Published at 6th of June 2024 06:13:49 AM

Chapter 633

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This can even destroy the natural disaster of a city.

It appeared in front of loster and others, and it was very close.

It's OK. It's just the desert. If it's in the city, like the two cities they met before, as long as the big guy passes by, there's no doubt.

Absolutely, the two cities can only become ruins. After the sandstorm passes by, let alone people.

How many buildings can be left is not certain. Even those cities and a little houses left can only become "relics" in the desert in the end.

Let the people behind find out.

Now, Maggie and bisji are good at saying that they are just a little dignified, and people seem to be thinking about something.

As for the two little guys, they were stunned, blinked, but couldn't say anything.

The body feels powerless and paralyzed.

It's brave enough to face such a thing for the first time, a terrible natural disaster, without being frightened and shouting. Most people face this kind of thing.

First of all, it brings a feeling of suffocation, as if the whole world is under pressure.

Without what loster and others said, the experienced lizards in the desert have begun to run fast, even faster than before they came.

There is no direct U-turn, but moving in an oblique direction.

The lizard obviously wants to get out of the dust storm.

Life is really magical. Under the threat of death, the outbreak of the lizard is much faster than before. They can only feel the stabbing wind beating their faces.

If not for the existence of mental Qi, the sand in the desert is enough to hurt people.

It's enough to directly beat people's faces into pockmarked faces. At this time, especially under the acceleration of the big lizard, if they don't read Qi, it's a luxury for them to open their eyes.

"Don't worry, nothing will happen."

Sitting on the back of the lizard, looking at the two little guys next to him, loster pressed their heads.

"What are you going to do now? Why don't we just run with those two little guys? "

Bisji suddenly looked at loster. Although the big lizard was fast, it also depends on what compared with other animals, such as Warcraft.

Compared with them, it is much worse, especially in the case of short-term outbreak.

"Well ~ ~ we can't run far. According to the scope of the sandstorm, we might as well resist it."

Looking at the terrible dust storm, Rochester didn't feel able to leave the scope of this thing and completely cover this area.

Running is probably a little distance.

Especially with people, watching the erosion speed of the sandstorm, you don't have to think about it.

"Bisji, Maggie, just give me a hand here. You go first."

Pointing to his small kitchen, loster said directly to them. Not only them, but also bisji and Maggie, looked at the sandstorm.

They will be caught up in less than a minute. The sky has begun to turn black and the sun will disappear.

"Resist the past? How are you going to fight it? Your restaurant? Are you going to let everyone hide in your restaurant? "

Hearing what loster said, bisghie was actually a little unsure. He had seen the storm just now.

If it's ordinary, it's no problem, but there are all kinds of strange things in the storm, sand and earth are ordinary, and all kinds of Warcraft have been swept up.

Can you hold on to the collision with this restaurant?

“。。。 Can you? This situation is hard to deal with. "

It's not that bisji wants to destroy loster's confidence, but the current situation, this dust storm, is really dangerous.

All kinds of things swept across the sky, which was rolled into the sky for unknown meters. At the back, they were either buried in the sand or fell from the sky.

Loster's maintenance of this restaurant must consume Nian Qi. In this case, he has been attacked all the time, so Nian Qi consumption must be more.

"Don't worry, it's all right. Go in, so I don't have to wait to find you one by one!!"

"Don't you worry about my reading capacity?"

In fact, the thinking of loster and bisgi is a little wrong.

Bisghie thought everyone was hiding, so he relied on loster's anger to survive.

And loster, he didn't intend to.

He naturally knew that it was more dangerous outside, but he still had this confidence.

He must clean up some dangers. If this sandstorm attacks the restaurant recklessly, something will happen.

But if it's only a part, there's no problem.

In fact, this is also a problem. He has a disadvantage in his reading ability. If only he could make the house disappear and hide.

But it's a pity that although he calls at any time.

When someone is inside, he can't directly let the house disappear.

If that situation makes the house disappear, the people in it won't last long.

Maybe the next time he calls, the people inside will be dead.

"Just trust me."

In fact, in the upper part, loster has checked the area of the sandstorm. He is a little confident to resist it directly.

And listen to loster.

Originally I wanted to say something, but Bi Siji still didn't say anything. Even Maggie is not sure. In this case, hide better.

In this case, even if you hide deeply in the desert, you will be directly beaten up.

Now the whole storm has been completely composed of all kinds of strange things, which is the most dangerous.

"Go in."

It didn't take much time to cram people into the kitchen.

In order for them to determine the situation outside, loster opened a 'window' for them to see.

"Aren't you going to come in?"

Looking at loster still outside without action, bisji suddenly opened the door and opened the sandstorm that was close enough to feel the strong wind pressure.

"I'll find a suitable position first. Just stay honest."

Feeling that the sandstorm had arrived, loster directly stuffed bisgina's small body back.

Bisgie knows about the kitchen in loster.

If there is any accident, you can also remind them to leave the house first.

There is still some cooperation between the two on this matter.

It's a little troublesome for people outside to enter this restaurant, but it's very easy for people inside to come out.

According to the speed of bisji and Maggie, it's not a problem to take them away before the accident.

Even if loster's ability is relieved, there is still a little space to stabilize the space, and they can run out through the space.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!