Published at 6th of June 2024 06:13:19 AM

Chapter 642

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"Keep going."

At the other party's prompt, loster soon found the existence of the beetle.

For these guys who punch one by one, loster doesn't care very much. If he is a guy like snake god, maybe he can choose to run.

And now these..


Listen to what loster said, cardo couldn't believe it, but he still didn't say anything.

Move on.

Now Xiaosheng is in the hands of others, but he knows this very well. If he messes around now, there will be no good things. Just do things honestly.

If something really happens, it can only be regarded as bad luck.

As cardo moved on, Bedo and Keynes, who were tied to him, turned pale, but they could do nothing but move on.

It's still being caught.

Just thinking of the black beetle before, I was still a little afraid.

In the past, the black beetle could teach them to be human, not to mention now, it is said to be a large group.

Several, here..

With their actions, even Keynes and Bedo, who were relatively weak, found the existence of those black beetles.

And those black beetles also found loster et al.

Their perception itself is different from ordinary people. It can even be said that they have found the human beings present before Keynes and Bedo found them.

And like these black insects who don't know if there is anything to eat in the ruins, what will happen after they find creatures.

It was already very obvious before.



With a few roars and the sound of some feet hitting the ground, a group of black beetles ran here quickly.

Soon, loster and others had seen these guys.

These guys also appeared in front of loster and others.

"A guy without a brain."

Seeing these guys, loster is basically sure that these guys have no brains and can't even distinguish the so-called strength.

Here, neither loster nor bisjico hide any breath, and now these guys dare to come directly like this.

Indeed, it can only be said that there is no brain. Beasts with a little instinct will feel afraid.

"Lanjiao Youlong."

The legs are like the wind and cut through the air. Several terrible space chopping attacks are directly displayed. Combined with the application of the above point to release the tie Qi, the chopping attack is completely like a swimming dragon.

The strength of LAN's feet is strong enough to break the entanglement of those who have the ability to read, even if they don't use the ability to read.

Now, with the thought of Qi, the power erupted has increased by a level.

Like the black beetle here, it has no resistance at all.

Compared with the previous black beetles, it is more miserable because when the swimming dragons collide with each other, they are directly cut into two pieces. Even when a swimming dragon is arranged, it is directly cut into several pieces.

"Boom ~ ~"

With the passing of these attacks, the black beetles were left with only some dirty blood and flying debris, and the residue of something unknown.

It has become a complete waste and emits a smell.

I believe no one is interested in such things, and so is loster. If you kill something, you have to eat it.

He can't do it. He has his own recipe. Insects can't be eaten, but whether such things are poisonous or not is one thing.

And it tastes bad at first sight.

Not interested, even a little disgusting.

"Come on, get out of here."

I'm not interested in staying here. With the death of these black beetles, the taste here is a little strange. It's better to leave first.

It's better for bisji and Maggie around to say that even Aaron Yana knows the strength of loster and has seen each other's hands before.

Keynes, on the other hand, now has a little big mouth.

This black beetle can chase them all the time, and now a group of several black beetles are killed like this??

Really don't treat insects as insects at all.

"Gollum ~ ~"

I looked at loster with a little worry, but in the end I didn't say anything and led the way honestly.

Now it's not that they need to think more about them. What they need to do is to lead the way and find people.

The party moved on.

It's not so smooth. I've walked through the mechanisms several times. The mechanisms in the relics are basically scrapped and useless, but there are many monsters, black beetles and so on.

Along the way, loster and others met at least dozens of black beetles, as well as flying insects such as Mantis.

The number was relatively small, but more than a dozen were encountered.

These two monsters and insects are like guardians in the ruins.

The defense of the black beetle is amazing, while the attack of the flying mantis is is amazing. The sickles are actually a little scary.

That is, it makes no difference to meet someone like loster and kill him with one move.

If you meet people like Keynes and them, who will be killed by one move at that time is not certain.

This is also the black beetle they met before. If they met the flying Mantis before, they probably don't have to be tied now.

They had been cut into several pieces by these flying Mantis before they met loster.

"Did you find it? How much longer? "

All the way, loster was not sure how long he had been walking, but it could be predicted that he had been walking for at least half an hour.

Such a long distance should be a little closer.

"I, they are also walking in the opposite direction. If they stop, we can catch up without accident in half an hour. If we don't stop."

It's a little awkward for cardo to talk.

But the other party is walking, and he has no way.

Even if he can control insects, he can't communicate.

Moreover, even if they can communicate, the other party may not pay attention to him or even run away.

After all, I'm not sure who is looking for them. If I know them, it's easy to say. If it's an enemy, it's terrible to think about such an enemy.

"Can't you control insects? Can't you stop them? "

Loster suddenly thought that there were insects in the other party's team.

"I can't let the insects communicate."

Hearing this, cardo can only say how useless he is and hope the other party doesn't think too much.

He really hasn't developed this ability. It's good to be able to sense insects, determine location and small-scale information.

Communication and so on. There is definitely more than one difficulty in developing the ability. Especially for things like insects, is it difficult to manipulate a group, one into S and one into B?

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!