Published at 6th of June 2024 06:12:40 AM

Chapter 661

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"Now we'd better drink something to warm our stomach. If we want to eat other meat, we'd better eat it later."

Looking at the eyes of the people around him, Caesar reminded him.

This is not stingy. After all, it still uses his materials, mainly for the sake of these people. In addition, his ability itself will not make things tasteless.

In addition, it also has the effect of restoring vitality and physical strength.

This itself is made for Lin Nie. As for others, it's just by the way.

"Eat, it should be good."

Loster didn't care. For him, delicious food is worth tasting.

It doesn't matter whether it's light or not.

Just delicious.

But this thing was cooked with white jade crystal rice. The value of that thing itself is not low, and it has a little effect on restoring self-cultivation.

Plus the other party's cooking ability, in fact, loster was very interested before.

As for eating other food, he didn't care too much. The kitchen is here and the food warehouse is also here.

Just wait until you want to eat.

It's not impossible.

Two puppets were left to be thrown out to see what was going on outside.

Others, it is rare to hide in this restaurant and eat a bowl of porridge.

Looking at the people around, they were almost full. Loster muttered that his restaurant had not opened yet. At this time, it was full.

In fact, bisji Maggie and others were not very interested in this thing at the beginning.

But after listening to loster, I tried.

"This is white porridge?"

Just after a mouthful of white porridge, bisji's face changed a little.

There is a taste in it. It's not that it's not delicious, it's just a fresh taste.

"This is the taste I use my mind to make, and the reference is the taste of fish porridge cooked with baiding golden horned fish I have seen before."

Hearing bisji's words, Caesar had paid attention to Linnie's situation and turned to explain it.

Also explaining to others.

Baiding golden horned fish?

"Is it hard to find?"

Loster was interested in this thing. He drank a small bowl directly, continued in the casserole and got another bowl.

"If you want to find this thing, go to the South China Sea. It's rare, but it's not difficult to catch it. Sometimes you can buy it with money if you're lucky, but the price is not low. Each one is about 2 billion guineas."

Caesar looked at loster and was interested and explained it directly.

"And the effect of restoring reading Qi?"

"I feel that the recovery speed of physical strength has become faster."

The people present, the people in Lin Nie's team, in fact, this is the first time they have really seen Caesar's craft. Before, they actually made dishes casually.

After all, they are looking for things. Where is the time to bother and do anything.

Now, in fact, Lin NIE is not in good condition. Caesar specially made Nian cuisine for Lin NIE to recover.

Taste is incidental. To put it bluntly, it's actually what Caesar asked Linnie to raise his body.

Nourish the body + restore mental Qi + physical strength.

This guy Caesar succeeded in attracting Lotte's attention.

Originally, he thought that this time he came to look for Linnie oldberg and mixed it up.

I didn't expect a younger brother around Lin NIE to have such a skill.

Lin Nie's craft must be good, let alone any other better ingredients.

Originally, many people present, especially those in Lin Nie's team, were a little dissatisfied with Caesar's making such things.

But now after eating, it's a little calming. It tastes OK and warms the stomach. It won't make people feel hungry.

In addition, it will speed up the recovery of mental Qi and physical strength, which is a stimulant for people who really want to rest now.

"Let's get something else to eat later. Let's have a rest now."

In fact, when entering the desert, especially in the underground ruins, they also ate casually. Originally, he planned to see what else to get after eating the porridge.

Now I'd better wait. I'm not in a hurry for this moment anyway.

The main reason is that the other party's ability is good.

After eating porridge.

Rochester expels some people out impolitely and basks in the sun on the big lizard.

Didn't keep them in the restaurant all the time.

That is, Linnie and bisji were left behind.

Although Caesar wanted to follow Linnie, he hesitated and followed him out.

In fact, it's nothing for yulos. It's just that so many people are stuffed here, which makes him feel like a new house. As a result, he doesn't have any. How can he do better.

There are a lot of strangers coming, that strange feeling.

That's why loster just found an excuse to let people quit. As for Caesar, he had to run over there. He might be worried about the people in the team.

Although these people are of limited value now, Caesar did not offend anyone.

Xiaobao, in particular, can be said to have another relationship between them. This time they came to help, which is different from other people who take money.

While loster didn't care, he motioned bisji to stay here and see if he could be close to Linnie at rest.

After that, he himself rested directly at the door to prevent what happened outside.

It's still a long way to go.

At least two days' journey, we didn't arrive casually. From dawn to dark, loster and others didn't continue to torture the lizard.

Let the other party stop and have a rest.

In fact, it's more comfortable to rest at night. After all, cold is one thing. It's tolerable for those who are angry.

But the heat really makes people unable to have a good rest.

At night, I found a perfect place to stop.

By the fire.

In the evening, there must be a fire. I don't know how many degrees below zero. If there is no fire, there may be ice nearby.

And loster was not stingy. After raising several fires, he directly made a lot of meat for barbecue.

Let them have a good mouth addiction.

After all, loster had got a lot of double tailed snakes in the ruins before. It was nothing to take out other common meat for a meal.

He is not a very stingy person himself.

There are several fires.

The Linnie Caesar also had a small treasure. In addition, the Linnie team was divided into two groups and made two fires.

Gather around for a barbecue.

But they didn't care about anything. They crowded together. Except the two puppets, they were driven to the vigil by Lotte.

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