Published at 13th of November 2018 10:02:58 PM

Chapter 184

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When Mu Liang and Grandpa Lu went to the bedroom, Mu Lan was still clutching Mu Liang's shirt.

Grandpa Lu coughed lightly and said, "I think you should put on your shirt. The shirt you are wearing now is a little shorter for you. You must feel uncomfortable."

Mu Liang changed back to his shirt. Looking back at Xin's shirt, he felt his mood improved a bit.

'This shorty is no match for me.' Mu Liang thought.

Grandpa Lu checked Mu Lan's temperature, pulse and took a tube of blood. He then told Mu Liang to stay here and turned to go back to his room.

Mu Liang suddenly said, "Wait."

Grandpa Lu looked at him and asked, "What is it, child?"

Mu Liang answered, "I told you to bring three tubes of R-0."

Grandpa Lu's body tensed. He started sweating. He said, "I did bring them. However, I don't want to give it to anyone."

Mu Liang asked coldly, "Do you think I'm going to do anything immoral?"

Grandpa Lu shook his head. He replied in a hurry, "No, my child.

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