Published at 6th of June 2024 06:15:28 AM

Chapter 593

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In fact, the treasure hunter is too anxious about this matter.

He had been using some simple mixed toxins before, but there had been no movement.

At the back, I had to use some advanced and precious poisons.

But he probably didn't think of anything. Before, the queen had used the same means, all kinds of precious poisons.

Before, most of them were poured into the snake god's body.

She knew what it was like, and she remembered it.

These memories have been passed down, and these two generations of snake gods know what this is.

Looking at the treasure hunter, he began to be full of disgust.

Without hesitation, he took direct action and began to attack.

Hit the treasure hunter and got caught off guard.

Let the place not react and get hurt.

Although the treasure hunter wanted to explain, the second generation snake god didn't want to hear anything.

She was also introduced by the early snake god. What's the meaning of human image.

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