Published at 6th of June 2024 06:14:13 AM

Chapter 617

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If this happens.

It's better to wait like this, waiting for the other party to be killed by the oath.

Anyway, this guy didn't kill Wallett. He shouldn't live long. Soon, he will be killed by the oath made before.

According to the current blackening situation of the other party, it won't be long.

Even now the other party may run at any time.

I'm not sure when it was. Originally, Rochester thought the snake god should be dying.

But I didn't expect this. The other party still wanted to run.

Before, I obviously felt the other party's dead spirit and will.

They even gave up their way of life. Obviously, in the case of loster, they just didn't die.

Follow each other and try to find out what's going on.

On the other side, bisji and others who had been watching the war also came to Los.

Then Wallett looked at loster and didn't know what to say.

He saw the horror of the snake god. It was already an inhuman existence, and in his opinion, it was even less human. The snake god itself was strange and said it was possible.

And this is a man. As a man, he is called an inhuman existence, which can not be understood by a useless man like him.

Before, I watched loster fight with the snake god, and watched loster attack and assassinate again and again with the golden sword, as if he were playing the game boss.

As long as you dare to light up the blood strip, I'll kill it for you.

Think about it and make it. Wallett didn't joke about this kind of thing.

He didn't speak at all. He was carried here by a black-and-white puppet.

In fact, I'm a little worried. According to the previous situation, the snake god is chasing him. That's right. Now the other party runs away. If he comes again later.

It's not very embarrassing. In terms of his strength, it's estimated that he was swallowed by the other party.

There's no need to resist at all.

His ability to transfer space is nothing to the snake god.

"What are you going to do now?"

Finally, bisji asked what most people wanted to ask. After more than an hour of rest, bisji has actually recovered a lot under her animal massage.

Physically, I've recovered. There's nothing big.

Now it's just that I don't have enough mental Qi. I need some time to recover.

And now, for this monster, run again.

She's also a little tangled. It's clearly the best opportunity.

Snake god's speed is very fast. It can be said that he ran out of her circle in the blink of an eye.

So she didn't feel each other's existence.

"Catch up and I'll find that guy."

He smiled and said hello to bisji and others, holding the golden sword that had been stained with a lot of snake god's blood in his hand, Lotte said directly.

It's true that all around here are contaminated by the blood of the snake god, not only the long sword, but also the nearby desert.

Sand is everywhere.

There was blood in the cave she had just drilled.

Hearing this answer, the happiest nature is Wallett.

Bisji, looking at the cave that the snake god had drilled before, didn't really agree with passing through this cave.

"We chase from above. I can feel her position."

There was no more explanation. There was no time now. Loster said directly and waved to them for action.

Now the snake god has run out of his exploration range.

We must catch up and find it.

Fortunately, their investigation in the desert is indeed much faster than the other party's underground action.

Soon loster found the snake god again.

Now the other party's speed is getting slower and slower, and he already feels a little weak.

Loster was not in a hurry. The best result was that the other party died directly, and loster didn't have to worry about a dying counterattack.

The speed is getting slower and slower, which is good news for people to relax a little.

If the snake god can recover quickly, they really have to consider running away.

On the other side's terrible blackening has been improving their strength.

In fact, loster knows that the other party has a limit, but he doesn't necessarily know where the limit is.

Maybe the other party's limit can just fuck you, that's not necessarily.

Walking and stopping all the way, the snake god was almost the same. He drilled around slowly on the ground, but he didn't show his head.

Loster is not sure whether the other party knows whether they are tracking here or walking safely underground.

"This direction?"

As the other party moved forward, loster seemed to think of what this place was.

"Do you know where she's going?"

Looking at loster as if he knew something, bisghie asked directly.

"Maybe. We came from there before. What about the ruins??? Now why does the other party go back? "

Look aside and wait for Maggie. Determine the direction of the snake god. Loster can basically be sure that the relic is not wrong.

Before, they turned upside down. Rochester took away all the valuable things.

The rest of the things are basically of little value. It's hard not to say what's wrong and missing.

Maggie didn't say anything more. She just felt that this should be the case for loster. The snake god is going back now.


I just don't know. Why is the other party going back?

"Do you think the most dangerous place is the safest place?"

Loster was a little guessing.

I think they just came out there, so they won't catch up with her. They can't find her, so they go back.

In fact, this situation makes no sense.

Unless there is something in it that she must pass even if she is afraid of death, or something that is particularly important and can make him "anti kill".

In that case, loster might be in danger.

If you chase the past like this, you may just get caught.

"Is that dangerous?"

What loster could think of, bisghie would naturally guess.

The snake god may have arranged something on the ruins. Bisji had never been to the ruins before, and he couldn't be sure of anything.

You can only ask Maggie and loster who have been there.

"Not sure? But there should be nothing special there. Maybe there is something else we haven't found. "

Loster said his thoughts directly, but he never stopped the whereabouts of the snake god.

The pace did not stop.

All this, I still found the snake god, after the snake god determined the position.

In fact, all their previous speculation is just speculation and prevention.

Just have a prevention.

As for what the other party is hiding in it, they need to wait and confirm it.

Bisji and others also know this truth. Unless they give up hunting the snake god, otherwise, they can only go and have a look.

It's impossible to be frightened by only one possibility.

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