Published at 6th of June 2024 06:22:23 AM

Chapter 388

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As far as loster is concerned, he basically doesn't need his men. There is mainly no suitable one. He doesn't have everyone, and there is a problem of trust.

If any smelly fish and rotten shrimp are OK..

It's better to take more puppets. The puppets he can control in the eighth room are not full, and his energy has been collected.

Puppets can be trusted and will not be tired or sleepy, but they are much safer than those who may rebel at any time.

Moreover, the other party's purpose is very obvious, that is, to let him cultivate him. However, where loster has any ability to cultivate him, he is only a half hearted person in terms of his reading ability.

It's just that the strength is relatively strong. The real cultivation knowledge is far worse than that of bisji..

"Mr. loster, I won't hinder you. I just came to say hello and cheer you on." Xidou now feels very good about himself. Now he doesn't know what loster has been deified into in his mind.

He would lick the dog as soon as he saw loster.

"(⊙ o ⊙)... Eh... This. " Behind Lotte, bisji was also a little speechless. Although he was defeated, he was the strong one on the 200 floors of the sky arena anyway..

It's not good to do things here. You have to ask to work for loster all the time.

This is abuse? Abused addiction?

Thinking that this guy was directly photographed by loster before, I don't know how far, bisji seemed to know something at once.

She has seen this scene many times, but each time she will raise all kinds of strange ideas..

However, she didn't say much. There are everyone in the world. It's normal that someone is beaten and masked once.

It's no surprise that there are so many people in the world and a few wonderful flowers.

"Get out of the way. I have something else to do." Loster didn't care, but it's impossible for him to work with each other, and there's nothing for him to do.

Not everyone is suitable for such a man who comes to the door to be a subordinate.

Accepting him basically means cultivating him. If he is not useful, he gives it for nothing. It should have been him, but it turns out to be a waste of resources. Why bother..

With that, loster ignored the other party and directly crossed the Xidou and acted towards the field.

"Mr. loster, Mr. loster." Sidou didn't know anything about loster's strange idea.

I just think this is the other party's test.

Watching loster leave, he didn't mean to give up and followed.

"Really." At the scene, Bi Siji was a little confused and forced to look at the two voices, but he quickly responded, locked the room, and quickly caught up with him with his little feet.


"Oh, today's game begins. The loster player who has won all the way meets the Huashi Doulang player who has won all the way six in a row."

"What kind of competition will this be? Let's wait and see." The hostess yelled as soon as she came. She was not a lady at all. She didn't look like a woman.

The next step is to bet and gamble according to the process.

On the challenge arena.

"You know what? This time I'm waiting for you and treat you as my opponent. " The tall handsome man who looked very handsome said to Lotte.

Huashi Doulang is really good in terms of his handsome appearance. He almost caught up with loster..

"Oh, really?" But for each other's words, loster didn't respond. Wait for him. When he is an opponent, he will be an opponent.

This is his business. Whether he will regard the other party as an opponent is entirely based on the other party's behavior and strength, not because of these nonsense.

"Really?" Loster's careless words made Hua Shidou Lang a little angry. I don't know how long, no one dared to talk to him with this attitude.

After coming to the 200th floor of the sky arena, he experienced baptism and worked hard to have all this. His winning streak makes people look high. Now he is such a guy who has not experienced baptism..

Just won some small roles and looked down on people.

"I think you underestimate the 200 layer fighters. Not everyone is like the garbage you have handled before. You need a baptism, a baptism that can make you stronger."

Filled with anger, Huashi Doulang's voice was very loud and resounded throughout the challenge arena.

"Yes, I also hope that you can become the baptism of my strength." Looking up at Hua Shi Dou Lang opposite him, this guy seems to be angry..

The words of the other party are actually correct. He came here to strengthen his practice. Of course, this aspect may not be the same as what they think.

"Damn it." In Huashi Doulang's view, the posture of loster is undoubtedly an attitude of looking down on people“ Don't wait to die here to regret. "

Huashi Doulang thought he was a "senior" who had been baptized. How could he not be angry that such kind advice was despised.

"It seems that the time is almost up. Can the game begin?" For Hua shidoulang's angry words, loster didn't care too much. He turned to confirm the time. Looking at the time, he said to the referee..

Now the referee's idea is what he is interested in. As for Hua Shidou Lang, loster doesn't care very much.

In his opinion, the other party is just a tool to help him become stronger.

"Damn it." This time, Huashi Doulang was ignored directly. He began to be angry and even thought about whether to kill the other party directly in the challenge arena.

So that the attention also turned to the referee, want to let the referee start the game as soon as possible..

He could not bear it and wanted to kill each other alive.

"Well, it's time. The game begins." The referee didn't grind anything. This kind of scene has long been seen. Some people are annoyed, and many people like to annoy others.

He basically ignored these conversations. Now he just confirmed that the time had come and announced the start of the game.

"I will make you regret coming to this challenge arena." Watching the referee announce the start of the game, Huashi Doulang's handsome face first gave a ferocious smile..

Then someone pinched his palm, moved his hand, walked forward slowly, gave birth to a kind of pressure, and wanted to put pressure on loster from the beginning.

This method is general, even a little low-level. Basically, some guys who are not in the class will use this method to scare people..

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!