Published at 6th of June 2024 06:08:40 AM

Chapter 759

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And now their cruise ship may happen.

In fact, just think about it. The most likely thing is Warcraft attack.

What kind of natural disaster tornado? For their luxury cruise ship, if there is a big movement, the turbulence will be greater. If there is no big movement, there must be no shouting outside.

If there are any big moves that can make their luxury cruise ship dangerous, they now feel earth shaking. Absolutely not. It's just a little shaking and shaking outside.

As for other reasons, pirates?

Pirates are mentally disabled to rob such a cruise ship. It is estimated that the regiment is destroyed and they can't rob anything.

Not to mention the power of the people behind the cruise ship.

The people here almost came because of dream tuna. Except that some people came to see and are curious, most of them are very powerful.

Many are professional hunters with good combat effectiveness.


It's really powerful. You don't have to be a pirate.

Even a large group of class a criminals dare not attack such a team.,

If you really want to calculate, even if the phantom brigade attacks the cruise ship, nine times out of ten it will die out. Some of the remaining chances are that they run away.

Of course, there will be great damage on the cruise ship.

It's all damaged, but killing an enemy for 1000 is almost like losing 500.

If there are no special circumstances, the cruise ship will never lose.

Without these two options, you don't have to think about the rest.

Another Warcraft looking for death ran on the cruise ship.

The Warcraft is rampant during the day, but it is even more rampant at night.

Looking at something on it, some Warcraft are naturally curious and will sneak up to look for prey and so on.

There are even some Warcraft that completely include humans in their recipes.

There's nothing wrong with this. For example, humans include Warcraft in the diet, and there's nothing special to tell people, hey, I'm going to eat you.

In the final analysis, it is not the same kind.

It's one thing to be able to communicate.

Even if they are of the same kind, people themselves are complex. They are still fighting with different skin colors, different forms, and even different genders. Some people have fights.

There are others, actually.

"Well, are we going out?"

Kaudala actually has some ideas. Go out and see the situation.

But looking at loster, he didn't move, he just opened his mouth carefully.

"Get out?"

Loster himself was using domineering attention to the outside. When he heard this, he turned to respond.

"No, it's almost over. It's almost dead."

He can find out the situation outside here.

At first he had the idea to go out, but then he gave up. It's really unnecessary.

On the upstream wheel is the sea king monkey in the daytime. In addition, there is a creature with a weapon, such as a flat head, such as a duck.

The strength is almost the same.

His character was as fierce as the sea king monkey. He was caught anyway, and loster didn't care.

There are also some big octopus and so on, which have been cut off.

That big guy can move when he is cut. He has great vitality.

However, the people of the cruise ship have obviously been prepared for a long time, and they have solved the intruders on the cruise ship without much effort.

That is, there was a little damage at the beginning. Later, with the intervention of many people who read ability, the battle ended quickly.

It is estimated that people who are insensitive have not woken up yet.

"You can sleep. It's all cleaned up."

He didn't go out to waste time, there was no recipe outside, and he was not interested in making money.

It's a pity for kaudala.

In his opinion, it's OK to go out and make some money.

In terms of strength, not only loster, but also he can.

Although it's not like loster, it's just three sea king monkeys that can be solved in an instant.

However, right now, Rochester is the boss. He still knows very well that since loster said he wouldn't go out, he wouldn't go out.

Cover the white sheets honestly. Well, rest and sleep.

Poverty forced him to sleep honestly.

On the other side of the bed, loster didn't think that the guy next to him was all about money.

Now he is thinking whether to leave the cruise ship tomorrow to see if he can find treasures and so on.

Thinking, I slept for a while before dawn.

In fact, it's just a few small things.

I woke up just after dawn.

With his strength, there is no need to waste time on sleep.

Enough sleep and enough rest.

Why go to bed early in life? You will sleep long after death.

After dawn.

There are more and more sober people. Many people have come to the splint, and others are talking about what happened last night.

Many people also showed off their harvest last night and obviously made a lot of money.

Some people envy, others envy.

But loster ignored them and rarely came to the sea. The sea actually looked the same. At least there was no difference in a layman like loster.

As far as the horizon is concerned, except that sea water is sea water, at most, the dangers in sea water are different.

What kind of things will happen is really elusive.

There are treasures and great crises.

Like last night, there were dead people.

The people here are concerned about whether they can gain, including loster.

Dream tuna, other Warcraft or precious fish.

It's just different goals.

"There is a deep area ahead. There is a high probability of occurrence there. I can already feel the information of several precious fish, but the location is a little far from us."

Kaudala said his information.

It interested loster a little.

"Let's go out and look for it ourselves. We're too free to follow the cruise ship." Loster himself was a little uncomfortable on the deck.

Now, hearing kaudala's words, I can't help but speak.

Let cordara just shut up and look at loster.

I didn't expect that if I just dazzled, I would cause loster to have another idea.

"What's the matter? No? "

Asked loster.

"No, no, just, it's too dangerous. Didn't you see that there are a lot less yachts today? Basically, there is no big ship, which is very dangerous. Even if the strength is good, we encounter some big monsters. "

"If you destroy the ship, people will fall into the water. At that time, you will face a large group of monsters. It's not as simple as on the sea."

Kaudala resisted and tried to convince loster.

In fact, according to his situation, he could not refuse.

However, the current situation is indeed dangerous, including that they are now on this side. In fact, in his view, it is a little unnecessary.

Now he can come here. It's just that loster showed a little strength yesterday, which made him a little confident.

However, this does not mean that he will feel that loster can fight many Warcraft in the sea.

In other areas, it may not be so exaggerated to fall into the sea, but here, it's different. In this area, I don't know how many Warcraft and people have died recently.

The blood below must have attracted a lot of predators.

In addition, every time dream tuna appears, it will actually attract a lot of fierce Warcraft.

The dream tuna itself also has a unique attraction to Warcraft, which is fully recognized.

Sometimes, people can't find dream tuna and it has been eaten. That's the case.

"It's really troublesome to fall into the water."

Looking at a cruise ship in the distance, the number of small speedboats is really very small. Loster also knows the ideas and situation of the people here.

Occasionally, some speedboats were looking for something, but they didn't get anything. They still followed the cruise ship and moved in one direction. Loster also gave up the idea.

Danger doesn't worry about danger. It just feels that there may be trouble. That's too much trouble.

Finally, he began to use domineering and round. While sensing the seabed below, he noticed that many people actually pay attention to the situation below.

Some people are worried about the danger, others want to catch food.

Even some people do get something.

Kaudala looked at loster and was relieved that he didn't continue to talk about it. He was a little forgotten.

The surrounding situation began to be a little calm.

In fact, it's just an occasional episode. In fact, it's nothing.

For the sea king monkey and the Warcraft that looks like a human duck, loster is not interested at all.

He still wants to find something like Yu Lei.

It's not in human form, nor can it be in semi-human form.

These things are not in his recipe.

The search may be a little long. From time to time, you can see a large group of fish of various colors swimming from below. Someone did it, but loster was not interested.

It's not big, its value is limited, and it doesn't look delicious.

I didn't find anything delicious all the way. It's not good to have trouble.

Even people have conflicts.

Of course, it's not on the cruise ship, but on the other side of the speedboat. Someone was attacked and went to war. It's said that someone got some valuable ingredients and then robbed them.

That thing, kaudala also explained, is worth two or three billion ingredients.

It's expensive.

In fact, such things often happen in the back. Fighting and looting will be shown on the sea.

After all, now it is on the sea, not in the city. Many people here are not weak. When they encounter something they are interested in, they will not wrong themselves and give up casually.

Anyway, you have to compete for what you want.

This will certainly be more exaggerated in the future, especially now. In the future, the emergence of dream tuna will be even more so.

Dream tuna, that's a real treasure.

Like the previous Sea King monkeys, although there are a lot of them and the price is not low, you should know that their cruise ships have thousands of people, many of whom have neither harvest nor distribution.

There are only dozens of people who are reaping, and there are still many batches.

However, everyone has more than one billion, even more than a few billion.

Many people won't be satisfied if they come here at risk. It's easy for those who come to join the fun.

Those who have strength will not be honest in the back.

The value of Sea King monkeys is in the hundreds of millions of guineas, and the number is more than billions.

As for dream tuna, it is calculated by 10 billion. A dream tuna will basically weigh hundreds of kilograms, while a kilogram of fish will weigh hundreds of millions of guineas.

That's the exaggeration.

Even the larger dream tuna can be auctioned to more than 100 billion.

When a team works together, the division is calculated according to 10 billion.

Other small gains are just luck.

Some people even dislike trouble and don't want it, such as loster.

While listening to kaudala's story, loster looked around.

A cruise ship ahead seemed to make a lot of waves, and many people jumped up and down.

"Coming, dream tuna, coming." Said kaudala.

I reminded loster and emphasized it for myself.

A few kilometers away, he had smelled the breath that came out before, the breath that jumped up.

As he spoke, kaudala moved his big nose as if he were feeling something.

"Where is it?"

Loster released his arrogance and didn't even find it two kilometers away, which made him a little frown. This guy's ability is far away from him.

"The cruise ship ahead should have found something moving."

Kaudala pointed to the cruise ship ahead. It has been basically determined. The cruise ship ahead has seen the target.

It may be the same. Only the discovery of dream tuna can excite a boat of people. Another possibility is that there is a Warcraft attack.

But Warcraft can't attack all the time.

That's what happened.

"The tide of fish is coming. In that direction, the cruise ship is going to pass."

"The cruise ship over there has also chased it."

Kaudala felt it and spoke.

The cruise ship doesn't know whether it has received the news from the other cruise ship or whether there is any induction between them.

Maybe both.

It may be a cooperative relationship or a hostile relationship. Arrange people on the other side.

Between the two sides, it may be the same. If you find something, pass the message.

The people on the ship competed and grabbed it. In fact, they want to share some or buy something. Maybe it's also possible.

Whether the hidden rules are hidden rules, or what the market is, Rochester doesn't know or care.

Standing on the deck, looking into the distance.

Under kaudala's guidance, he has found the target. It really looks very special, and it moves very fast, even surpassing the cruise ship.

A few kilometers away, there is indeed something like golden light, or rainbow light, which is very bright and special, so that people can find the trace of that thing from a distance.

Even hiding in the sea can't do. The light even penetrates the ocean. Unless the other party really hides in a very deep place, it's easy to be found at such a distance.

The speed of the rainbow light is so fast that few ships can catch up with each other.

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