Published at 6th of June 2024 06:19:46 AM

Chapter 452

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"Nian Qi? It's a good choice. I've thought about it before, but I want more than that. "

He nodded and shook his head again. Bisji meant that he naturally wanted to come before. Of course, opening a restaurant has his harvest and reward.

We can't let people eat free food and Overlord food. It's so simple to do white whoring.

Without that capital, white whoring will be resisted and beaten. It will kill itself. White whoring will not last long. No restaurant dares to say that it can always be white whoring.

Other things are the same, white whoring for a long time, no harvest support, bankruptcy is sooner or later.

Just like the ability of loster, if there is no reward to support it, it will be useless at all. It's better to open an ordinary restaurant on the road.

If you don't get paid, you might as well sleep at home or move bricks.

No reward is no service.

It's so simple. In this world, many things pay attention to equivalent exchange. If they can't be equivalent, they think there is something unequal in this matter.

Someone made a sacrifice.

"More than that?"

He casually found a seat and sat down. Bisji asked a little curiously.

She thought her ideas were good enough, and loster said it wasn't just that.

This will not be a bit ambitious. Don't come up with an ability that can't be completed. It's embarrassing. This kind of thing is not impossible.

You, who can't accomplish, have a lot of abilities, and often those who have the ability appear such things.

"Separation, puppet, doll and so on, in my expectation, after I get promoted here, I can make a separation of each other, with each other's reading ability and strength."

He nodded and didn't hide anything. He explained it directly.

"Of course, just copying will not harm its ontology."

A little explanation of the situation. This is the development and reverie of loster's ability. It's very good. It's developed here.

It's still a little difficult. It can't be done casually.


Listening to loster's words, Bisky held his forehead with a small hand and was a little speechless.

She can see that loster has a unique desire for manipulation. He has a very serious desire for control. Otherwise, it is impossible to develop such ability.

"Feel bad?"

Loster is also a little clear about bisgi's situation.

However, this is not a thought that endangers others, so loster has no idea to hide.

"That's not the case. If you choose this way, it will be very difficult to develop."

After hesitating for a while, bisji didn't directly say that loster's ability was not good, but explained the situation from the aspect of developing his ability.

"As far as our general separation is concerned, it is very difficult to create a special separation or noumenon separation, and you use the media of the restaurant to copy the separation, which, how to say, is almost impossible."

Perhaps it was to interrupt the whimsical thinking of loster. Bisghie said it very seriously.

In fact, she didn't lie. According to loster's introduction, this reading ability is almost impossible.

Even if we make vows and constraints, it is not easy to complete. There must be other regulations and provisions hidden between them, and others must be involved.

Otherwise, it's difficult to separate from this kind of thing.

"Very difficult?"

Loster also knows bisji's character very well. He won't lie to him because of his preference.

Moreover, in addition to the trouble he encountered in developing his reading ability, he still believed bisji's judgment.

"It's big, of course. It's mainly reflected in your materialized things, that is, your media, restaurant."

As he spoke, biscuit stretched out his little hand and pointed to the restaurant.

"If you develop a restaurant and have a kitchen according to your previous idea, it may exist if you want to develop an increase or remove the resistance to cooking. If you want to use it to copy a guest and a person, it is difficult to rely solely on you, which can be said to be basically impossible."

"According to the normal way of speaking, if your guests leave without giving money after dinner, they are eating overlord food. If you want to copy a separate person or a person without making any rules, it is forced to buy and sell. Similar rules are basically impossible in terms of reading ability, unless you pay a higher price."

"According to your idea and plan, the price you pay is definitely not simple. Even if it kills you all at once, it is possible, so I say it is almost impossible. There is no need to think about such a difficult thing. This is not a matter of ability, quality and quantity, but something like rules."

As an old expert in mental ability, he has guided countless people to practice and develop mental ability. For the development of mental ability, he still has a set of attributes than Siji.

While Lott was speaking, he had analyzed the advantages and disadvantages of each other's abilities.

"Well, have you seen similar abilities?"

After thinking about it, although bisji said it was almost impossible and said that it would cost his life to specify what to restrict by oath, loster naturally didn't want to.

After hesitation, she asked.

There are so many capable people in this world, there will certainly be some capable people, perhaps people with similar ideas.


Looking at the curious look of Rost, bisghie thought for a moment and said it.

She did meet such a person.

"But he's dead. I met a wanted man before. He was killed by me for money."

He said impolitely, showing disdain for each other's ability.

"Oh? What kind of ability? "

Looking at bisghie's disdain, loster is actually a little forced. This will certainly not be a very powerful ability.

"Very weak?"

"Weak is not weak. It's a waste of talent. With such talent, we can develop other things."

Bisky shook his head and said.

It's true to waste talent. The brain hole is too big to control, and other aspects of cultivation fall behind.

In bisji's opinion, this situation is a wild road that doesn't know how to cultivate mental ability. People who really have direction and sect can't spend a lot of energy to develop this ability.

It looks very natural and unrestrained. In fact, when you meet someone with real strength, it's completely waste.

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