Published at 6th of June 2024 06:24:11 AM

Chapter 320

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When loster returned, the maids showed some surprise.

But fortunately, they are still loyal to their duties, do not mess around, and clean up the villa..

Nothing happened that birds occupied the nest.

As soon as he came back, he went to put bath water for him, even if it was late, and prepared supper..

For the situation of loster, he didn't ask a word. He was a little clear about what he should and shouldn't do.

Directly get ready to change the laundry and go into standby mode to wait for loster's order..

The time to take a bath and eat goes by very quickly..

For two hours, I didn't know how many people had eaten. Anyway, the maids were frightened. Although they didn't say anything, their surprise could be seen from their eyes..

It's like watching monsters, which makes several of them tired.

"Well, pack up your things and go to rest ~"

Looking at the maids who got up to cook in the middle of the night, loster didn't say much because of their surprise.

It's hard to see them. Just let them have a rest..

Naturally, they didn't have this treatment. They were brought back by loster. They were arranged to guard outside without even entering the door, so as to avoid any accidents.

"Yes, master, if there's anything else, just tell ~"

Finally, under the leadership of the head maid, all the maids quickly cleared the table, then disappeared into the sight of loster and returned to their rest room..

And loster went into the living room and leaned lazily on the sofa.

Although the food cooked by the maids just now is not very delicious, it may be very good compared with ordinary people, but it is not to the extent that he feels very satisfied..

I can only say it's OK.

It was such a meal that gave him a real sense of satiety.

It seems to be something more delicious than your own cooking..

I feel like I'm really going the wrong way.

Think of bisji's words, his recent self, and his current situation.

His eyes were a little distracted. At this time, loster fell into a lazy state, which made him very comfortable and relaxed.

But he doesn't like this feeling very much.

Comfortable, relaxed, this kind of thing is not suitable for him at all.

Comfortable and relaxed, like poison, will make people lose their reason and indulge in it..

If it is normal, maybe he will struggle, but at this time, he really has no idea of struggling. Maybe it is rare to want to indulge himself..

One minute, ten minutes, thirty minutes, one hour.

Even if he doesn't like it, it's really a rare leisure time for him to relax.

For an hour, loster was motionless, doing nothing and thinking nothing..

Lying lazily on the sofa, as if waiting for something.

[it seems that I won't be looking for me today!]

Thinking so, loster's body began to respond..

An hour later, Rochester came out of the gentle village. When he stood up, he returned to his former self..

The eyes have no longer been godless and lazy, but have become calm and indifferent again.

Rational attitude, this is what loster has been asking for himself..

Whether it's being a man or doing something..

It is his pursuit to show rationality, close to and higher than machines.

After checking the time, it's already more than four o'clock in the middle of the night. If you wait any longer, it's estimated that it's going to dawn again.

Loster did not continue his pointless wait..

Go straight back to your room to rest.


The next day.

The red sun hung high in the sky, emitting thousands of rays of sunshine, shining warm on the earth..

Because I didn't close the curtains when I went to bed last night, the sun had passed through the window and directly shone on loster's face.

Loster did not respond at all to the sunshine..

It's not that he didn't respond. In fact, he got up early in the morning and slept for less than three hours.

He actually woke up before eight o'clock.

At this time, he is not lazy or anything..

He continued to lie down just to ensure his normal physical needs.

Although his body is different from ordinary people, what he usually does is not ordinary. It is still necessary to adjust and ensure his physical condition..

For more than four hours, loster has been in a light sleep state, although the quality of sleep is much worse than the real sleep.

But it can also ensure his physical needs.

It's just noon..

A little over twelve.

Loster did not intend to stay in bed. After all, today is not an ordinary day.

If he is not mistaken..

Then something will happen today.

Yes, it's not sure whether it's good or bad..

Wash your face, brush your teeth and stay in good shape.

In fact, the maids had prepared food from the morning, but Lotte didn't go down to eat.

After he brushed his teeth and washed his face..

When I came to the restaurant, there were a lot of fresh food on the table.

"Master, please have dinner. If you are dissatisfied with anything, you can tell us and we will improve it!!"

Among them, the maid who had been waiting respectfully helped Lotte set the tableware, serve tea and pour water..

This was the food they had begun to prepare when Rochester had just left the room.

And now they haven't stopped one by one. After all, they have seen loster's appetite..

"En ~"

Loster is not polite. After all, these are his own maids. They cook meals directly.

A rare taste of simplicity..

It's something you can't eat in restaurants or hotels..

"Jingling, jingling."

When the maids served several dishes in succession and loster ate several dishes, the cell phone rang..

Take out the mobile phone and see the call prompt on the mobile phone. Loster also knows that this matter can not be fooled casually.

"Hello, biscuit."

While holding the dishes, he said hello to the other end of the phone..

You can answer the phone, but you can't stop eating.

Not to mention, he can guess what the other side wants to say.

Originally, he thought he would receive a call from bisji last night. Unexpectedly, he would wait until today.

This even made him wonder if things would pass as if they hadn't happened..

"Now the matter should have been solved?"

It was swift and resolute. Bisji's words were very concise. Although it was a question, bisji actually said it in a determined tone.

This is obviously the news..

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