Published at 6th of June 2024 06:20:29 AM

Chapter 428

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"Well, thank Mr. loster for all this."

Listening to the judgment of the people around him, Xiao Jie nodded with lingering fear.

Although he is warm-blooded and naive, he is not without a brain.

If, according to his previous idea, they chose the route of five people all the way, they might really be wiped out in the end. At that time, he was really guilty.

After all, he chose this road, and he insisted very much.

It could have been passed by three people. All of a sudden, he pulled them into the water.

"Look at this. Are you going to pass the customs?"

Kulapika was discussing with several people, but Qiyu didn't participate. He kept watching Xiaojie and seemed to have some other ideas.

He said directly, interrupting his dead end.

"Look here, it should be. The final choice is to open the door."

At this time, Kula pickup has stood in front of the steel door and still makes people choose not to open the door.

But this time, as long as three people press it.

The vote was unanimous.

None of the people present were deliberately full. They went to press X to see what would happen.

"Boom, boom."

As the steel door opened, a stone door behind it began to move.

"It seems that this is the end."


"Yeah ~ ~"

The stone gate opened this time. It's not a trap or an option.

Looking at all this, Xiaojie and others also cheered and jumped up. Loster glanced at the bottom. At this time, there were five people.

Not much, not much.

Sisona is a pervert, his elder brother qiyuta, and a ninja. In addition, he has two ordinary faces. He has no impression or characteristics at all.

"Nah, Nah, here we are."

When Xiao Jie walked out of the stone gate, he looked at the situation around him and shouted a little excited.

"Yes, but it looks like we should wait a long time."

Kulapika looked at the people who had been waiting at the bottom of the trap tower for a long time.

I don't know what to say when I think that I and others will join them.

"It's better to wait than to run on it all the time. According to our previous situation, that's the real trouble." Qiyu added next to him that he can play wherever Xiaojie is.

There is no difference between above and here.

"Hey, hey, hey, hey."

Finally, Leo just smiled and didn't say anything.

Loster was standing next to Jay and he noticed it as soon as he came to the bottom of the tower.


"Hehe, if it's boring, how about we have a fight?"

When he wanted to go over and see what it was, SISO, sitting not far away, stared at them and said.

Although it was said to them together, loster could see that the other party's lustful abnormal eyes had been staring at him.


Ignoring each other's words directly, loster just glanced and went directly to the dining car. It was really something to eat.

It's just that this thing is not very good.

It's ordinary fast food. Loster even wondered if it would be what the prisoners of the trap tower ate.

Such things are sent out. People with normal food and clothing are absolutely not interested in them.

"Well, the things here are really bad. Moreover, they have been turned over several times." Raouli followed loster.

Just now, when sisso spoke, he followed loster.

He knew that he was not sisso's opponent. There was no need. He didn't even have the idea to talk to each other.

"Yes, but now we can only eat this.

"That's just you."

Listening to what kulapika said, loster didn't say anything and turned away.

"Mr. loster, aren't you going to have something to eat?"

Xiao Jie looked and asked.

You know, they hadn't eaten for more than ten hours before, and they were on their way all the time. In addition, in the middle of the night, they were at least 24 hours away from the last meal.

It is absolutely difficult for ordinary people to support to this extent.

It's rare to come to the bottom of the tower now. You must rest and fill your stomach, otherwise there will be problems at the later level.

"Eat, but I don't eat these things."

In fact, the bottom of the tower is not very big, and there is nothing to cover it. Basically, it is clear that there is something to rest.

You can see at a glance.

"Don't eat these things?"

Xiao Jie was still a little confused, but soon he saw it.


Hao nose crazy pig

Looking at the sudden appearance of a wild pig with a big nose in front of Los, they were startled.



Little Jerry Ouli hesitated.

"No, I don't see any flaws at all. It's more like a special ability. He said before that after passing the hunter test, we will know something and ability."

Kulapika looked at loster and analyzed it.

He has been paying attention to this man, but he can't see through the man in front of him.

I have no idea what the other person is thinking.

In fact, this is normal. In fact, loster has not decided how to treat kulapika and others, but it may be valuable in the future.

Hang for a while.

Kulapika has the value to deal with the brigade, which is an insurance in the future.

Xiao Jie has the value of Qi and Jin.

Qiyu, beat the enemy and the "brother".

Basically, the value of the people present is used by him. Maybe he will use it in the future.

Otherwise, it is impossible for loster to pay attention to them, even the so-called leading group.

Hao nose crazy pig, in fact, it has been cleaned before it should be cleaned, and after cutting and segmentation.

Loster used the simplest method.

I found a smooth and clean piece of stone and washed it.



Slate barbecue.

In this place to eat, or do not have a turn of flavor, not only meat, all kinds of seasonings, but also everything, chili powder, pepper powder and so on.

There are also some special fruit seasoning powder.

As soon as the smell was put down, it directly filled the whole room with a special smell.

This made one of the bald ninjas closest to loster swallow his saliva, took a look at his rice bowl, and suddenly felt that his cooking didn't look like it.

"Patience, patience, I am a ninja. I can bear what ordinary people can't bear."

Thinking about his career and the current situation, the bald Ninja was still not tempted by food. He closed his eyes and began to rest and meditate.

Rice is not eaten directly. Eating in this state is like chewing wax.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!