Published at 6th of June 2024 06:13:50 AM

Chapter 632

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For the ability of biscuit, this magical cookie girl can be said to have a very good effect.

Unfortunately, these capabilities can only be regarded as logistics.

The effect of combat is very little, or even no, which is why bisji never uses this thing in combat.

If it's a battle that can be lazy and rest, maybe you can call it to recover your physical strength or something.

If it is in the individual fight, the summoning has no other effect except to waste the mental Qi. According to the strength of bisji.

If it is someone who can threaten her, summoning this thing is of no use at all.

I can't even buy some time.

"What do you think ~ ~"

"Reading ability is broad and profound. It's not just fighting. Sometimes, what suits you is the best."

Maybe he was upset at the way loster thought, and bisji came to loster and knocked him quietly.

"What suits you is the best. Don't change your ability."

As soon as he turned to bisji and saw the other party remind him, Rocher thought that he was worried about the indiscriminate development of the ability that had not been fully developed.

"Don't worry. I'm very satisfied with my ability ~"

Nodding, he didn't say anything more about it, and loster knew that bisji was right.

Reading ability is the best thing for yourself.

It's a little too unnecessary to use some abilities that you can't control.

Even the ability you don't like, how can you make value.

Like that sisso before.

If the ability of the other party is only about 10 points, well, the full score is 100, then the ability belongs to him for nothing and he doesn't want it.

I can't play.

And the other party can play directly.

If one day, he develops the ability to manipulate others to copy Nian animals, he is not interested in such a "waste" ability.

After all, Nian beast is just Nian beast. It has no fighting consciousness and fighting ability like SISO.

With such a flexible ability, loster can almost say that he can't use it directly.

For example, Maggie's ability is actually the same. It can be said that it is the ability of the other party to talk. If he is asked to sew and mend with sewing, where can he do it.

Later, I didn't continue to struggle with my ability. After cleaning up, I entered the rest time.

The party had a good rest in the cold wind all night.

We were ready to go at dawn the next day.

In fact, the temperature of the desert also has levels. At first, when the sun rises, it is the warmest and not hot, and then it rises slowly.

It's like when the sun just sets at night, the temperature drops slowly.

It's mainly the sun boss. The length of time in the sky is the temperature and dryness of the desert. Of course, there may be other natural disasters that will affect the weather.

However, at least, at present, loster has not encountered anything.

"Pop pop ~ ~"

"How far is it?"

Under the baking of the sun, loster and others soon came to noon, as if they thought they could almost have lunch.

Thought of it again. What bisji said yesterday, there may be results today. Loster still asked..

"Soon, the other party's moving distance should not be far. It may have reached the destination. It doesn't move much. According to this situation, it can reach the other party's coincidence point in an hour or two."

Bisji replied directly, took the map and confirmed it. He looked at their points that were close to overlapping.

"Now we have to pay attention along the way."

In fact, it doesn't need to be said by bisji. Before, loster was checking all the way, just worried about what he missed. After all, the map looks so unreliable.

There is only one map like this, where people can believe anything at will.

With the conversation between them, loster, who wanted to open his mouth for people to eat, suddenly saw something strange.

Soon the whole man took off with the moon step and checked the situation in the distance.

"Did you find anything?"

It didn't take long to land on the lizard, bisji said directly.

After all, just like that, it's obvious that I found something.

"What did you say before?"

Looking at bisgi, loster said strangely.

"Did you find anything???"

Strange as it was, bisghie repeated.

"No, no, no, not this sentence. It seems that there is no accident before. We can reach each other's coincidence point in an hour or two."

Shook his head, indicating that he was not asking the previous sentence, and when they spoke, the big lizard under him seemed to have felt something.

Running more and more slowly, even a little want to stop.


Bisji hasn't responded yet. After all, he didn't go up to confirm the situation just now.

"The accident came."

Loster simply slapped the lizard under him.

"Be careful. The weather ahead is a little strange."

The big lizard also began to be a little frightened. It seemed that he had encountered something terrible and directly braked and stopped.

In a few seconds, loster and others soon discovered the power of nature.

This earth shaking change.

In front of them, the positive sky is already black, it can not be said to be completely black, and there are some yellow???

Looking at the dark sky ahead, loster didn't know what to say.

The yellow sand flying all over the sky made loster know what it was.


Cover the clouds and block out the sun. The sun can't penetrate. The terrible storm in front seems to be a big monster. The problem is that the other party's speed is still very fast and doesn't mean to stop at all.

They swept over directly all the way. To tell the truth, although they had encountered sandstorms when they came.

But they really encountered such a sandstorm for the first time. Even loster couldn't guarantee that he would not be lifted by the other party.

Death is not. After all, there is nothing special that can't kill him, but others are not necessarily.

"What kind of monster weather is this ~ ~"

Not only loster saw it, but others naturally saw it, which completely covered most of the sky and directly frightened Aaron Yana.

After all, they were just ordinary people before. Although they have more experience with Rochester now, there are few people in the world who can see such things.

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