Published at 6th of June 2024 06:31:46 AM

Chapter 94

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Loster is not going to draw for the time being.

I'm going to deal with the Kula family first.

After filling his stomach and recovering his energy, loster didn't leave in a hurry.

We still need information from the Kura family.

Cyril Rudd's speed is really a little slow.

Loster waited for more than an hour before waiting for his call.

Plus, it took them hours to find a place and take a bath and eat.

"Here it is."

Loster took Maggie to a remote hidden manor.

According to the information he got, Kula Haihua is hiding here now.

Although I'm not sure if Kura Haihua is in there.

But now he is sure that there are four or five people with mental ability.

He has also tried the ability of domineering. Basically, if it is not for those who read ability, they use special abilities such as Jue or zheyin.

There is no hiding in front of domineering.

"This guy is really crazy."

Although loster already had information.

But looking at the scene in front of me, I'm really a little speechless.

So exaggerated?

Kura Haihua even transferred tanks.

No wonder you came to such a remote manor.

If the tanks were pulled into the city, other families would not let Kula Haihua do so.

"Can you handle it?"

Looking at the big tank near the gate of the manor, loster asked Maggie.

"I can kill the people inside."

Maggie's words are very direct.

"Then take your time."

After confirming the number of people in it, loster said to Maggie.

Although we have explored once, we should be careful.

Maggie nodded and said nothing.

The two separated and sneaked into the manor.

This is what they have planned before. They will act separately and hunt and kill the people who can be found inside first.

Don't be found without being found.

There are really a lot of people.

As soon as loster entered the manor, he saw people standing guard everywhere.

And with a powerful machine gun in his hand.

This machine gun can kill anyone with ordinary reading ability.

Even those with stronger strength need practice to be able to resist.

It's estimated that it can only be used at the level of brigade and regiment. Stop the guns.

Although it's troublesome to treat others, for loster, these guys are delivering vegetables.

1、 Two, three, five, seven.

In a small group of two, there is a guy who is secretly observing the situation around.

After a little distance calculation, loster planned to take the shot.

Finger gun and missile.

It seems to be the signal of the beginning. The target is the guy who is hiding and observing the situation here.

At the moment of flying ejection.

The shaving that has become small has been transferred to the last position.

Kill those three groups in an instant.

For such guys, loster can take off their heads before they react.

So they can't make a sound at all.

After finishing the seven, loster didn't make any big noise, only the sound of their bodies falling to the ground.

The same is true next.

The guards in the manor are basically a group of seven.

Someone designed it.

It's really difficult for ordinary people to break through this layout. Fortunately, neither he nor Maggie is ordinary people.

When loster killed the third team.

Something bad happened.

"Team 12, report the situation on your side."

"Team 12, report the situation on your side."

"Team 12, report the situation on your side."

The walkie talkie of one of the guards rang.

Just as loster was wondering whether to answer.

The line is switched over there.

No sound.

There is no intention of continuing to probe and ask.

Loster knew they had been found.

There is nothing to hide.

On the other side of the manor, the sound of guns came immediately.

This made loster more hesitant.

It was like a villa in the manor.

After being killed by him for several waves, the guards felt afraid and had no intention of resistance.

It didn't even show up.

Loster noticed that there was someone nearby, but he didn't show up to resist loster.

This also makes loster feel a little strange.

But it doesn't matter that much.

Now is a good opportunity, and it is impossible to give up because of these doubts.

When he entered the villa.

He had sensed that Maggie was already in the villa.

Hurried to her direction, he had found that the target character was on her side.

Including those who can read.

One of the five people who read ability is Kula Haihua.

That means there are four bodyguards.

By the time loster arrived, Maggie had killed one.

Only three are left to support.

Kula Haihua sat next to him and smiled obscene as if he were going to win.

Especially when he saw that loster arrived, he smiled even more proudly.

"Here you are."

Looking at his eyes, Kula Haihua looked at himself with hatred.

Loster was also a little speechless.

"It seems that you knew I would come?"

Loster was very careful.

You know you may bring people when you come back. How can you bring this person?

"It's not that you know. It's estimated that it's the same for anyone to come. Anyway, you're going to die, but you're the one who died. It's really great."

Kula Haihua's tone was very relaxed and smiled at the end.

In the whole process, the eyes hostile to him had not changed at all.

Kura Haihua didn't intend to continue to say anything to loster.

They had nothing to talk about.

There is only life and death hatred between them.

In any case, he forced him to this point and killed his two sons, which must be avenged..

"Aren't you going to kill me? Come on. By the way, let you see my baby. "

With Kura Hayward's words, loster's ominous premonition became more obvious.

Then not only Kula Haihua, but also the three who fought with Maggie, and even the dead power reader.

All burst out a dark and strange energy.

In this case, Maggie broke out immediately and withdrew from the combat distance.

Use the gel to watch the situation of Kula Haihua.

Such a scene stopped loster, who was still trying to kill Kula Haihua.

This guy has no idea what's going on now.

The danger of thinking ability, rash action is very dangerous.

"Be careful, that kind of reading gives me a very bad feeling."

Maggie looked at the three people who read ability and walked back to Kula Haihua. She didn't mean to stop. She also came to Los and said.

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