Published at 6th of June 2024 06:15:59 AM

Chapter 577

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What's going on outside the city.

They don't know about Los in the city.

Just watching the snake god and bisji run farther and farther, even if there is no cover in the desert, even if they stand high, they can't see them now.

I've just left here.

"This guy, what are you going to do when you run so far?"

Originally, I thought bisji should be back soon after hanging up the phone. I didn't expect it to go farther and farther. Loster also muttered a little.

I was going to call again.

But think about it later. He had already said his idea before, and bisji knew it.

Now bisji must have her idea to do so.

I'll keep myself safe.

Just wait for her here as planned.

He didn't think about whether bisji would have an accident here.

Although the strength of the snake god is terrible, it is not completely outrageous.

At least in terms of speed, he can accept it, and bisji won't be caught up at once.

Supporting for a while is not a problem at all.

"Let's go and find a place to rest."

The snake god has gone, and there are not many poisonous snakes in the city. Now the people in the city come out more or less, and they look a little frightened.

Before, some people with the ability to hide, although some people pay attention to the situation on their side.

But no one dared to approach.

At least no one had this idea when Lotte was there.

Under the leadership of loster, they occupied a highland.

I found a place to rest and came together.

By the way, loster got something to eat.

It used to be a fight for several hours. Now it's normal to be hungry and want to eat something.

Not to mention, if possible later.

May also be pursued by the snake god, or others.

This is entirely possible. At that time, it was really a physical war and a war of attrition.

At the thought of this, loster did react.

Is the snake god chasing Wallett just to kill him.

After killing them, it was the turn of loster and others.

I'm not sure if I think too much.

The hand that wanted to do something also stopped.

"Aaron, I'll give you this way."

While taking out the little yellow book, he handed the cooking and tools to Aaron. Looking at Aaron's honesty, the tools began to prepare the cooking. Loster checked the little yellow book.

Although he has seen it many times before, he hasn't seen it since he came into contact with the snake god.

After all, I've been chasing the snake god and contacting bisji later. Naturally, I don't have time.

And this little yellow book, according to their guesses and ideas, should still have a little change.

When loster took out the little yellow book, Maggie next to him noticed it.

Although she felt it, Los should be able to open the book now, but she didn't say anything.

Anyway, I know when I open it, and it's just a simple intuition.



Originally, he just tried, but turned it over. After turning over the little yellow book he didn't know how many times he had read before, loster finally opened the book.

I don't know if it's an illusion. The Qi in the book has become stronger.

Even before, loster had felt that the book had consumed a lot, but now it is more generous than when loster first got it.

Be strong..

"There must be some secret."

Although it was clear that there must be some secret, loster was not sure of anything, so he had to keep reading honestly.

Anyway, this situation can certainly be determined later.

Turning over the back pages and checking them, loster also showed some expectation.

Just like watching stories or TV dramas at ordinary times, I look forward to watching the next episode and the next scene.

Loster also looked forward to the follow-up stories of the previous little yellow book.

In particular, there is the secret of the snake god..

It is not impossible to get any hint from this and solve the snake god.

"It's really a dog blood love story."

After turning page by page, loster looked at it carefully. It was not careless at all. Even before, he didn't know how many times he had seen the beginning.

He looked inside and outside for several times. If he hadn't been angry enough to climb the book before, he would have been ruined.

I think he can turn the book to pieces.

After all, this is about how to treat the snake god. It's normal to be serious.

He is also looking forward to any explosive news here.

If there is really any weakness of snake god, it will be much easier to deal with.

After looking at it carefully page by page, loster also determined that this story is really a dog blood love story.

Love across races.

I should say so.

The book doesn't say how the snake god came.

The record of this pattern suddenly appeared, and then became good friends with the son of a Terran leader at that time.

And almost became a cross racial relationship.

Eat together, hunt together, sleep together.

However, this relationship does not last long. After all, the days always need to change.

It's not recorded for long.

It should be after the little Lord grew up.

Originally, the leader abdicated, and the little Lord inherited his father's inheritance.

Then he became the leader.

This guy is also a capable man. He developed their original tribe and became the city master.

To the back, even established a country.

It could be ten years, it could be twenty years, and loster doesn't know.

The boy is old anyway.

During this period, his relationship with the snake god did not deteriorate, but better.

Many times, not only help hunting and protect their villages, but also launch wars to attack other tribal villages. Snake god used to help.

The snake god can be said to work hard for the leader.

It can be said that the reason why the leader can build a country is at least half the credit of the snake god.

The name and pattern of this country are different from those of modern characters. However, due to the particularity of this book, loster determined that the country's name is snake.

Maybe it's the snake god, or maybe it's something else.

Later, the snake god became the patron saint of the snake country and lived directly in the palace.

It can be said that the palace is the most luxurious and exquisite except for the palace of the Lord of the country. Behind it is the palace of the snake god.

And then, the dog blood thing is about to happen.

As the leader of a country, it's normal to take a wife and have children.

This must be a wife and concubine, or even a concubine after the election. This is not a two-way problem.

In order to inherit and continue the country, there are many future generations.

This is no longer a matter for the Lord of the country alone. This was what the whole country wanted at that time.

Because the other party was so famous at that time.

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