Published at 6th of June 2024 06:26:05 AM

Chapter 256

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Police capable team??

I saw a third team in the morning, and now there is a second team. Do you want to work with him?

Is someone coming to pick on me again?

I feel that the world is very unfriendly to him!

Loster can say that he began to be unfriendly to the so-called management..

"Came to me?"

Loster smiled in a very amiable tone..

He didn't make any special response because of his arrival.

Although he was dissatisfied, he didn't show everything..

This behavior of loster also relieved bisji nearby. The people of the police department, that is, the people from the management of the sky arena..

This is obviously what the management has done.

The whole person is vigilant. She is not only worried about what namisik will do, but also vigilant about loster. At this time, she is worried that loster will act directly if he disagrees and want to kill him..

If you really do something like that, it must be very troublesome.

As far as loster is concerned, he must run again.

"Yes, according to our investigation, there are several cases related to you. The Black Wolf Gang yesterday and the black tiger martial arts school this morning, so I want you to come with us."

Misick said bluntly, his eyes also on loster, and did not pay attention to others.

While misick was talking, another man came in outside the box.

Still an acquaintance, asno..

In addition to them, I can clearly feel that there are other people outside, and there are not many people, but because of the reason of the box, there is no full entry.

However, it just surrounds the box and intends to enter here at any time..

He glanced at them casually and looked at Aaron and his family behind him.

Looking at the way they looked at this side carefully, Rochester felt a little pity for them..

I feel like a terrible disaster. Wherever I go, it will bring trouble.

The situation at the scene also made bisji discover the change of loster. Although he didn't know what loster was thinking, it was obviously not a good thing from his appearance. He couldn't help shouting..



Is that a reminder?

Worried that he'll just kill these guys??

In an instant, loster knew what bisghie meant, but he just answered and didn't see her at all..

It's like I can't hear her.

He won't answer others casually. It's always up to him..

As long as he thinks he needs to get rid of the guy, he will kill him. No one can stop him.

"What happened to the Black Wolf Gang and the black tiger martial arts school? Can someone know better than you?"

With an expressionless face and calm eyes, loster turned to look at the so-called capable leader of the second team and the third team.

There's nothing to say about the Black Wolf Gang and black tiger martial arts school. He doesn't mean to hide his whereabouts at all. You can find out that he moved his hand by checking it casually..

It was originally intended to make other underworld forces here honest and don't provoke him.

Looking at the situation now, it's the management who can't sit still first..

Now, either the people in the management are connected with the black tiger martial arts school or the Black Wolf Gang, or loster did something to provoke them.

"Of course, that's why we came to you. After all, the intelligence and clues point to you!!"

Misick still smiled so kindly and looked like a business man..

"Oh, well, do you know what the black tiger martial arts school and the Black Wolf Gang are like?"

"Whatever this is, it has nothing to do with you, doesn't it?"

"Maybe, if it didn't provoke me!"

"If there are criminals, our people will deal with them, while other people who break the rules are criminals. Don't you know this truth?"

Misick's words reveal the unspoken rules of reality.

It also warns people not to mess around in this place and break the rules.

"What would I do if I did the things of the Black Wolf Gang and the black tiger martial arts school? Fine? Pay for your life? "

Ask and answer, answer and ask..

At this time, loster seemed to be a problem machine without emotion.

As long as misick gives an answer, he continues to ask a question..

"This is hundreds of human lives. How can we solve it with a fine? It's a terrible crime to ignore human lives."

Misick still smiled so kindly.

But the words do reveal the meaning of bad..

"Of course, you can rest assured that the people in our police department will not mess around. What you do is what you do. If it's not what you do, it's not you. We won't wrong a good man, of course."

"We won't let a bad man go."

At this time, misick is really like a just and awe inspiring police officer..

If there were not so many gangsters in the sky arena, all kinds of things could happen. He really believed him.

Asno didn't say a word. He knew the management's plan for a long time. In the afternoon, he had been pulled to the meeting..

Now all this is mainly misic. Anyway, he doesn't have to say anything, just work hard..

And his eyes didn't leave from Lotte for a moment, and he kept warning Lotte all the time.

In the morning, the black tiger martial arts school exterminated him, but he was present and knew the combat effectiveness of loster..

This is an extremely dangerous terrorist.

I have to make him careful..

Originally, he was not interested in this Los te at all. After all, there are indeed many black forces here. There is no change in another unclear Los te.

But when the management ordered it, he had to deal with it.

After all, he really depends on the management to survive..

We can only cooperate honestly and say nothing.

But now he was very honest, sitting in his chair, and didn't show any intention to resist..

However, in asno's view, this situation is abnormal, although there is little contact.

But asno is quite sure that this guy is definitely not someone who gives up the struggle honestly. Besides, he is obviously going to kill him now..

"Hoo, that's it. I said it earlier. I thought so much before it hurt me."

After hearing the speech, loster didn't care about the line of sight behind him. He smiled and said to misick, who also had a harmonious smile in front of him.

Up to now, there is no need to think too much. Once he dies, since he doesn't want to die, he has to kill others.

And these words have no beginning or end, which makes misick and him a little unclear.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!