Published at 6th of June 2024 06:23:18 AM

Chapter 353

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"Six victories and one defeat of the Xidou players, there is another competition in the afternoon. There are only a few tickets left. Come and buy them quickly!"

"The rare Western fighter has another game. Come on."

"The first battle of the legendary Los Angeles player, the first battle of the legendary Los Angeles player, is a rare battle. Now there are few tickets left."

Various propaganda sounds and videos soon spread all over the neighborhood..

"Loster? Sidu, we know who it is. What is this Lotte? New? "

Many people surrounded a ticket dealer.

After asking, some of these people are interested and want to buy, but they are worried about big losses..

Xidou, who won six games and lost one, also has many fans here in the sky arena, and many people want to see him compete.

But if the other party is a nobody and is killed casually, it will be a complete waste of money..

Of course, it's also possible to let them win back by gambling..

It all depends.

"Lotte player is a newcomer. This is his first game after he went to the 200th floor. I can tell you that in the battle below the 200th floor, he didn't shoot, and the opponent fell directly. It's definitely a very terrible existence."

Seeing someone asking, the ticket dealer is not in a hurry. He is not afraid of being asked. He is worried that people are not interested.

Quickly explained loster's information..

While explaining, he also persuaded the other party to buy tickets quickly.

"How's it going? Buy one? This is definitely a battle between dragons and tigers. There aren't many now. "

"It's him. I seem to have seen him too. Because of him, I also won a lot of money, but it seems to have disappeared for a long time and haven't played for a long time."

"Give it to me. I want one."

Listening to the explanation of the ticket dealer, many people also think of loster, who swept the sky arena in a month and became a legend of a generation.

Before that, he really stunned many people.

If it's a punch and a child hits 200 floors directly, it's not shocking..

The real shock was that loster didn't make a move at all, and everyone was unconscious and fell to the ground.

In the eyes of ordinary people, this is completely magic..

Even at that time, many people couldn't believe whether loster bought off his opponents and referees or not.

But it's a little unlikely to think that this is the sky arena..

"Give it to me, give it to me."

"I want one."

"I want three."

"Me too. Give me some more first."

Many people who thought of the existence of loster began to surround the ticket dealer and began to buy tickets for the strong.

Noisy ticket dealers are not worried or angry at all. There are many people and some people rob tickets.

She smiled and began to receive money..

In this process, a very prominent voice suddenly came. In a word, it made the surrounding atmosphere a little noisy, much quieter, and the surrounding air seemed to drop several degrees.

"Oh, so strong? I'll give me two, too. "

"West, sisso player."

The ticket dealer turned his head with a chill and saw the other party's iconic clown face with strange makeup. He knew who the other party was in an instant..

In the vicinity of the sky arena, it is clear to these famous fighters that SISO is one of them.

But his special appearance and temperament really make people deeply influenced by his powerful strength.

Seven wins in a row. I haven't lost a game. Basically, they are all kills. Few people can survive.

Wearing high-heeled shoes makes SISO's tall, thin and straight figure more tall, giving people an inexplicable sense of pressure, coupled with his evil smile and the makeup on his face.

It really makes people shudder at the sight. If it weren't for his good facial features and enough man, it would definitely be a pervert.

Of course, ugly people are abnormal and handsome. Even if they wear strange clothes and high heels and draw clown makeup, they can only be said to have personality.

Handsome can't be a pervert.

"What? Are there no tickets? "

Looking at the other side staring at himself, there was no movement at all. SISO's mouth was hooked, his tone was calm and made a sound again.

Originally, he was not very interested in the game, but it seemed that he heard a person's name, which he had paid attention to before. This time, he also had time to see his fruit.

Sissau's side is flat and light, but the ticket dealer's side is very nervous.

Such ordinary words made the ticket dealer swallow his saliva and his scalp numb with fear.

"Yes, here you are, here you are."

He quickly opened his hands and squeezed the ticket that had previously been tightly in his hands, resulting in a little sweating, directly in front of sisso.

He didn't even think about how many tickets the other party wanted, and handed them all over..

His hands are a little messy and flustered, with some tension.

It feels a little strange. It's not just the ticket dealer who is nervous.

Other people who came to buy tickets did not dare to say a word for fear of disturbing anything.

"Well, thank you."

SISO didn't care about the eyes around him.

From this pile of tickets stained with sweat, I randomly pulled out two, and then left a few big bills.

And the back won't leave.

"Hoo, is that SISO? Standing next to him just now, I have a lot of pressure. "

"Well, it's the first time I've seen him so close. I've heard that he is very powerful and has a bad temper."

"You're OK. I peed my pants in special size."

"Go away, stay away from me!"

After sisso left, the silent team made a noise again.

There are even some wonderful words mixed in..

The ticket dealer stared at sisso. After he was sure he was leaving, he slowly relaxed and wiped the sweat on his forehead.

Then he took a look at the money in his hand and the ticket.

Directly put the money given by SISO into the bag..

"Hey, hurry up. Are you selling tickets or not?"

"What are you still in a daze? You're scared to pee."

"Don't tell us you want to go back and change your pants, ha ha!"

For those who like to watch the excitement, things come and go quickly..

Soon they forgot the pressure sisso put on them.

Transfer the target to the ticket dealers who have only started to move now and start to tease. The main purpose is to buy tickets as soon as possible.

"Roll, roll, how is it possible? Hurry, hurry, the game is about to start. The money is ready."

The ticket dealer didn't say much. He knew more about SISO than the onlookers.

That's why he panicked so much. He didn't explain much..

Directly continue the transaction, he is responsible for buying tickets, and other things are not in his charge.

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