Published at 6th of June 2024 06:09:15 AM

Chapter 749

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The first dish is smoked salmon from the polar ice basin, the smell of its own glacier and the strong smell of flame behind it.

Let them feel the unique feeling of ice and fire.

That feeling, I don't know what to say.

It's comfortable and appetizing. People feel very hungry and want to eat it all the time.

It's like opening the taste buds of loster and others directly.

There are good and bad things in this state. If you eat something general in the follow-up, you must be unable to eat.

That feeling is estimated to be more unbearable than what expired food ordinary people eat.

Lin Nie's cooking doesn't give people this feeling.

When the taste buds are opened, the whole body and mind feel happy, like the mind and spirit are massaged, and the whole body and mind enjoy a horse killing chicken.

The second dish makes people feel more hungry.

The devil mushroom soup makes people want to eat, and the cells of the whole body feel improved.

Moreover, it is also a real improvement.

That cuisine can really improve people's physical quality. In addition, it can even read Qi.

The belief contained in it was so strong that Rochester was very surprised.

After eating the second dish, people only feel hungry, because it seems that the cells of the whole body have improved and the whole body has been sublimated, which makes people feel dissatisfied.

Want more, more greedy.

And that's the state. The third dish is coming.

This is a staple food.

Indeed, it can bring people a feeling of satiety. Just a small mouthful of beef is less than one or two, just like it has swallowed several kilograms of beef.

One bite makes people a little satisfied.

After that, the rich flavor burst in the whole mouth, and the whole body was eager to try. They couldn't wait to absorb the nutrition and effect brought by the steak.

If the effect of the second thick soup before is lasting and developmental, what this staple food brings is explosive.

A powerful force of terror erupted in the whole body of loster.

Now this state is like light.

In this state, even if he enters the absolute state, he can feel the energy emitted by his body.

Like stars.

This is no longer the problem of fine hole or not, but it seems that the whole person wants to radiate energy.

Like scattered light.

Of course, not just loster, but everyone else.

Everyone has this state and has this state of being promoted.

That kind of feeling. In other words, the three dishes go through one layer after another, giving people a sense of hierarchy and a feeling that 1 + 1 is greater than 2.

1 + 1 + 1 is greater than 3

This continuous collocation and serial collocation seem to sublimate these three dishes.

The specific cooking didn't sublimate, and Lotte didn't check it. Anyway, his state was much better.

He has been taking care of his body to reach the peak before. Later, he plans to take care of the longevity rice and the double tailed snake.

Now this state is enough.

If he didn't know that this state could be maintained all the time, loster would like to open the pot and start action now.

As for others, they are almost the same.

Maggie and Bisky, both of them have improved a little.

As for Aaron Yana, their state is most obvious. These two little guys are even sweating, and a lot of body energy flows out.

It's not hot here.

There is no hot pot here. The strength of the previous steak staple food is so terrible.

Let both of them have a big promotion.

Aaron was obviously surprised at this state.

As for the specific, we need to follow up to see the situation.

I'm not sure now, because it's still improving.

"Delicious, very powerful cuisine."

Loster ate one after another and watched Caesar give a little answer.

In fact, for such a level of cooking, he felt that the task evaluation was an insult to the chef.

So he just gave a delicious statement.

To show their satisfaction with it.

As for how this thing is, only those who have eaten it know.

"If you are satisfied." Caesar looked at loster with satisfaction.

His expression twitched a little.

He knew it was delicious, but his master didn't give it to him.

He didn't have the chance to get it.

Now it's good. If you don't have a chance to eat, you have to bring it to the table for others to eat, watch others eat, listen to others say how delicious it is and listen to others' comments.

Is that what people say?

If they didn't doubt that they couldn't fight, if not this time, they came to entertain their guests.

Caesar must want to teach this man how to speak.

Is it bad for people to be a little low-key?

Caesar smiled and felt MMP in his heart.

Loster also felt a whiff of resentment emanating from each other.

However, I didn't care.

It has nothing to do with me.

I'm a guest to eat. You can't eat as an assistant and waiter. It's none of my business.

Injustice has its head and debt has its owner. Go to whoever you should find.

"It seems that you can fill your stomach."

Loster ate two-thirds in succession and glanced around.

He feels a little full. The steak looks like that. It's just a little better than ordinary steak, and the feeling of fullness is not comparable to ordinary steak.

For ordinary steak, loster eats more than a dozen pieces easily.

And this, only two-thirds have a sense of satiety, which is a bit exaggerated.

There is obviously the power to fill one's stomach. It may be because of the staple food.

As for the others.

Loster also scanned and observed. Bisji and Maggie ate almost half, and now the speed has slowed down. As for Aaron Yana, they ate half, a quarter.

Now they eat slowly.

He also drank the thick soup he hadn't finished before.

There's no problem with this food. Just eat slowly.

The feeling of fullness is actually the feeling of fullness. It is the special energy that makes you feel full. In addition, the energy can support the needs of the body.

No need to eat.

If you want to eat, or greedy, want to eat, it's not a problem.

Just take your time. Just like now, although Aaron and Yana don't eat much, they continue to let them eat because it's a short time.

It can still be eaten completely. It just takes a little time.

The staple food hasn't finished yet.

Lin NIE is preparing according to his own steps.

Prepare her next dish.

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