Published at 6th of June 2024 06:25:50 AM

Chapter 267

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Soon loster looked away from Barr.

Transfer to Bafang and take a look at Bafang in your hand. Unfortunately, under the condition of using ability, you can't put it into the storage space, otherwise the ability will fail..

It's not that he dislikes Bafang or anything.

I want to put it away for other reasons..

The most important thing is that he can't use it.

Even these eight rooms are extremely sharp..

It's of little use. You don't know Sabre and sword skills at all.

This affected him a little..

However, loster just thought that other people would like to take this weapon with supernatural ability with them.

[the man has been killed, the energy value has been absorbed, and the puppet is ready.]

Loster thought for a moment to make sure there was nothing missing..

"Then it's time for a good fight."

Thinking that he had another enemy, he directly found an elevator and acted downstairs. As for Barr, he let him act by himself. Anyway, he just gathered downstairs.

The main entrance of the seymeria hotel..

Upstairs, the atmosphere was not so obvious.

After coming downstairs, you can feel the gap between the two..

Although the hotel is still so richly decorated and resplendent.

The empty hall was somewhat desolate.

Even at the door, there are no people, or, it should be said, no ordinary people..

Some have only one armed policeman.

Welcome to loster..

"Ordinary people?"

At a glance, he saw more than a dozen ordinary police officers blocking the door, and loster had this idea..

These guys are so confident. Can you think that only those 30 capable people can solve him?

"Stop and raise your hands."

In fact, this is also a misunderstanding of loster. The dozen police officers are here just to check the customers who run down..

Determine if it's their goal.

As soon as loster appeared, it naturally attracted their attention at the first time.

One by one, they raised their pistols and pointed them at him..

It's really easy to distinguish. Not to mention loster's face, they have seen the photos for a long time, and loster's clothes have long been stained with a lot of blood.

Tomorrow is the kind of person who has a lot of problems..

"Just want to die?"

Looking at these guys, they are still holding guns at themselves.

Loster's mouth curled up with some sarcasm..

This kind of small pistol, with his current physical quality, even if he doesn't do anything, it will break a layer of skin at most.

"Don't move, put your hands up, or we'll shoot."

For these police officers, they have limited information. They only know that they are here to arrest the murderers this time.

We have also mobilized many members of the elite force's ability reading team.

I thought there was nothing for them, but now I see people coming, sweating profusely. Even if it is not cold at this time, they feel a cold wind blowing one by one.

He shouted angrily, but no one dared to shoot. Holding guns only made them feel safe.

"Shoot and die. Just stay with me."

He doesn't care about their actions. Up to now, he doesn't care about these guys who don't threaten him.

Unless these guys want to die by themselves, anyway, as long as they dare to shoot, there's no need to say more. No matter who you are, die first..

The overbearing and unreasonable words were spit out from the mouth of loster with a disdainful smile, and the whole person's pace didn't mean to stop at all.

Just glanced at it and walked through a dozen police officers..

And these police officers, one by one, pointed at the front with guns, even if loster passed through them, there was no movement.

Just shivering, pointing to the air in front of me.

Everyone's breath is completely different. Some people look honest and easy to bully, some are overbearing and unreasonable, and some have a leadership style from the beginning..

Like these ordinary police officers who often need to look at others' eyes, they naturally don't need to say more about their ability to observe words and expressions.

Not to mention that they had heard that loster was a vicious gangster before, even if they saw loster just now, they really didn't have the courage to shoot..

Although loster was very insipid, it didn't matter, but the breath released was more terrible than they had seen before.

So a dozen little police officers were completely deterred by his spirit. At this time, loster didn't use domineering or anything..

This feeling is like a person's face and the skin of a tree. You don't need to check it to let people know the current situation.

If you get the domineering smell of overlord, you feel like a murderer and haunted by grievances..

Now, as long as he shows his spirit, he can feel the momentum of a king and a tyrant.

Unreasonable, a word does not agree to kill, the emperor's anger, a river of blood..

No one dares to do it, which is also the fact that their number is relatively small. If the number is relatively large, maybe they can suppress the spirit shown by loster.

Maybe you have the courage to shoot back or something.

Of course, there is only one result..


Hesitation will defeat, and determination will be in vain.

They will be honored by this timidity.

Rochester is not the kind of good man who makes them live by being shot with a gun and laughing..

"Plop ~ ~"

Without paying any attention to the sound of someone falling behind, loster looked ahead.

Looking at the layout in front of us, dozens of cars surrounded us, and hundreds of police officers, armed with various guns, were facing the front door of the hotel.

These are nothing at all. They are not what loster is most interested in..



Is there a helicopter in Hunter world?

Looking at the two unknown tanks and metal war weapons mixed in the police car, it shows its ferocity. The two muzzle are facing the main gate in the direction of loster..

There was also the sound of a snoring helicopter in mid air.

There are several heavy machine guns on the helicopter, which is obviously not an ordinary helicopter..

"What's going on? How did those guys check out? Isn't this guy the target? "

"All attention, find the target."

"Alert, wait for orders, attack at any time."

Loster saw them. These people in the police department, whether capable or ordinary people, also saw loster.

They thought they were just ordinary people as before..

Unexpectedly, they came out this time, but it was still their target.

"Shoot, shoot, you're welcome, attack directly, come on."

Every minute counts. Before loster appeared for a few seconds, Chilong issued an order directly.

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