Published at 6th of June 2024 06:21:48 AM

Chapter 400

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"Well, let's start. The second experiment is..."

While talking, menqi stood up, pinched her waist with one hand and stood in front of all the candidates. She was very proud to announce it.


I was shocked to make food. Such a thing is very incredible in front of a group of people who only know how to fight and kill.

In the eyes of most people, hunters are bounty hunters, relic hunters and so on, and food hunters are just for fun.

It immediately aroused a lot of people's strange thoughts.

And loster was a little interested in looking at the man and woman. It was rare for him to be interested in the hunter exam. They were two of them.

After all, they are food hunters.

"Cooking? You mean you're going to let us learn to cook? "

"We came here to be hunters, not to be cooks."

"Hahaha, cooking..."

From the initial shock to the subsequent ridicule, few of the candidates noticed that the beautiful girl in front of them had become more and more gloomy.

Even started thinking about something bad.

"Is it funny?"

"It's not very funny. We just want to ask why the exam is cooking?"

"Because we are food hunters, the reason is simple enough."

“(⊙o⊙)…?? Ha ha, food hunter? " Many people laughed again when they heard menqi's words, and loster, who was hidden in the crowd, could see it.

These guys just don't look at food hunters at all.

Maybe they think it's low-end. In their opinion, food hunters may be similar to ordinary caterers, just one level higher at most.

In their mind, this is actually a lower class industry of service.

"Examiner, you'd better say the test content directly and what you want to do." Loster looked at the group of guys who were going to laugh at something, too lazy to waste time.

It's better to start the exam as soon as possible.

These guys like to laugh so much, just let them laugh here all the time.

"Well, hum." Standing in front of everyone and being laughed at so much, menqi doesn't intend to continue to explain anything. The frog at the bottom of the well has nothing to say at all.


"Yes." With menqi's words, Bukhara's huge body, which had been sitting behind menqi, stood up.

"The food is pig."


"Pigs, as long as they live in the forest, can be caught and made on the spot. They can be made to the satisfaction of menqi and me, even if they pass the second level."

"Well, now that you understand. The second Hunter test starts now. " Bhara may also be dissatisfied with these candidates, and he does not intend to spend much time.

After finishing the rules, we directly announced the start of the test.

"It's finally started." After bhara announced the beginning, the whole man of loster disappeared into the small manor without any intention of wasting time.

"Mr. loster?" What else did Xiao Jie want to say? Suddenly, he saw that loster disappeared directly.

"So fast!" And on the other side, I noticed that the Qiyu here was also a contraction of the pupil..

It can be seen that this is definitely not the speed of ordinary people.

Obviously, he was wrong before. The other party is not an ordinary person.

"Little pig, little pig." In fact, loster has captured the wild pig with a big nose before, but it's not necessary to stay in place and waste time. It's good to catch more and then continue to look for fish.

Remember the following dish. The test is sushi. It needs fish, and most of them are sea fish. Even here, there seems to be no sea.

It's nice to catch a few river fish..

"Found it." Hundreds of meters in front of him, he found a herd of pigs, and loster walked directly past them.

Before the other pigs found anything, when the riot broke out, loster had already killed two wild pigs and put them directly into his food warehouse.

He didn't intend to move the ingredients he had loaded before. These two pigs are the ingredients he needs to make.

Then, too lazy to look for it again, loster quickly found rivers and river fish. In fact, strictly speaking, most river fish can't be made into sushi.

After all, it doesn't taste good.

After wandering around the river, loster finally found some ordinary fish that could be called three-star ingredients, and then began to return.

Along the way, some people who met loster were a little confused and forced to doubt life. Why????

Isn't this a pig? Is there any hidden code?

Looking at loster returning to the small manor with some fish, many people wondered whether it was the other party's fault or their own fault..

"What's the matter with you?" Loster was the first to return to the small manor.

Naturally, she was very attentive. Menqi looked at Los te, who appeared in the small manor with several lively river fish.

A little doubt whether he missed the topic in advance, or whether he gave the topic just now, which was not given by Bukhara.

Why did someone bring back fish, not pigs.

"What happened?" Loster knew nothing about other people's conjectures.

While answering menqi with a little doubt, he found a basin and directly loaded these fish. It's OK here. All kinds of props are very complete.

"I asked you what the situation is. Isn't the test content a pig? What are you doing with the fish? " Menqi is a little dizzy. Fortunately, she can still be sure.

The topic of bhara is really pork cuisine.

"Well, it's really a pig. I'm going to eat the fish myself." I can't say I know the answer behind it. Loster made up a reason casually.

Then, directly from their own food material library, they made two wild pigs with big noses.

"Oh, pig, it's not there." With a slight smile, loster showed no concern.

"Read, but also a very scarce space ability." Menqi and bhara were not ignorant people. They knew what the situation was all at once.

"Yeah, it's a good ability. Can you put anything in it?"

"It's not generally OK to live. After all, it's just a food warehouse." Looking at the curious menqi, loster didn't refuse to explain.

"Don't look at me like this. Maybe I can be called a half hanging gourmet hunter. Of course, I can only be counted after passing the hunter test." Loster was also very modest.

After all, he didn't know what the level of his cooking was at this time, and what the level of menqi's cooking was.

Modesty is a good thing.

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