Published at 6th of June 2024 06:18:00 AM

Chapter 513

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The first place is nothing special.

It's ordinary. It's a desert, not even an oasis. At most, there are a few cactus balls nearby.

Dry and hot.

Besides, I can't see any difference from the surrounding desert.

Even those who had been turned into stone statues were taken away.

According to these four weeks, there is nothing special.

Suddenly, dozens of people came here to check the situation around, but they didn't find anything special at all.

Bisky took out the map and marked the position here.

Obviously, I'm going to record the situation here first.

After luost asked Maggie and the two puppets to watch Aaron and Yana, he began to check the situation around.

No matter what you see or hear, you can't find anything special.

Here, it took more than an hour.

Nothing special was found, and there was no snake god.

Many people present had the idea of dissatisfaction, but no one said anything.

At present, many people have followed them, including those from the hunter Association in the palace who have been very close to loster and others.

Now they don't mean to say anything.

If it were an ordinary team, maybe they would complain, but now it's here.

Especially when you see the expressionless loster.

None of them dare say anything more.

We can only gather around and talk about our own views to see if others have gained anything.

"Come on, go to the next place."

After searching and taking a rest, bisji obviously gave up the first place and determined the situation nearby.

Besgie said directly to Wallett.

After communicating with each other, he motioned directly to loster.

Now hurry up.

It's certain that the snake god will appear when he comes to such a place.

So let's take a look at the situation here.

Otherwise, when the snake god suddenly appears, it's not fun.

According to the previous situation, if the guy really suddenly came out to sneak attack, few people present could stand it.

The good news is that the snake god is very big. It's not easy to sneak attack.

In this endless desert.

In fact, it is easy to find the large volume of snake god.

As long as the other party finds out, it's easy to say.

Then there's no sneak attack.

Face each other directly, although the snake god's ability may be a little strange.

But in fact, it's nothing.

There are still some real strengths to face.

Half an hour.

Search all the way.

I didn't give up a little, but I didn't find anything.

And loster and others, this also came to the second place.

The second place, after the news spread, the second snake god appeared and attacked the place where humans were turned into stone statues.

This is a small oasis.

There is a small lake.

According to the news received before, looking at the performance of the stone statues, they were petrified when they were resting.

The stone statues were also taken away.

Many people, more or less, have taken away some stone statues.

These people have completely become some commodities, and even some people have clearly expressed their intention to take them back for sale.

After all, people in this world have very special tastes.

It's a stone statue of such a real person after being petrified by something like snake god.

In fact, there are many people who are interested.

After all, even human organs now.

Many people like it.

What is a stone statue made by a real person...

"How's it going? Did you find anything? "

At this oasis, many people began to have a rest. After Bisi guitars were here, although they didn't relax their vigilance, they also began to rest.

Especially to take care of Wallett, who is basically unable to move now.

He also prepared some water and other things for him.

During this period, bisji also asked two people with Wallett to take Wallett to Los.

"No, there's nothing around here."

Shook his head. When he came near here, loster searched for it at the first time.

There really isn't anything like snake god around here.

There are some ordinary snakes.

But compared with the so-called legend of snake god, it is much different.

For his ability, loster is still very confident.

Unless the other party has any special ability, otherwise, you want to really avoid loster's perception.

It's impossible.

"Well, be careful, that guy, the probability of appearing here is actually not small."

Bisky nodded and began recording again..

Now that she said this, she didn't believe loster.

But now, even if the other party does not appear, it may appear at any time.

In fact, it is not impossible for the other party to have any strange special abilities in the desert.

So Bisky reminded me.

Now, she didn't waste any time to completely record the situation and location of this place.

Even if something happened later, she was ready.

It's not hard to find this place next time.

In addition, there are four weeks...

At this time, bisji showed the rich experience of an old hunter..

As time goes by.

It has been two hours since I came to this oasis.

And that day, it has begun to turn dark.

I left early in the morning, found the stone statue, followed back and forth, and then went to the city to discuss for a long time.

Finally, it was determined that it had been a long time on the road.

For some time.

Now go again and find a second way.

Even if the desert has a long day, now the sun has come to an end.

Then came the cold wind.

The frost moon tops and the cold wind strikes.

In this small oasis, there are still people here who have not retreated. It is windy and cold here.

"How's it going? Are you leaving? "

Although the desert is actually very dangerous at night, loster and others actually have nothing to worry about.

As long as you find the right route, there must be no problem to leave here and return to the city.

As for the danger.

What's that?

"No, we'll spend the night here tonight."

After stopping loster's words, bisji refused without hesitation. Now bisji has raised a fire to keep warm.

For Wallett, she didn't abuse anything and put her partner on the other side.

In case you catch a cold or something.

Although the other party is capable of reading, the situation of the other party is not good.

Most of them were petrified, and their physical quality and ability decreased a lot. In the cold wind like the desert, they soon began to tremble. They were a little inferior to Aaron.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!