Published at 6th of June 2024 06:20:03 AM

Chapter 444

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Sky Sports City.

Unknowingly, this place has been regarded as a base camp of loster, which is indeed true.

After I came to this world, that is, I have lived here for the longest time. In fact, the day when I thought of living without a fixed place is not.


As soon as I got back to the villa, I saw the fake Lori bisji.

She hasn't left this time. She has been idle here. Maybe she has some other plans.

"How many eggs did your bird lay these days?"

She didn't ask whether the exam was successful or not. In her opinion, it must be inevitable. If loster couldn't pass the hunter exam.

This year's hunter experiment must be a very serious thing.

"Well, wait, I'll have a look."

Nodded in response, but for what nitro had said at the airship airport, loster gave up.

After all, it's really no joke to dare to joke about bisji.

Really tell her to find a man or something as soon as possible. Loster doubts whether the other party will directly turn into a punch and fly him out.

"Is there anything wrong here these days?"

He sat directly and impolitely opposite bisghie. There was no salute. These days, it's just a vacation for loster.

"I just wanted to tell you that those eudemon hunters are here again. They mainly like your birds."

After hearing what loster said, bisji put down her beautiful men's magazine and responded to loster. These days, those eudemon hunters have come here to find people a lot.

"Eudemon Hunter Tut, do not want to pay anything, just want it?"

Looking at bisji, he didn't say anything, and loster knew what was going on. He shook his head and looked a little disdainful.

"The other party said that they recently found a Warcraft that has not appeared. They can take you to act together. I don't sound very reliable, so let them wait until you come back."

Bisji is also experienced and a little disdainful. It is clear that these people are whoring for nothing and found some Warcraft. If they are really sincere, they will catch the Warcraft and exchange it.

What you found is not yours. What do you pretend to be.

"Those guys are not really so poor."

Listen to bisji's words, loster is a little speechless. Is it difficult that each other is poor?

"This is not necessarily true. Many eudemon hunters will spend their wealth on those Warcraft to avoid their extinction. It is possible that they are very poor. It is mainly to let them exchange their Warcraft. The probability is very small."

With the hunter, bisji still knows the situation of others. Just like her, she won't have any money. Most of them were replaced by gemstones by him.

The precious stones she really collected can be said to be invaluable, but there is not much money in her savings.

"Those eudemon hunters generally want to change their Warcraft as if they want their lives, not to mention that you are used to eat. After knowing this situation, it is very likely that they have no idea to exchange with you."

“。。。 All right. "

Loster was not in a hurry. If he didn't exchange, he wouldn't exchange. He didn't care.

Anyway, he doesn't lack the other party's things. He is now arranging to deal with some things. When the real relationship chain is handled, as long as he spends money, he can find someone to help search for some special ingredients.

"What are you going to eat at noon?"

There was a pause, and then bisgi began to prompt. Now that loster came back, she planned to eat something different.

"Oh, I'll see what ingredients I have."

As soon as he heard this, loster understood at once, but he didn't grind anything, and began to take action and get ready.

He went into the kitchen and checked the situation. There were a lot of things, but Lotte wanted to eat.

After sweeping around the kitchen, at last, loster thought of the wild pig with a big nose he caught in the Sumerian wetland, and he didn't save it from people to eat.

After a short effort, loster appeared in the living room with three plates.

"What is this?"

As soon as he saw the food, bisji rushed out and looked at the three plates in front of him. He was a little confused. This thing is a little strange. One can obviously see that it is ribs.

However, the taste and sticky appearance are sweet without eating. Although it looks delicious, can meat really be made into sweets?

She expressed a little doubt.

The second one is normal. The meat pieces are sliced and a little oily, but they look a little dry. It's like over frying. Although bisji is a layman, she can see that it's obviously not just frying once.

The third one is a meat ball. It's fried. I can't see what's going on.

Looking up at loster in front of him, bisji asked the other party what the operation was.

"Sweet and sour ribs, double cooked pork, fried pork balls, try it. When I went to the exam this time, I happened to get a bit of Hao nose crazy pig. The pig tastes good."

Loster didn't introduce anything either. In his opinion, no matter what kind of cuisine you say, it's better to eat.

Only when you are satisfied, that is cooking.

If it can't satisfy people, it can only be said to be food, which is specially used to fill the stomach.

"Well, I'm welcome."

Loster obviously wanted bisji to try it. She was not polite. She just picked up a piece of sweet and sour ribs and ate it.

Although she doesn't think it's delicious to make meat sweet, she chose this directly. She still likes sweets very much.

Eat first.

"Hmm ~ ~"

As soon as she began to eat, bisji felt a strange feeling, fragrant and sweet, not as sweet and greasy as she felt at the beginning, and the meat feeling when she bit the ribs.

It gives her endless aftertaste.

One piece was not enough. One more piece. Bisji ate three pieces directly without hesitation.

"Huh? What happened? "

After eating three pieces, bisji had a little other feeling.

"Your cooking has improved?"

There was absolutely nothing wrong just now. Although it was just a loss, she still felt the turbulence of her mind, and her mind increased a little.

Although not much, she can afford to practice for several days, and this is only a few ribs.

"Well, it's true. I've been pursuing coloring and fragrance. I feel that this has reached my limit. I've thought about it before and intend to try to break through."

Loster didn't hide anything, which was originally intended to ask bisji to help test the situation.

Now, after so long practice, he has really improved enough in color, smell and fragrance. For the time being, it is unlikely to continue to increase.

But other directions may be OK.

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