Published at 6th of June 2024 06:20:55 AM

Chapter 421

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"That's great."

"I broke the floor with my bare hands."

Of course, the ordinary people present are not just these prisoners. In fact, they can only be regarded as ordinary people.

Just good physical fitness.

Looking at the challenge arena at this time, I was a little shocked.

Xiao Jie and Qi Kula pickup didn't care too much about this performance, and even felt a little indifferent.

"When the first must kill skill comes out, the victory or defeat is basically divided."

The mutant half stooped and waved poss. Then, his fist retracted and his body slowly stood up.

During the operation, he turned around deliberately to let loster see the black spider tattoo behind him.

"Next, it's my other must kill skill."

The mutant freak has always acted in a planned way. It has to be said that as an ordinary person, he still has a lot of ideas.

The typical is ugly and beautiful.

In fact, there are many such people.

The black spider with 12 legs. When loster saw it, the corners of his mouth twitched and speechless.

Although he had known it in advance, looking at the current situation and the other party's posturing, it was a little funny, and even he couldn't help but want to see it.

Take a look at how the other party ends.

On one side of the channel, the black spider can be seen in the sight of loster. Naturally, people who are watching the situation on the challenge arena behind loster can also see it.


"A spider tattoo with 12 feet? What is that? " Raouli is also a little aware of the phantom brigade because of Kula pickup.

"Phantom brigade?"

While talking, he turned his head and looked at the Kula pickup next to him.

At this time, Kula pickup truck has a very cold expression. His eyes have turned red and red eyes. He just looks at the challenge arena.

Correctly speaking, it should be looking at the mutant freak in the challenge arena and the spider tattoo on each other's body.

He was very angry now. Although he calmed down soon, he had seen that the sashimi was a fake.

But Kura pickup still can't calm down.

At this moment, he suddenly thought of what loster had said before.

"Control your emotions, control your emotions."

This is a hunter whose emotions can't be controlled.

Repressing his excitement, Kula pickup strongly endured, restrained himself, and repressed his impulse to rush up and fight.

Perhaps, if there was not a gap between them, when they saw the spider stabbing, Kula pickup must have rushed up at the first time.

Out of control.

"Really? Is that a spider? "The phantom brigade?" Xiaojie on the side also knew the gratitude and resentment between Kula pickup and the phantom brigade, and turned to ask.

This is asking raouli. In fact, it is also asking Kula pickup.

Someone who specializes in phantom brigade, but here.

"Well, yes, it's very famous, and I've heard of it in Kula pickup." Leo was so shocked that he even broke out in a cold sweat.

Thinking of what kulapika and loster said before, he was a little stressed.

"False." While raouli was talking, Kula pickup suddenly interrupted.

All of a sudden, let raouli, Xiaojie and Qiyu look at him.

"Fake?" Leo had doubts at the first time.

Is there a fake?

Are there still people counterfeiting in the world's notorious and prestigious crime brigade?

"Well, it's fake. Real spiders can't be so weak. Moreover, their sashimi usually has a number. He doesn't." Kula pickup is still on fire and red eyed.

People don't want to look at him.

At this time, although he calmed down a little, his anger and excitement could not be suppressed.

That's why it keeps burning and red eyes all the time.

"Unexpectedly, these things are fake." Listening to coolapika's confident words, Leo was relieved.

I wish it wasn't the phantom brigade.

After all, he had heard before that there was another problem with the strength of the other party. If the other party was a real phantom brigade, they might still know each other.

That's more trouble.

"Oh, then he's not your enemy?"

Xiao Jie said with a pity on his face.

In his opinion, kulapika has worked so hard to find an enemy. Now he has found a target, which is still fake.

It's so pathetic...

"Well, the real phantom brigade kills people without blinking an eye and has strong strength. It can't be locked up in such a place." Kula pica said without head or tail.

It seems that he is telling Xiaojie and others, but in fact, he is telling himself.

Let yourself not be impulsive.

On the challenge arena.

"Hey, hey, hey, I'm carrying the right arm of the metal sheet and the mark of the phantom brigade. They are my two must kill skills. When ordinary people see these two marks, they must be scared to their knees."

Secretly laughing in his heart, the mutant freak put a poss and looked at loster again.

Want to see each other's shocked face, and then take the opportunity to kill each other.

Although he doesn't dare to kill, he wants to win now. Now his right arm can still be used. Just push the opponent out of the challenge arena and let him fall down.

The mutant freak's plan is very perfect. It should be said that he is really a fraudster.

He's serious about being a liar.

"Hehe, what's the matter? Are you too scared to make a sound? " Looking at loster still standing and looking at himself, he was not shocked at all and didn't give him a chance to sneak attack.

The mutant freak only felt that the other party had no knowledge and didn't know the mark of the phantom brigade. He planned to deepen his strength and make loster feel fear.

In that way, he will have the opportunity to throw the other party out of the challenge arena and die alive.

"Hahaha, my uncle is one of the four heavenly kings of the phantom brigade. The title given to me by the outside world is the king of destruction --- Cha Hu." The mutant freak chirped and said proudly.

That posture, if you don't know the situation, it's really easy to be bluffed.

"The first blow just now was just a warning. Next, if you are not honest, I will show you what hell is and what life is better than death."

"Stay with me honestly. In that case, I may be able to give you a happy ~ ~ ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha


He had been watching the play without expression. Looking at the other party's affectation, loster couldn't help but smile at the corners of his mouth.

It's a pity not to be an actor.

Even if he looks so scary, he can also play some scary roles of bad guys and absolutely crush all the little white faces.

A good star actor is inappropriate, a good future, don't be a fraud.

It's pathetic. It's pathetic.

Entertain oneself~~~

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