Published at 6th of June 2024 06:26:12 AM

Chapter 251

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"Well, then let's talk about another thing. You don't have to think about it. Then let's get down to business!"

Little Laurie's face was pale and her body was upright, and she shook her golden ponytail.

Looking at the way loster was thinking before, I knew what he was thinking.

"You're sick! Right? "

The words that he said later were unexpected!!


"Ah?" Ross thought he heard wrong?

A confused voice..

Did you come here to scold him?

Originally, he was listening attentively and thought that bisji came because of something important, but this....

He really didn't think of it at all.

"It means literally, not swearing! It means you're sick! Really? "

Simply and decisively, when he heard loster's doubts, bisji repeated and explained..

"There should be no problem with my body. It's impossible even if I'm still poisoned!"

It really doesn't seem like a joke to look at bisji's serious look.

Loster meditated and felt his physical condition. It didn't seem to be sick at all.

It's strong enough to kill a cow!


"It's not your physical problem, it's your mental problem!"

Looking at loster's wishful thinking and misunderstandings, bisji had to make it completely clear.

When talking, he also stretched out his left hand, waved it, and then pointed to his head..

"Don't you think?"

Are you saying he's crazy

It's so clear that loster can't be clear..

That's exactly what it means to say he's crazy..

"I think I'm normal!"

Of course, it was one thing, but loster didn't think he was ill at all..

This is really completely unexpected..

"Your current situation is very extreme. You feel like a victim delusion, and it is already very dangerous. A situation like you will break out as soon as you are stimulated!!"

"Now, according to your situation, you should still have reason and know what to do, but if you continue to aggravate it."

"What do you think will happen at that time?"

She also paid close attention to the situation of loster for a long time and paid special attention to it..

After all, she is also half of her apprentice. Bisji is still very concerned. She doesn't want to teach a murderer or something by herself.

Although according to the current situation, it is a bit like..

"I should be a little extreme, but it shouldn't be psychosis, and I shouldn't have murdered paranoia!"

And loster listened to bisgi.

He doesn't want to be labeled as a neuropathy, even if it's just a so-called victim delusion..

He shook his head and apologized..

He is also thinking about his current situation.

There must be a reason why bisghie said this.

"Hoo, although I don't know what you've experienced before, it's really dangerous according to your current situation, especially your strength has been soaring. According to your current mentality, one day you will become a machine dominated by power!"

"And I've felt your malice."

Bisky took a deep breath and said, holding his chest in his hands and looking at loster..

A posture of readiness.

This made loster frown directly. Was he really malicious just now??

What do you think besgie is a threat to him?

"You are afraid of me and think I am dangerous. This is something you have had before, especially when we first met. You are still weak and we are completely unfamiliar."

"At that time, you always wanted to avoid me, which is normal."

Looking at loster without making a sound, as if he were thinking about something, bisghie continued.

"But now, you still have this mentality, and it's getting more and more serious. As long as you think it's a threat to you, you want to destroy it. Especially when I said these words just now, you think I saw through your mind. Your malice is very obvious."

"You think I'll threaten you? What's the plot against you? "

Looking at bisji in front of him, his tone was firm, as if he really saw through his mind..

Loster was also thinking..

Are you really like this

In fact, he didn't understand it, but he knew one thing very well. Although the idea of killing bisji was hidden very deeply, he did.

Especially when he was completely seen through.

Although unwilling to admit, even if it has been pretending..

But all along, bisji seemed to him like a tool, a tool he didn't want to touch and had to touch.

A valuable and somewhat dangerous tool..

Not his so-called feeling friends, even if he has always let himself think so, but at least according to his heart, this has always been the case.

When he first met bisghie, he had the idea of contacting the original characters..

After contacting bisji, he felt that she was a living person, and let him know her senses, not just tools..

But it is absolutely not the existence of sincere treatment and complete trust..

Even asking her to help is cautious..

"I don't know."

Looking at bisghie, who was staring at him, loster finally chose to say these words..

It's impossible for him to say what he really thinks.

"I don't know? You should know what you think!! So you're going to go on? Do you think your mental state is OK? And it's going in a more serious direction? "

Bisghie was not surprised by the choice of words that loster avoided..

This is normal.

"Hoo, is that why you came here?"

After taking a deep breath, Rochester calmed down quickly..

"Yes, I've seen that you have this situation before, but I'm not sure. So when I told you to come here, I already told Yungu to observe you."

"And what you did here was entirely within my expectation."

Seeing that loster calmed down quickly, bisji was a little relieved and continued.

"Your current mental state is like a bomb. It will explode at the touch of a touch, and this situation will become more and more obvious with your strength."

"Just like if you met me before, if you think I'm dangerous to you, you may feel that you can't fight and give up. Now you should also think about killing me, even my relatives and friends!"

After bisghie had finished, loster suddenly smiled and breathed a sigh of relief, as if he had relaxed his vigilance..

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