Grasping Evil - Chapter 149

Published at 19th of March 2019 05:32:39 AM

Chapter 149

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Knowing that Ning Fan was only a Harmonious Spirit, the three Gold Core experts from Song Country were filled with astonishment.

Normally, only Gold Core old monsters would be able to use a voyage ship. Besides, the Seven Apricot ship was very special. Its whole body was made using ‘clear jade’. Its keel was made of ‘rainbow steel’, and its sail was made of ‘cloud thread’. The grade of this magical treasure had already achieved High Grade Middle Rank. Its speed of flying could match Intermediate Gold Core experts.

Besides, the formation mark that was engraved on the body of the ship made the three Gold Core experts’ jaws dropped with awe. It was not a mistake that there was a Nascent Realm Low Grade defensive formation. Plus, the ship was equipped with 12 spirit artillery cannons. Each of which were enhanced. A spirit artillery cannon alone was already a High-Grade Early-Level magical treasure. A single shot from the cannon could even threaten the life of an Early Gold Core cultivator…

In fact, this ship was improved by Ning Fan once before it left Yue Country. During the battle with the devil armies, he had obtained a total of 10 ships. Those ships contained rare immortal ores. All of them were smelted by him to build this Seven Apricot Voyage Ship. Therefore, this ship was very powerful. Even the ships used by old ancestor figures with a cultivation base of Peak Gold Core could not match this ship.

If the owner of such a powerful ship was a Nascent Soul old monster, everybody would believe it. However, the owner of the ship was a mere Harmonious Spirit cultivator.

A cultivator who had such strong ship and with two Gold Core female cultivators as his concubines must have an influential background.

Amongst the three Gold Core experts, the old expert who wore hemp garments hesitated for a moment, and patted his pouch for capturing demons. He let out a pile of green fly spirit insects. These insects flew around the ship for three times.

Rumours had it that these insects would never forget the smell of anything it had smelled once. What’s fascinating about these insects was that they could search for cultivators who were hiding. They could also penetrate the formation that was set up as a camouflage. The old expert acted like he was looking for someone…

After noticing that the green flies did not show any response, the three Gold Core experts looked at each other and shook their heads respectively. The alertness and hatred in their eyes diminished. Then, they transmitted messages amongst each other, whispering amongst themselves.

“She’s not here. This young man should not be related  to the Red Flower Old Demon…”

“En, don’t worry about it. He should have a powerful background. Besides, according to the green flies, it seems like there are two auras which are concealed very carefully in this ship. They actually escaped from my sense… However, they aren’t Nascent Soul cultivators because the green flies cannot sense such experts. They are probably experts who are old ancestors of a sect. With them on the ship, this young man must never be offended even if he is only a Harmonious Spirit cultivator.

Ning Fan did not disturb them while they were transmitting messages amongst themselves. Instead, he brought Bing Ling and Yue Ling to the bow of the ship and enjoyed the scenery of Song Country.

Yue Country mainly consisted of water while Song Country had a lot of mountains… Only lonesome green mountains heaved into their sight along their journey.

However, the spiritual qi of every mountain peak was weaker compared to Yue Country. Although Song Country was also a low grade cultivation country similar to Yue Country, its spiritual qi had an obvious difference from Yue Country. The spiritual qi was thinner and evidently, the experts were much less.

“Great mountains!” Ning Fan praised.

“How can they be great if their spiritual qi is much thinner compared to our Yue country?” Yue Ling immediately rebutted.

“Mountains cannot be judged by its height. Water cannot be judged by its depth. Similarly, thick and dense spiritual qi does not constitute a great mountain. And, a cultivator with high cultivation base does not mean that he is a great man.”

“Young master is brilliant!” Bing Ling said with awe flashing across her eyes. Suddenly, her level of understanding increased slightly. As for Yue Ling, she was still contemplating what Ning Fan had just said. Yue Ling’s level of understanding was still slightly slower than Bing Ling. Maybe, Yue Ling would still need a few more days to comprehend the meaning behind Ning Fan’s words.

Actually, Ning Fan used the comment he made to enlighten the two women… These two women only reached the Gold Core realm with the help of pills. Therefore, both of them lacked the actual experience to refine themselves. They might not have a chance to sharpen their fighting skills through battle, however they could still raise their level of comprehension. After all, it was good for them.

Since they were willing to become Ning Fan’s servants for their entire lives, it was appropriate for their knowledge to be widened.

However, Ning Fan hardly realized that the simple words he just mentioned made the five old monsters at the scene gain some new insights. Jing Zhuo was surprised inwardly by Ning Fan’s words while a slight amazement appeared on Suqiu’s face. Her impression towards Ning Fan turned a little more positive.

While Ning Fan was enlightening the two women, the three Gold Core experts from Song Country had just finished their discussion. Just by listening to Ning Fan, all of them were amazed. Ning Fan surely had a deep enlightenment in his path of cultivation.

For the three experts, they could never speak such a phrase like Ning Fan even if they had already been cultivating for hundreds of years.

Originally, they were going to let Ning Fan and his members leave. But after the incident just now, they saw the significance of the young man.

The old expert dressed in hemp garments became respectful to the young man. Thinking about his action in threatening the young man to destroy the ship, he greeted the young man by clenching his fist in the other hand.

“I apologize for my impoliteness earlier… I am Song Jun, a rogue cultivator. The fellow Daoist dressed in green shirt is Master Lu of Eternal Spring Sect while the one dressed in frock is Master Dawn of Wu Kong Temple. May I know what is your name, friend? Are you a cultivator from Yue Country?”

The rogue cultivator, Song Jun, had reached Late Gold Core realm without any aid or support from any of the sect. Plus, he was about to break through to the Peak Gold Core. He certainly had extraordinary aptitude in cultivation. With that fact in mind, it was normal for him to be arrogant and be quick tempered. Not to mention Harmonious Spirit cultivators, there was not a single ordinary Gold Core cultivator that had the chance to become his friend.

However, today, Song Jun appeared to be very polite towards Ning Fan who was only a Harmonious Spirit cultivator. His action made Master Lu and Master Dawn express astonishment.

Other than the young man who was the owner of the ship, there wasn’t any another Harmonious Spirit cultivator who deserved Song Jun’s greeting.

“I am Ning Fan. I am a cultivator from Sinister Sparrow Sect in Yue Country. We are just passing by Song Country. After a few days, we will leave this country, heading towards Zheng Country which was situated at the north. You all can rest assured since we have no hostility towards the cultivators in Song Country.”

“Oh, you are one of the cultivators from Sinister Sparrow Sect of Yue Country. I am sorry that I didn’t recognize you… Your surname is Ning? Are you the descendant of Black Devil Ning?”

“Yes. Black Devil Ning is my old ancestor…” Ning Fan lied with a strange expression on his face.

After knowing that Ning Fan was the descendant of Black Devil Ning, Song Jun and the two experts became even more respectful towards Ning Fan.

Black Devil Ning was a Fourth Revolution Pill Master! He was so famous that he was talked about even in Song Country. This was because there were also old monsters who were longing for Nascent Formation, and there was not a single Fourth Revolution Pill Master in Song Country. If there were no choices left, the old monsters would have to ask for the pill for Nascent Formation from him in Yue Country with a thick face.

It was no wonder that Ning Fan was able to have such a ship and Gold Core female cultivators to serve him since his cultivation base was only at Harmonious Spirit realm. Everything turned out to be logical after knowing that his old ancestor was a Fourth Revolution Pill Master!

In the cultivation world, only pill masters who achieved Fourth Revolution could possess the wealth to grant their descendants with such expensive and lavish gifts.

It would be hard to believe if there were Late Gold Core experts admiring a Harmonious Spirit cultivator. However, admiration and envy really started to fill Song Jun and the two experts’ eyes while looking at Ning Fan.

Having a senior who was a Fourth Revolution Pill Master signified that they might have the opportunity to break through the Nascent Soul cultivation realm! However, if they know the truth that Ning Fan was in fact Black Devil Ning, it would definitely blow their minds.

As for these three experts, they would already be very pleased to have a tea with Ning Fan to strengthen their relationship. However, their mission to hunt the old demon had not been accomplished yet.

“Ai, since you have an important matter to settle in Zheng Country, we won’t disturb you any longer. This token symbolizes my order. If you hold this token, there will not be any Song Country cultivators hindering your way throughout your journey.” Song Jun muttered and took out a piece of jade token. He threw it gently towards Ning Fan as a gift.

Ning Fan accepted it and thanked him without any sign of refusal. With the token, he could go anywhere in Song Country in his ship. The troublesome matter of being hindered by other cultivators was solved.

With a switch of intention, Ning Fan asked, “My friend Song, the Red Flower Old Demon originated from where? How could he make Late Gold Core cultivators to be so dreadful of him? If it was a great secret, then you can forget about my question.”

When Ning Fan’s question arisen, the three old monsters’ expression became peculiar. As for Song Jun, he burst into fury. He certainly wasn’t provoked by Ning Fan’s question. However, it was because he recalled the vendetta that he had against the old demon. Resentment and hatred began to invade his thoughts.

A short moment later, Song Jun calmed himself down and showed his apology to Ning Fan.

“Sorry for my impoliteness. I got carried away just now. It is because the Red Flower Old Demon was my irreconcilable enemy. I carry a great feud against that demon. This matter is actually not considered a secret. However, it would be a shame for us by letting others know about it. Since my young friend Ning had asked, I am willing to tell you about it so that you will be cautious on your journey to Zheng Country.”

Song Jun heaved a deep sigh and continued, “As a matter of fact, that Red Flower Old Demon is a rapist. He is uncommonly good in sorcery. In just a month, he had abducted countless female cultivators of our country, absorbing their Yuan Yin. This demon is extremely brazen! Our wives and daughters were also abducted. Now, we can’t be sure whether they are still unsullied. Our hearts are burning with impatience. I can’t wait to capture that demon and tear him into pieces! However, this cunning demon has a lot of hidden and unusual techniques. Besides, his speed is extremely fast. Ten days ago, I joined a group consisting a number of Late Gold Core and Peak Gold Core experts. We surrounded this demon and severely wounded him. However, he still forced his way out, killing three Late Gold Core experts while seriously injuring four. This demon is indeed very strong. My friend Ning, although your ship is not weak, you must never be careless and give the demon the opportunity to enter your ship. After all, you have also brought beauties along with you. The demon would most probably be spying on your ship!”

After Song Jun finished speaking, he gnashed his teeth in hatred and the other two experts’ eyes were also blazing in anger.

Their daughters and wives had been kidnapped. The women’s purity was most likely already sullied. How could they hold back their anger?!

Ning Fan was a little surprised that Song Country had such a powerful demon.

If that was the case, extra caution and alertness would be needed along their journey. Ning Fan was not arrogant enough to think that he was invincible.

It was appropriate for him to be wary of the Red Flower Old Demon as the demon could still fight its way out even after being besieged by a number of Gold Core experts.

“What is the cultivation realm of the old demon actually?” Ning Fan’s gaze was fixed on one spot while he was thinking.

“The demoen should be a Half Step Nascent Soul. Of course, he might be a Nascent Soul demon, however he suffered a drop in his cultivation base after being severely wounded…” Song Jun answered, feeling that Ning Fan had shown some interest towards this demon. If he could draw the young man over to his side, it would be a great help in capturing the demon together.

Ning Fan’s cultivation realm might not be strong, but there were two experts who were old ancestor level in his ship. The chance of arresting the demon would unquestionably increase if they could join the pursuit.

“I have a presumptuous request, my young friend Ning. Are you willing to stay at Song Country and help us catch this demon? Of course, you will not receive a light reward if you really contribute to the pursuit.” As Song Jun asked, the other two experts appeared to be very hopeful.

Even Jing Zhuo who was in the ship was influenced to get into action. He was an old ancestor of a righteous sect. In his entire life, he hated evil acts. If he could eliminate the demon in Song Country, it would undoubtedly be helpful to improve his state of mind. After all, eliminating demons and devils was one of the means to improve the state of mind of righteous path cultivators.

As for Suqiu, she acted like it was part of her duty, and was responsible for it. She immediately talked to Ning Fan via voice transmission.

“Let’s stay at Song Country and lend them a hand…”


Suqiu was indeed really famous for her personality of being a busybody. It was this personality that encouraged her to assist Ning City when the two powerful evil sects attacked Ning City.

However, no matter whose request was it, none could disrupt Ning Fan’s goal.

The young man did not have much time. With that fact in mind, he, of course, wasn’t willing to stay in Song Country. It would be equivalent to finding troubles for himself.

Since the demon could abduct female cultivators in a flagrant manner, it must have someone powerful it could rely on. Ning Fan did not have a hundred percent assurance in killing the demon even though he was quite strong.

All he could do was to reject Song Jun’s request by shaking his head.

“I apologize. I have important matters to settle. I do not dare to delay the journey of passing Song Country. I really wanted to lend a hand, however, I am afraid that it would only be my intention without action.”

“It’s fine. I am sorry for my reckless request. Without any further disturbance, we shall leave…”

Song Jun and the other experts sighed lightly. They had no other choice. That was human nature. One would stay aloof from things of no personal interest, let alone in the world of cultivation where making a wrong decision might take one’s life as a price.

Truth to be told, if it weren’t for their own wives and daughters being captured, Song Jun and the others would’ve never paid to the demon. They would not even pursue the demon and endanger their lives.

Since Ning Fan was not willing to provide assistance, they would not demand him forcefully. Being able to form a good relationship with the young man was already a good thing for them as having a good rapport with Ning Fan was equivalent to having a good impression from Black Devil Ning.

The three experts greeted Ning Fan and left. They were heading to other places in search of the old demon.

Right after the departure of the three experts, Ning Fan shifted his gaze and brought Bing Ling and Yue Ling into the ship.

Inside the resting room of the ship, Suqiu’s eyebrows tighten. She was extremely disgusted by Ning Fan’s action. She thought that Ning Fan decided to let them suffer for themselves rather than lending them a hand.

“Red Flower Old Demon is wreaking havoc in this country. Why don’t you help them? You are such a selfish person!”

“Selfish… Now, tell me, who is a devil cultivator here? Don’t forget, the cultivation technique that I am practicing is Dual Cultivation. I pluck female cultivators to nurture myself. Maybe, the amount of women I’ve plucked is not less than the old demon. Selfish… hehe, it doesn’t matter if I appear mean, selfish or impudent if I can provide peace and serenity to those whom I loved. I will have no regrets for all my actions. Besides, I am really running out of time. It would only be a waste if I stayed here…” Ning Fan closed his eyes and smiled bitterly.

“You! Is time that important to you!?” Suqiu replied with disappointment all over her face and ran back into her room.

She knew that Ning Fan’s choice would never be wrong. His choice was made after deep and cautious consideration. However, she inwardly hoped than Ning Fan could be as selfless as her to help those in need.

Why would I criticize Ning Fan? Why am I disappointed to see him acting selfish while I am fine with others being mean and selfish?

Is it really wrong to be selfish? Or, is it really good to be selfless?

Why didn’t I choose to help the experts of Song Country myself after they’ve been rejected by Ning Fan? Why am I still staying on the ship?

Could it be that I had become selfish too without being aware of it? If it was me in the past, I would have risked my life to save others even if there’s no support.

After cultivating the Dao for six hundred years, she had been through a lot of things. She had felt pain, sadness and exhaustion. However, she hadn’t felt that lost before just like today.

Undeniably, Ning Fan was selfish. But, if I were to face danger, would he save me as promised? Or would he just stand aside and look on coldly as a bystander?

Suqiu’s fingers embedded deeply into her palms. So, that was the reason why she lost her composure.

She did not understand and she could not comprehend why she was in such confusion.

Speaking of which, why is time so important to him? Is he really that impatient to increase his power? For a 19-year-old with a half-step Gold Core as cultivation base, the speed of his cultivation is enough to match the speed of those top talents in Rain World… Besides, his combat power is enough to defeat a Nascent Soul cultivator. Does he really think that he is not strong enough? However, I don’t seem to have asked him the reason he’s going to the Endless Sea… Maybe, he is really pressed for time.

Should I go and ask him about it?

It seemed like the timing was a little inappropriate since we just had a fight now…

After hesitating for a while, Suqiu carried her jade flute and pushed the door. She was heading to the bow of the ship.

It was already late and the sky was getting dark. Ning Fan was standing at the bow alone while the sun was setting. The strong wind that blew against him made his coat flutter lightly.

It seemed like he was lost in his thoughts as he could not sense that Suqiu was approaching him. When Suqiu came near him, only then did his shoulders shiver. His reaction was analogous to the beasts being alerted in the deep forest.

Such mindfulness… That was the cautious state of mind that was developed from dangerous environment.

Suqiu couldn’t help but be curious about Ning Fan’s experience in life that made him so guarded towards external things.

He was a mystery to Suqiu. For her, it was her first time prying about other’s affairs after six hundred years of cultivation.

“Did you come to play the flute for me? I thought you are not coming.” Ning Fan did not turn his back and the way he spoke carried a bit of laughter. However, Suqiu felt that his laughter was forced. It was not out of happiness.

“I am not going to play the flute today… Can I ask you a question?” After Suqiu asked the question, she began to feel anxious. That feeling was comparable to the feeling when she saw blood for the first time after killing someone with a sword.

“Hmm?” Ning Fan was a little surprised. He thought that Suqiu came to reprimand him again.

“Why do you need time so urgently? Why are you lacking the sense of security?”

“Why? You have a good question. I have been thinking about this question for a long time when I was at Li Hen Mountain, Heaven Separation Sect and Han Guang Mountain respectively. That time, I could not understand why I am acting in such a way? Why do I cultivate Dao regardless of anything? Finally, I understand now…”

A dull look replaced Ning Fan’s smiling expression.

“If you have a tough life since young, and you had a brother who needs your protection, you may be anxious and afraid. Whenever there is trouble, you will immediately bring your little brother to escape.

“If you have an enemy so powerful that even the divine emperor of Rain World would have trouble defeating descending after a hundred years to kill your master, you will surely increase your strength regardless of anything.

“If you are used to being misunderstood, you may turn cold and detached too. If you are ignored for so many times, cruelty will start to form your personality. You will probably sink into the Devil Dao if you are insulted by hundreds of people. If you have something that you want to protect, perhaps, being selfish will be a part of your nature.

“During the battle with the devil armies, I was scared, extremely scared. I was afraid that if I died at the black corpse’s hands, I would be eliminated. Zhihe would die. Today, I finally understand my master’s feeling when he was leaving to Sword World. Do you know that my hardest difficulty in core formation was not breaking through the bottleneck of the realm, but to abandon my feelings?! Do you know my Heart’s Demon is my wife? Also, I just can’t abandon that feeling… I am reluctant to do it… Besides, when Sisi was leaving, I could easily take her down and refine her into a spiritual puppet again, but I was unwilling to do it…

“My friend Yin, do you have moments of being afraid and unwilling to kill or be selfish, but you have no other choice in life?

“If you know that your Dao is going against your love ones, what would you choose? How should you choose?

“Difficult… It is very difficult. However, you have to understand, I do not fear the old demon. If it dares to hurt my people, I will make sure that its death is certain!”

After speaking, Ning Fan’s eyes turned cold. His spirit sense was directed towards the peak of a mountain from a thousand li away in the west and he compressed it!

Then, traces of blood stains surfaced on a red camellia which appeared to be very ordinary. Besides, a strange blood which was black in colour started to flow out from its wound.

That red camellia let out a human voice. The voice was gentle and soft, as if it belonged to a girl. However, the voice contained endless killing intent.

“How could a mere Harmonious Spirit cultivator have such a strong spirit sense? It’s not any weaker than mine. Could it be an Early Nascent Soul spirit sense? Hmmph, it seemed like he had brought a lot of quality human cauldrons. There are two Early Gold Cores and one Peak Gold Core! Hehe, they are delicious...!”

In the next moment, the red camellia transformed into a woman dressed in red clothes. Out of anyone’s expectation, her appearance was utterly ugly and disgusting.

One could hear sobbing voices from the blood red pouch that was tied to her waist.

Red Flower Old Demon was a woman?!

And, she was an Early Nascent Soul cultivator?!

Suqiu did not know anything about the demon. What’s pitiful about her was that she didn't even know she was already being preyed upon by the old demon.

For Suqiu, she was extremely confused, contemplating about what Ning Fan had said.

She could not imagine what kind of childhood Ning Fan had been through, robbing him of his sense of security.

She also could not imagine that Revered Ning. who was respected by numerous people in Yue Country, had been abused by hundreds of girls before.

However, what’s out of her imagination was that Ning Fan had a Void Fragmentation enemy who would descend after a hundred years to kill his master!

After knowing all of these, Suqiu suddenly felt that her action earlier was really a mistake. Her words that claimed Ning Fan as selfish were equivalent to a sword piercing through his heart.

However, Ning Fan was still smiling in front of her.

Ning Fan who was already aware of the demon had not told Suqiu about it yet.

His smile was only an expression. It didn’t have any relevance with his emotions.

“Play the flute for me. Today I want to listen to ‘Xiao Chong Shan’…”

The autumn crickets chirped incessantly last night. 
Breaking my dream homebound; 
it was already midnight.
I got up, and alone in the yard I walked around;
on the window, the moon shone bright.
Struggling the whole life for success,
end up going back to see the pine bamboo dead.
Confiding to my lute what I have in view
But connoisseurs are few.
Who would be listening,
Though I break the string of my lute?

That was the first time Ning Fan told others about his personal matters…

Actually, there was a reason behind it. He thought that there were some similarities between him and Suqiu. She could understand the meaning behind some of his words although no explanations were given. She could feel his feelings although he did not express…

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