Published at 6th of June 2024 06:33:05 AM

Chapter 50

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There's not much time left for loster.

Loster gave himself five minutes, or left directly when he felt something changed.

There are a lot of streets and alleys here, and there are still a lot of opportunities for him to leave.

But it's really not as good as heaven.

Just three minutes later, loster heard the sound of the police car.

Someone must have called the police long ago.

The alarm speed of the gourmet city is really fast.

And when loster wanted to leave.

His body seemed to be switched on.

A breath of heat burst out of his body.

Powerful energy came out of his body without stopping.

Is that his idea?

Loster felt these uncontrolled heat flows.

He could feel that these thoughts had more than two or three times the weight of black bodyguards.

This also shocked the black bodyguards. What kind of monster is this? Just developed, there is such a degree of mental Qi without mastering it.

You know, he has been practicing for nearly ten years before he reached this point.

Monster, monster, black bodyguards really can't find another word.

It's amazing energy.

The magic of reading ability made loster forget for a moment that the people of the security team had come.

"Stop, let go of the hostages and lie on the ground."

Loster, who was immersed in reading, was awakened by this sentence.

Before that, he had been trying to master the mind, learning to wrap those uncontrollable thoughts around his body like black bodyguards.

Under his perception, he succeeded in less than a minute.

Is that easy~~

Loster didn't pay any attention to his being surrounded by these security guards.

With them, even if Rost had no mind, these guys could not pose a threat to him.

What's more, now that he has mastered reading, his abilities in all aspects have been improved.

"Mr. loster, please leave quickly. You must keep your promise and let me go."

Lust's not in a hurry doesn't mean that the black bodyguard is not in a hurry. His injury is still very serious, so he can't help reminding lust.

Originally, I was wondering if loster could not control those Qi. Finally, he exhausted his strength. Unexpectedly, this guy mastered it in such a little time.

"Of course, I'll keep my promise. I've thought about it."

That is to kill you. Loster didn't say his last words. With the blessing of mind and power, he directly cut off the entanglement and head of the black bodyguard.

Before he died, he smiled and wanted to say something to loster, but he died before he had time.

Just now, loster had agreed with him, but he would not consider it until he learned to read, so after his consideration, loster decided to kill him.

"Bang, bang, bang."

When loster started, more than a dozen security guards around him had fired.

They were afraid of the safety of the hostages, but when loster killed the black bodyguard, they shot mercilessly.

They have established that loster is a ferocious villain.

They are not polite to such people.

In this case, loster didn't care.

One after another to avoid such an attack, he could not be hurt at all. The blessing wrapped around the iron bar made the pistol completely harmless even if it hit him.

The sheriff, loster, had no intention of doing anything to them.

Just left this place.

He didn't think that his ability was invincible now, and now he just defeated a weak chicken thinking ability.

And those security guards Su Ryan was not happy, so loster left, but there was no way.

The difference in strength is too large. Even a gun is useless.

After only a few shaves, loster disappeared in front of them. They didn't even have a chance to react.

I could only keep popping there until I couldn't see loster at all.

In a hotel room in the gourmet capital.

Kulahorn's face was frighteningly black.

He has received the news, or the security team contacted him.

All off???

Except for the thugs, all his five bodyguards were destroyed?

You should know that his bodyguards are carefully selected experts. Usually it's casual to fight one against ten. It's not a problem for the leader to fight one against 100.

And that's how all five people were destroyed.

This is a person who reads ability. Even if more than a dozen gunmen are rounded up, as long as they are not hit to the point, it is not a problem to be shot more than a dozen times.

"You know what you want to do next?"

Kulahorn soon calmed down and said to Smith and others nearby.

He also thought of several methods, such as making people want him and killing people in the street. He was still in front of the security personnel. There was absolutely no problem in wanting him.

And he just learned what happened. Even if he didn't do it, the security team would be wanted to search him.

But that's not what he cares about.

Now there are five dead people and one who reads ability. If he can't get the formula, his status at home will definitely decline.

And he thought of that guy, but he said he wanted to find someone who beat up the enemy's family to assassinate himself.

Although he may not have the ability.

But even if he thought of beating the enemy family, he felt a little shudder.

Others don't know, but he knows very well that several members of their family have been assassinated by those who beat up the enemy's family.

There is no ability to stop.

This also makes them act. They are afraid. Fortunately, the charge for beating the enemy's family is very expensive, which is not affordable for ordinary people.

"What? Don't you usually talk a lot? Now they are mute? "

Kulahorn looked at the silent Smith and said with some dissatisfaction.

Hearing kulahorn's words, Smith naturally knew that he could not remain silent, so he racked his brains and said.

"Phone, phone, threaten him, and his apprentice is still in our hands ~ ~"

Kulahorn thought for a moment, and he really had only this way. Otherwise, if this guy left, his formula would really fly.

Even if he is finally caught and killed, all he wants is the formula.

But thinking of his previous conversation with loster, he was not in the mood to be scolded, and said directly to Smith.

"You contact him."

"Yes, I'll contact you now."

Smith didn't dare to ink. Now this situation has frightened him a little. He quickly took out his mobile phone and started calling.

He was also a little shadowy about Lotte. He even doubted that he would die if he were more arrogant in Lotte's shop.

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