay a price."

"It can't be changed because of you! Dead people are the easiest solution! "

At this time, loster seems a little abnormal.

Everyone present can see that there is an extreme self desire..

Completely in front of asno.

Loster doesn't mean to hide. If this sky arena wants to do anything, just come..

The premise is that they are really ready and ready to be retaliated..

If the people in the sky arena plan to send someone to die, of course he doesn't mind. They charge more energy. In his opinion, those with these abilities.

But one by one the walking pills..

While talking, he glanced at everyone and swallowed his saliva silently.

After saying this, asno forgot what he wanted to say just now..

After such a short conversation, asno probably could see what kind of person loster was..

Just now, the desire of loster was still with a trace of unknown eyes, which made asno couldn't help but be another inspiration. The others trembled with the same in the eyes of loster.

They felt that another unknown cold in their bodies affected them..

Asno is very troublesome at this time.

Although the intelligence analysts had recorded some analysis when they got his information before.

But this guy, he felt it just now..

The mental state of loster is more strange than the intelligence in the analysis. Should it really be called meteor street?

The whole staff of meteor street can be said to be such mentally abnormal guys. After all, they live in such a place.

Thinking of meteor street, asno's eyebrows wrinkled again, which is also a trouble..

And the orders from the top. It's really difficult..

"If it's difficult, just get out of the way. Now even if I'm willing to leave, others don't want me to leave."

Looking at the change of asno's expression in front of him, loster made a sound without paying attention. He had felt it..

The approach of the strong mind..

Nine times out of ten is a black tiger..

Six, just right.


Suddenly hearing what loster said, asno was still a little unclear about the situation..

But soon he knew..

Both he and his team members have seen the fierce scene..

The three cars came close to this side quickly.

It can even be said that they don't care about the onlookers around, but just press the horn to let the passers-by avoid themselves.

I didn't care that there was no one on the road, so I forced my way through..


"That's how you protect ordinary people?"

Loster looked at the situation in front of him, hehe smiled, and looked at asno with some pleasure.

These guys, that's it, like to talk openly..

Obviously, even for these ordinary people, they don't care too much.

For them, as long as nothing happens, it's good. As long as it's not found, it doesn't happen..

"Damn it."

Asno's face was a little gloomy and his mouth twitched when he was teased by loster for the first time. The unscrupulous appearance of these cars was just hitting him in the face..

And he already knew who the owners of these cars were..

It's clear when you get close..

With these three black business cars coming to us.

Several people got out of the car, which also proved his guess..

Black tiger.

The black tiger is tall and strong. Besides, it has no obvious characteristics..

And standing next to him, there was another man..

Unexpectedly, she is still a woman. She is petite, thin and weak, like a teenage girl. Her face is also very beautiful and tender, but her clothes are exposed, which is very bad..

In addition to her dress, she exudes a mature smell, which makes Lotte think she should not be a little girl.

The last deputy curator of the black tiger museum is called the foam curator, actually in the sky fighting arena.

Someone else's title.

As for her ability, it's similar to his name. This name is based on her ability..

Release the ability to remember: Dream bubble.

[ability application: it can make bubbles of various colors. Different colors will have different effects when attacking the enemy. Red is a bomb, white can make people hallucinate, purple can produce electric shock, in addition to the slow effect, weak effect, etc.]

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