Published at 12th of October 2021 10:14:49 AM

Chapter 339: 339

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Zhang Wuji took Xiao Zhao and entered in pushing the door open. He saw Zhao Min was drinking wine, she was sitting on the same table as on the previous night. As she saw them she stood up and smiled, "Zhang Gongzi is truly a trustworthy man," she said.

Zhang Wuji noticed her expression was as usual, as if last night's trouble had nothing to do with her at all; he mused, "This girl is truly extraordinary; I sent someone to kill her father's beloved concubine and released the masters of the Six Major Sects whom she painstakingly captured after a meticulous plan. She should be very angry, yet she looks like nothing happened. I wonder how she is going to vent up her anger."

He saw the table was already set with two sets of chopsticks and cups just like last night. He bowed slightly and took a seat. Xiao Zhao stood a bit farther away, taking the position of a servant.

Zhang Wuji cupped his fists and said, "Miss Zhao, about last night, I offended you a lot. Please forgive me."

Zhao Min said with a smile, "That Concubine Han of my father was bewitchingly enchanting. I was repugnant. My Mama praised you as a smart and competent man."

Zhang Wuji was stunned; her reaction was truly beyond his anticipation.

Zhao Min also said, "I am fine with you rescuing those people too. They were not willing to surrender anyway, so what the use of keeping them here? Now that you have rescued them, everybody must be very grateful to you. Currently in the Wulin world of the Central Plains nobody surpasses you in term of power and prestige. Zhang Gongzi, let me offer you a toast!" With a soft laugh she raised her cup.

Right at this moment the door was pushed open and someone came in; it was Fan Yao. He went to Zhang Wuji first to pay his respect; and then he turned toward Zhao Min and bowed respectfully to her. "Junzhu," he said, "Ku Toutuo is taking his leave from you."

Zhao Min ignored his greeting; "Ku Dashi," she said in a cold voice, "You have hidden the truth from me really good. This time Junzhu has stumbled big time."

Fan Yao stood straight up, he boldly said, "Ku Toutuo's surname is Fan, first name Yao; the Guangming Youshi [The Right Emissary of the Brightness] of the Ming Cult. Because the royal government is in enmity with the Ming Cult, I entered the Ruyang Palace to spy on the enemy. I have received a lot of Junzhu's kindness; thereupon I come today to bid you farewell."

Zhao Min remained to be cold; she said, "If you want to go, just go. What's the purpose of this propriety?"

"A real man always handles matters in the open," Fan Yao said, "From this day on, I am Junzhu's enemy. If I do not let Junzhu know this, I am betraying Junzhu's kind treatment in the past."

Zhao Min turned toward Zhang Wuji and asked, "What is it that you have, that each one of your subordinates is willing to die for you?"

To which Zhang Wuji replied, "We are doing it for our country and our people, for chivalry, for loyalty and self-sacrifice. Fan Youshi and I did not know each other, yet we feel like old friends; we are devoted to each other, lifting high this 'yi4' [justice/righteousness] character."

Fan Yao laughed aloud and said, "Jiaozhu's words truly express what is in subordinate's heart. Jiaozhu, you have to be really careful; this Junzhu Niang-niang is young, but her heart is cruel and merciless, she is truly an extraordinary woman. You have too kind of a heart; you must never let her swindle you."

"Yes," Zhang Wuji replied, "I will not dare to be careless."

Zhao Min laughed and said, "Ku Dashi, thank you for your compliment."

Fan Yao turned around to leave the inn. When he walked pass Xiao Zhao, he suddenly stopped dead on his track. His face showed a big shock, as if he suddenly saw a ghost or a demon. "You … you …" he stammered.

"What?" Xiao Zhao asked.

Fan Yao stared blankly at her for half a day before he finally said, "No … it can't be … I thought you are someone else." Heaving a deep sigh he pushed the door and left; his face looked so gloomy. "Looks alike, looks alike," he softly mumbled.

Zhao Min and Zhang Wuji looked at each other in bewilderment; they wondered to whom Xiao Zhao might look alike.

Suddenly they heard the sound of whistle in the distant; three long and two short whistles, sharp and shrill whistles. Zhang Wuji was startled; he remembered it was the signal of Emei Pai disciple whenever they were trying to contact their fellow martial brothers or sisters. In the Western Region he had met Miejue Shitai and the others, and he heard this exact same signal back then. "Why do the Emei Pai's disciples return to Dadou [lit. grand capital, the present day Beijing]? Could it be that they are dealing with some enemies?" he pondered in his heart.

"That is Emei Pai's signal," Zhao Min said, "Looks like they have an urgent matter. Let us go and take a look, shall we?"

Zhang Wuji was surprised, "How do you know?" he asked.

Zhao Min smiled and said, "In the Western Region I followed them for four days and four nights before I finally managed to capture Miejue Shitai. Why wouldn't I know?"

"All right, let us go and take a look," Zhang Wuji said, "Miss Zhao, I have a favor I'd like to ask. Can I borrow your Yitian Sword for a moment?"

Zhao Min laughed. "I have not borrowed the Tulong Saber, you want to borrow the Yitian Sword first. You do have an astute business skill," she said. Loosening the precious sword from her waist she handed it over to him.

Zhang Wuji took the sword. Drawing the sword from its sheath he called, "Xiao Zhao, come over here."

Xiao Zhao walked over. Zhang Wuji brandished the Sword; with some light 'swish, swish, swish' sounds the iron chain on Xiao Zhao's hands and feet fell clanking down on the ground.

Xiao Zhao bowed down and said, "Many thanks Gongzi, many thanks Junzhu."

Zhao Min smiled. "What a beautiful young girl," she said, "Your Jiaozhu must be very fond of you."

Xiao Zhao blushed profusely; but her eyes sparkled with joy.

Zhang Wuji returned the sword into its sheathe and handed it back to Zhao Min. He heard the Emei Pai's signal sound was moving toward the northeast. "Let's go," he said.

Zhao Min fished out a silver coin from her pocket and threw it on the table; then she dashed out of the inn.

Zhang Wuji was afraid Xiao Zhao could not keep up; he pulled her hand with his right hand, while with his left he pushed her waist, keeping a distance between their bodies. They followed Zhao Min closely. But after only a dozen of 'zhang's or so, he felt Xiao Zhao's body was very light; her footsteps were also very fast. He felt strange, so he took away the strength from his hands; yet Xiao Zhao was still able to run side-by-side with him, she did not show any sign of lagging behind at all. Zhang Wuji did not utilize his 'qing gong' [lightness skill] to the fullest, but his feet were moving very fast; yet to his surprise Xiao Zhao was able to match his speed.

In an instant Zhao Min had already crossed several desolate alleys and arrived at an empty yard enclosed in a partly collapsed wall. Zhang Wuji heard a faint noise of some women arguing inside the enclosure. Knowing that the Emei Pai's disciples were on the yard, he pulled Xiao Zhao's hand and took her crouching behind the wall, silently hiding in the darkness. He noticed long grass everywhere on the yard; it seemed like it was an abandoned garden. Zhao Min followed them hiding in the grass.

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