Published at 6th of June 2024 06:33:12 AM

Chapter 45

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Loust doesn't know what kulahorn is going to do now.

But now he has heard from kulahorn.

It is still through bisji to help. After all, knowing yourself and the other can win every battle.

With money to get information, loster can't give up.

Whether you want to get Aaron back from those guys or revenge them, at least you should know who you need to revenge.

It's hard to kill the whole Kula family directly or retaliate against those minions. This is not what he wants to do.

"Is the news accurate?"

It's not that I don't trust bisghie. Loster just wants to hear how credible the news is.

"Nine times out of ten, I checked when looking for someone before. Behind those guys is the third son of Kula's master. This time, I'm just making sure."

Bisji also knew that he really needed to be cautious now, but he didn't say anything about loster's query.

She is still very confident in the accuracy of the information.

"What are you going to do next?"

Bisji listened to the phone and there was no sound again. He was quiet and couldn't help asking.

"I'm not going to do anything. I'm going to leave after I say hello to him."

Bisji's voice directly awakened loster's meditation. When he heard her question, loster directly said his plan.

There's nothing to hide, but maybe his way of greeting may be a little special.

"What about that little guy ~"

Bisi guitar doesn't believe that loster will be so simple. Say hello and deceive who.

"You don't need to think so much about this. According to the previous agreement, if the other party didn't plan to release the person, he would have been killed. If he planned to release the person, he would definitely have a chance according to my plan."

Loster said confidently.

If Aaron really has something, it's all because he doesn't want to be threatened.

Although threatened, he may not survive.

But to make such a decision, he has made a good awakening.

Anyway, whether Aaron is alive or dead, it's not Lotte's style for the Kula family not to give them gifts.

"It's hard for you this time. Just wait there. If you have a chance, take the little guy away. If you can't, I'll contact you later."

Loster was ruthless when he finally spoke.

"Be careful."

In fact, bisji wanted to persuade loster to give up, but he couldn't say it. In the end, he could only turn into such a sentence.

She could feel that the change of loster's temperament was not like him at all.

"Well, thank you ~"

After hearing that the phone hung up over there, bisji thought for a moment and dialed a phone. Now the situation is really getting more and more troublesome.

You'd better pull down your old face just in case.

She didn't talk to lustti. He knew that he would not accept the situation of lust. Since contacting him, if it was a small thing, he didn't care about small favors, but he would make compensation from other aspects.

It's his relationship with Aaron to let himself take over Aaron, and now he really needs someone to help.

"Hey, it's me."

And when bisgi was asking for help for loster.

Loster was picking up the phone from kulahorn.

These guys are very diligent. They just hung up and called.

"Hello, who are you?"

This is the third time to answer their phone, loster said directly, very impolite.

"Mr. loster, I think we should talk."

When he connected the phone and heard loster's voice, kulahorn's subordinate also breathed a sigh of relief. While talking, he directly turned on the hands-free.

Let kulahorn hear the call clearly.

"I ask again, who are you?"

Loster's voice now sounds very cold. It makes it clear that he is definitely not a good tempered person.

This tone directly made the people on kulahorn's side look a little bad. Didn't they come to threaten people? This makes them threatened.

Let the famous man don't know what to say.

"Just tell him."

Kulahorn whispered directly and then motioned to a black bodyguard next to him.

The bodyguard obviously knew what he meant and went directly to the man to get the mobile phone, but he didn't speak. He still put the mobile phone next to the man who was talking.

Obviously I'm going to keep him talking.

And he stood quietly, but the breath around him had become a little different, as if he had launched some ability.

But he soon turned black because he found out that loster hung up the phone again.

"You can talk to him later, no matter what you say."

The black bodyguard dialed the phone again, and then continued to hold the mobile phone next to him to speak.

Looking at the cell phone ring again, loster was not impatient until the ring was almost over.

He answered the phone again.

"Are all the people of the Kula family so idle?"

"Of course not. This time everything is a misunderstanding. We are very sincere in order to cooperate with Mr. loster."

Looking at the phone connected again, kulahorn's men wiped a cold sweat. This guy really hung up when he didn't agree.

He quickly said in a good voice. It's not the first time he's done this.

He understood that kurahorn's bodyguard had some special ability. He could find out the location of the person on the other end of the phone as long as he was on the phone, but it took time.

Now I don't care what I say, anyway, I just want to entangle the opposite side.

"Sincerity? Your sincerity is interesting. "

Loster said with a cold smile.

I despise their words very much, no matter which world they are in.

If you can't reason, you will benefit, if you can't benefit, you will threaten to force, and if you can't force again, you will continue to reason.

This cycle is repeated again and again.

Of course, it is their own truth, not the kind of truth judged by ordinary people.

"Well, I don't have time to listen to your little nonsense, kurahorn. That's your name. Let him answer the phone if you want to talk."

Kulahorn heard his name and his eyes changed..

But I don't think so. After knowing the Kula family, I want to know that those who target him are his men, but it's not impossible to find them.

They can't provoke everyone in the Kula family.

Seeing that his men couldn't make up their mind, kulahorn directly motioned to his bodyguard to take the mobile phone. The mobile phone was still in the hands of black bodyguards, but it was in kulahorn's ear.

"I'm kurahorn. What do you want to talk about?"

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