Published at 6th of June 2024 06:19:52 AM

Chapter 449

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Originally, the socialite wanted to say something, but when she saw that the two beside her had been stunned by loster, she listened without saying anything.

Then perhaps he thought that he had no face, and added gnashing his teeth.

"A vulgar man."

"I'm too lazy to clean you up. Take them away quickly, and then throw my sofa and table into the garbage. Otherwise, I'll strip all three of you away and throw them into the garbage together with my tables and chairs."

Looking at the woman in front of him who wanted to scold him, loster also spoke.

He's serious. If he needs to throw the garbage himself, he really doesn't mind throwing more.


As soon as the socialite heard this, her face suddenly turned to one side, and her charming face was full of discontent and anger.


As soon as he was about to say something, he was stared at by loster and stopped.

Indifference, no emotion, no compassion at all.

A terrible man.

Looking at loster's eyes, the socialite finally shut up. She had no doubt that if she continued to say more, she would really be stripped away and thrown into the garbage.

Thinking of that result, she couldn't help but want to cheer up.

"Come on, don't waste my time. Throw it all out."

Looking at the socialite who was still in a daze, Rochester didn't mean to be polite at all.

Directly urged.


After hesitating for a while, the socialite also began to act without any ink.

Fortunately, this guy still has some strength.

It took a little effort to take away all the garbage in loster's house, including the socialite itself.

Looking at the lack of a table and a sofa in his living room, loster didn't waste any time and asked the maid to get another set.

Loster was not embarrassed about the socialite before he drove away.

The other party obviously came to whore for nothing. He was not interested at all.

If it's something to exchange, it's easy to say that it's just whoring for nothing. Loster just wants to kill each other.

"Wow, what's the situation? Where's the sofa and the table?"

When bisji came back, he looked at the living room and shouted, and the whole man sat next to loster.

Asked very strangely. She just went out and disappeared.


"Did you do it? What happened? "

Looking up and down at the situation around, bisji has not changed, except for the missing table and sofa.

I didn't find anything else.

"Nothing. The people from the world of Warcraft Protection Association came. When I lost something, I felt sick when I saw it."

It has to be said that loster is very extreme and persistent in some things.

He doesn't want what he doesn't want. No one counts it.


Hearing this, he immediately fell into a deep thought, and bisji was a little confused. Even if he was ashamed, he lost everything. What is this?

"They just came here? What did you do? "

Then he thought about whether something would happen.

"I don't know. These guys here don't have any strength and can't do anything if they want to. I'm worried now that some of them don't give up trying to steal something. Does the Warcraft Protection Association have a headquarters or something?"

He didn't want anything for the other party to be hard on him, but the other party stole it,,

This is a little bad. There is only a thousand days to be a thief. Where can there be a thousand days to prevent thieves.

"There is a headquarters, but don't mess around. If you really do anything to their headquarters, it's estimated that the whole Association will find you. Then it's not a factional thing."

When it comes to these things, bisghie always shows some sensitivity. He is afraid that loster will run out to copy others' homes and destroy their doors.

"Do I look like the kind of person who does it casually?"

Although I thought about whether to kill them before, that is, they went directly to the Protection Association. He was out of his mind to do it.

Just asked, just to confirm the other party's headquarters. If something happens, you can find something else.

"That's who you are."

Hearing loster's words, bisji impolitely stretched out his little hand and slapped it.

"Tell me what happened just now. What are you going to do with the later things?"

And then it was about loster. The other party really came, and it must be faced.

"No, that is..."

After a brief explanation of what happened just now, loster was actually a little speechless and didn't care.

Why is there such a wonderful flower.

Bisji was very calm, and it could be seen that the other party had been used to it, or had expected it for a long time.

"It's really hard for you to judge whether the other party will do anything."

After hearing the whole thing, bisji didn't have a good way.

In fact, the simplest way is to kill them directly. Once they are in vain, there is a probability that this matter will be solved directly, and there is a probability that it will become more and more noisy.

It's entirely possible

But this is naturally dangerous, so bisji doesn't agree with this plan very much.

"Take a step and watch one. If the other party wants to die, don't stop anything."

Maybe he has been in this world for a long time, and loster has settled down and has no mind to fight or kill.

Anyway, it's a flame bird. If the other party dares to steal, he must teach the other party to be a man.

"That's the only way. I'll let someone inquire about the news later."

After waving his hand, bisji didn't get too tangled. According to the people of the Warcraft Protection Association, they really came to steal. This kind of thing hasn't happened.

And not once or twice.

The means are dirty and well done.

It's totally shameless.

Not to mention the people of the hunter Association, some rich people or even people in official countries, they dare to steal and rob, act boldly, and pay no attention to others.

And I still look like I'm just. There are indeed many brainwashed fools who are not afraid of death in this protection association.

Was used to charge and work hard.

Most of the unlucky people are these people, and the people who can really make a profit are, of course, those who shout the most but do nothing.

You work hard. I'll do something good. It's that simple.

"Well, regardless of those fools, I have a new idea. Help me verify it. I feel that my reading ability is about to be fully developed."

Seeing that bisji was still in ink, loster was too lazy to think about anything and transferred things to his ability. I have to say that after a period of rest, loster was indeed much more secure, and the development of his ability has already had a result.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!