Published at 6th of June 2024 06:32:45 AM

Chapter 64

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In addition to the storage ring, the color is domineering.

Loster and the coming of the tree world.

This is loster's card now.

The tree world descent scroll disappeared directly after loster took it out.

He also got the method of use.

As long as he holds his hands together and meditates on the coming of the tree world, he can use it directly and control the tree attack.

Should it really be S-level ninja?

It's totally different from putting out a fire.

After finishing his body, filling his stomach and absorbing nutrition, loster had a good rest.

Has seen and heard color domineering and round.

Now you don't have to worry as much as before.

Only when there is any danger approaching, he must be able to know at the first time.

What he needs to do now is to conserve his energy.

Then let the Kura family see his horror.

Now he especially wants to turn the gourmet capital upside down and let them know that he is not so wanted.

In the evening.

Night has just fallen.

Loster left his hiding place.

This is what he thought when he was resting.

First, he came to the Kula family's manor.

There are two things to come here. The first thing is that he wants to explore how many readers there are in the manor.

The second thing is that he wants to stop people here. If there are few people with ability, he may directly take action.

If there are many capable people, he will block the people observed at the door.

Just the people who come out of it.

That's his goal.

Don't ask why, don't ask right or wrong.

This is the big manor where the core members of the Kula family live.

Basically, they are not people of their family, or people with very friendly relations.

There are few others.

Of course, he won't attack those ordinary guys who don't have the ability to read. At least the guys who have the ability to read must be protected to have this value.

Others, just a waste of time.

In the great manor of the Kula family, the number of people who read ability is somewhat more than he imagined.

Just on the periphery, he found dozens of people with mental ability.

Although many are not particularly strong, they are also people with reading ability.

Loster only explored the periphery. He didn't enter. He could feel the round smell inside.

If you go deep, you will be found.

The Kura family is really on alert.

"Finally there's a guy with some weight."

Loster waited for more than an hour before he felt the breath of those with reading ability leaving.

Three cars.

The front and back cars are ordinary people. In the middle car, there are three students.

A person who reads ability is a co pilot, and one left and one right in the back seat is also a person who reads ability.

There is an ordinary man in the middle.

It should be their protection target.

Loster hung tightly behind and followed the three cars.

Nothing happened.

He's going to wait until he gets away from them.

These three thinkers are not as weak as the peripheral thinkers of the Kula family.

There will certainly be some noise in the battle.

If it's too close, it's not good to have someone to support.

Or find a chance to kill them again.

Hacis hotel.

It doesn't seem to belong to their family.

Loster watched the Kula family enter the hotel without worry.

He knew who the Kula family were.

Kura Hoss.

Kula Haihua's second son.

This information was given by bisghie before, and this is not shady news.

Just search the Internet, and there are pictures attached.

After knowing that this guy came to provoke his brother, loster didn't intend to give up.

I thought he was coming for dinner or something.

But it looks a little different.


As soon as Kura Hoss entered the hotel, he was invited to a beautifully decorated room on the third floor.

There are also many bodyguards standing around.

Sixty three.

Loster counted a little, and the branches were in each position.

And there are those who can read.


It should be from another organization, which makes loster a little confused about whether to force his hand.

If it's three, it's okay to say.

He also saw the reading of those guys.

If there is nothing to hide, he stealthily attacks and kills one or two, and the others are definitely not difficult.

Even if there are two more people with ability to read, they don't know any problems, so it's a little troublesome.

"Kura Hoss, how are you thinking? This is mutually beneficial to us. "

While loster was considering whether to take action, kulahos in the box was negotiating with another person.

Cyril Rudd

One of the management families in the gourmet capital.

He's the one who invited Kura Hoss over this time.

Kura Hoss took a sip of wine and didn't reply directly.

It is indeed mutually beneficial, but it is not so friendly to the Kula family.

He had to think about it. He didn't refuse or promise directly.

Cyril Rudd was not in a hurry. In his opinion, it was an absolute thing..

Kura Hoss will never refuse..

Family interests are compared with personal interests..

Which is more important depends on people..

Kura Hoss is a guy who has studied very thoroughly..

Family interests and personal interests, he will certainly choose personal interests..

Of course, it would be different if the family became the family he controlled..

Knock knock knock....

At this time, there was a knock outside the door..

There are other sounds besides that..

"Here you are, gentlemen."

"Let's have dinner first. I hope Mr. Hoth can give me an answer after eating."

Hearing a knock on the door, Cyril Rudd said to Kura Hoss..

Kura Hoss didn't say anything, just nodded, but at this time he also had a little idea in his heart..

"Come in."

With Cyril hard's words..

The waiter who had been checked outside the door pushed the dishes into the box..

One of the bodyguards also came to check. After confirming that there was no problem, he asked the waiter to serve..

Things have always been smooth.

The waiter is very dedicated. He is very serious about loading bowls and placing dishes..

"Have a nice meal, gentlemen."

Finally, the waiter said so.

Just when everyone thought he was leaving, the waiter broke out and killed two bodyguards standing behind Kula Hoss..

The bodyguard nearest to him had nothing to do..

There is no way..

Two bodyguards stood behind Kura Hoss, and the other one stood next to him..

Unless there is a level gap, you can only sneak attack once..

Anyone will choose to kill those two and catch Kura Hoss by the way..

The explosion of shaving and finger gun · claw shocked everyone present in an instant..

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!