Published at 6th of June 2024 06:24:34 AM

Chapter 308

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In the small backyard Hall of Liusheng martial arts school, Liusheng's angry voice echoed.

However, no one replied to him. These people of other martial arts schools had discussed before and had planned what to say..

But at this time, no one spoke.

The reason..

Needless to say, it's the Liusheng five guard gate that they had been worried about before.

Actually appeared here.

This Liusheng five guard gate can be said to be the psychological shadow of many people present..

"Well, you're also here because of nallust?"

After seeing these people from other martial arts schools, Liu Sheng made a noise for the first time. Before that, he had been looking at their expression changes..

Even if he didn't need them to say anything, he had guessed what they were doing just because they were like this.

Liu Sheng's momentum at this time was already restrained. When he saw these people in the backyard hall, his momentum began to converge..

When he spoke, apart from his posture of holding a long knife, he didn't look like a normal old man. In fact, his breath was not much different from that of an ordinary old man.

Such an old man, however, directly suppressed the whole audience. No one dared to say anything, including Liu Shengyi. After Liu Shengwu opened his mouth, he dared not interrupt..

As for the people of other martial arts schools opposite.

"Master Liu Sheng, you really expect things like a God. We didn't say anything. You know."

Among dozens of people, one representative was finally selected to speak and flatter Liu Sheng at the five guard gate..

"The matter will be solved soon."

The plain and faint voice, but with undoubted power, no one dares to refute anything.

At this time, it was a special session for Liu Sheng's five guards..

"If the master of Liusheng hall makes a move, we can rest assured."

"The strength of Liu Sheng's Hall owner is like this in the Sky Sports City, but no one knows ~"

Facing Liu Sheng's five guards gate, the people in other martial arts schools seemed to be withered and didn't dare to say anything more.

Even if I still feel that Liu Sheng's strength may be lower than before because of his old age, but I don't dare to test anything.

Maybe it's unnecessary, maybe it's because of fear..

Only the parties know what's going on!!

"If you have no other opinions, you can do whatever you should do!!"

In the face of these dispensable people, Liu Sheng's five guard gate also holds an indifferent attitude.

At this time, he had no mind to talk nonsense with these people..

His heart was on the side of loster, and he looked forward to when loster would come.

Smell speech, the people of other martial arts schools present also obviously know the meaning of Liusheng five guards gate. Even if their strength is poor, they can see the state of Liusheng five guards gate at this time..

"Then we'll leave first."

"Then we won't bother Liu Sheng."

I didn't say anything more, but I didn't need to say anything at this time. Originally, these people from other martial arts schools came here to force Liu Sheng Yitai to let Liu Sheng's five guards fight..

After all, they got the news. Just now, a large group of capable people in Liusheng martial arts school were destroyed.

Although this made them a little gloating, it also shocked them a little.

I had to find Liu Shengyi..

Although things are a little different from what they think, it is a great goal.

A large group of people left the hall quickly, one by one, as if something was chasing them behind, afraid of being left behind..


have dined and wined to satiety.

It's time to kill.

The last big boss.

Facing the big boss, we certainly need to be more serious.

Even if it didn't affect his combat effectiveness, loster took it very seriously, filled his stomach, replenished his blood and set off again..

This is definitely not what he wants to eat. It's still a serious and responsible attitude.

And on the road.

"Is this tempting me?"

Hidden in an alley, loster said to himself, looking at the streets that had returned to normal at this time.

Some surprises, some guesses..

Before they eat, they are still different. Even if they eat, they must be careful.

Now, it's like another world. I can't find one on the road searching for loster..

Did they give up?

In addition to his wishful thinking, loster did not forget the goal of his trip.

He kept rushing to Liusheng martial arts school..

Along the way, it was very calm and scary.

He also deliberately showed his body directly and walked directly on the road, but it was a pity.

Those people in the martial arts school seem to have really given up..

No one stopped me.

"It doesn't matter whether you are really confident in your strength or have any tricks. Damn people, they still have to die!"

It didn't take much time. Before he knew it, loster had come to the door of Liusheng martial arts school.

And here, I didn't see Maggie again..

Obviously she has left.

That's good. He doesn't need to be afraid of anything..

Originally, loster intended to sneak in with Barr, but now it is obviously not necessary.

The other party didn't intend to find him..

It's tempting him to pass.

Whether you want to seduce him or not, loster is going to test it first!

Barr's ability should not be exposed for the time being. If there is any accident, it's still useful to escape.

I didn't care. Just like ordinary student coaches, I went directly into Liusheng martial arts school, which covers a very wide area.

Maybe there is something different from them, that is, there is no uniform dress.

However, no one said anything about him, but when he entered, several staff members appeared in front of him, as if they were going to introduce the business of Liusheng martial arts school.

This scene reminds loster of the black tiger martial arts school.

He seems to have done such a thing.

"Sir ~ ~"

When the other party came to him, just as he made a sound, loster had interrupted..

"I want to see the strongest person in your martial arts school."

The corners of his mouth bent and smiled like a big villain..

I'm also guessing in my heart. These guys don't know how long they've been looking for him.

Now he appears directly in front of them, maybe they will be happy???

"The strongest man? Sir, are you looking for the best coach? "

This smile can be said to scare the little sister, but she is still very loyal and gentle.

The staff lady obviously doesn't know what the situation is. She just thinks that loster is a good boss and wants to find a master coach or something..

This is normal, and most people don't have a brain circuit like loster.

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