Published at 6th of June 2024 06:19:34 AM

Chapter 460

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"I see."

Nodded. For something that was obviously good for him, loster naturally wouldn't be bored to refuse to say anything.

Today can be said to be a very fruitful day, not only the development of your mental ability has made some progress, but also the progress of this new cultivation ability.

It's good for loster.

As for the next step.

Naturally, it is the application of mindfulness in other aspects. It can enhance delicious food and enhance mindfulness. Although it is not very simple, compared with the treatment of various situations, there are other things besides mindfulness to prolong life.

That's the real complex trouble.

This is the difference between goods and goods.

After the serious things were solved, he didn't continue to say anything more about reading, but continued to do a few more dishes.

In the case of Bi Siji's half unwilling, which is a little similar to passively accepting red envelopes in the new year, we had a meal together.

Then, loster began his path of closed practice.

There are also application aspects for the improvement of mental Qi, which can also rely on others. That is, the development of mental ability still needs to rely on yourself.

After a week, although it does not mean that there was no progress, the progress was very subtle at that time.

When it comes to the ability to cure diseases, maintain health and prolong life, loster naturally chose to make some medicated meals.

There's everything in a mess.

Many of them were re prepared by him on site. After all, there is a big difference between the two worlds in terms of medicinal materials.

But fortunately, there are common medicinal materials like ginseng, and even more exaggerated things in the world.

While searching for herbs, loster also bought a guy called blood red ginseng. This effect is much better than ordinary ginseng. Of course, the price is not cheap, but it's nothing for loster.

This guy alone spent billions of guineas to get two palm sized blood red ginseng from others. The roots are very long. Counting those roots, the blood red ginseng is even about one meter long.

The longest one is about the size of an arm.

This guy is a big monster. He doesn't look like ordinary ginseng at all. When he first saw this guy, loster even doubted whether he had been cheated.

But fortunately, the system has identified that this is a real guy, five-star food. Although this guy is a drug, it can still be used as food in the judgment of the system.

Its wonderful use effect is also good.

And this blood red ginseng has another ability.

According to the seller, after cutting off the root, as long as the blood red ginseng is soaked in the blood, the root will grow back. The more powerful the blood of Warcraft, the better.

The faster the recovery.

This is another thing that can be used for a long time, and it is also part of the reason why sellers want billions of guineas.

In order to be worthy of the blood red ginseng, loster also contacted Cyril Rudd and asked him to send more ingredients.

With channels, it's convenient. At least it's convenient for high-grade ingredients. There are some in the gourmet capital. As long as you call, someone will send it.

You can also see how Ryan is doing there.

Although the battle in the gourmet capital should not be over yet, it should be effective.

Otherwise this guy wouldn't be so inflated.

You can even see that the other party is not as careful as before when talking to him. You can see that the other party is doing well now.

It's a good thing that the opponent's ability is a little inflated, but there must be a limit.

In this regard, loster just hopes that the other party will not do anything stupid, otherwise, hehe.

"I said, what are you going to do today?"

Bisji, sitting in the living room, looked at loster running around with a lot of herbs in his hand. Before, the servants in the villa had run several times.

These days, this week, the whole villa was shrouded in the shadow of this medicated diet.

The others were fine, but they couldn't accept it at first, but later they gradually felt good. They just couldn't accept the taste of medicinal materials, and the taste of cooking was OK.

It's just that the medicine can't stand it.

The taste of things is OK. The most important thing is the taste of medicinal materials, all kinds of bitter and unpleasant smells.

This alone makes bisji a little unbearable. She eats normally. She thinks that loster's food is very delicious. That is, for the effect of reading cuisine, loster always adds some strange things after each production.

It makes the food seem a little strange.

"I haven't thought about it yet. Wait and see what ingredients you have."

For the production of food, loster can be said to follow his heart, and in terms of medicinal materials, he has prepared a lot these days. As long as he keeps them carefully, he is not afraid of damage. He can arrange things that can be put longer.

"(⊙ o ⊙)... Er ~ ~"

Every time she heard that loster had this creative heart, she had a bad hunch. In her opinion, every last stroke of loster would always ruin things.

"Don't worry. I just don't control the taste of medicinal materials these days. Today I'm sure."

When he came to his own creation day again, loster naturally won't let people lose confidence.

"Ha ha ha, you has the final say, at least you prepare me some ordinary dishes."

In this regard, bisji has also been used to giving up the struggle. Anyway, the other party's food is not so bad that it's the medicinal material Weidong she doesn't like.

"Yes, yes, yes."

While checking his ingredients, he nodded, and then almost began to take action.

In the kitchen, many medicinal materials that need to be used at night have been soaked, and he has prepared some medicinal materials that need to be ground into powder.

As for the others, there is nothing special, that is, ordinary ingredients, a fish, a chicken and a little meat.

It's that simple.

It took a lot of time. After a busy meal and removing the initial preparations, it took loster about two hours to finish three dishes.

The stewed chicken is mainly used to make medicinal diet. It is directly made into chicken soup. According to the ingredients of nutrition and preparation, this chicken is more suitable.

In addition to chicken, the main materials are some ordinary ginseng and some special medicinal materials such as blood dates. Although there are some special things, they are not special.

He has tried all the experiments in the past week.

The other two ordinary dishes are very normal. They use the three-star ingredients to make four-star dishes.

And this medicated diet, originally, loster thought that the most was Samsung, but he didn't expect a breakthrough this time.

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