Published at 12th of October 2021 10:12:07 AM

Chapter 456: 456

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Five people struck each other's palms to seal their oath straightaway. Then the Du couple invited the three priests to come into their house to have a detailed discussion on their plan to seek revenge and snatch the Saber away.

As the Three Swords of Qinghai were seated, they saw that the wooden door of the bedroom was closed; unavoidably they eyed it suspiciously. Yi Sanniang said with a laugh, "Don't worry, they are a young couple from Dadu, running away from their homes. The girl is as pretty as jade, the boy is an uncouth fellow; both do not know the least bit of martial art."

"Sanniang please don't blame us," Ma Fatong said, "It's not that we don't believe virtuous husband and wife's explanation, it's just that what we are about to accomplish is of the greatest importance, involving the life and death of the word's heroes; if our secret is leaked, I am afraid …"

Yi Sanniang laughed, "We have fought for half a day, yet this young couple is still sleeping like a dead pig. It's very prudent of Ma Daozhang to be cautious. You'd better see it with your own eyes."

While saying that, she pushed the door, but the door was bolted from the inside. Zhang Wuji thought that it would be better for him to learn whatever information he could get from these five people before trying to find a way to rescue his Yifu, so he did not want to get rid of these people so soon. He immediately carried Zhao Min and put her on the bed. Quickly he removed his shoes and pulled the blanket over their bodies.

'Snap!' the latch broke by Shao He's internal energy exertion. With a candlestick in her hand, Yi Sanniang walked in, with the Three Swords of Qinghai followed behind her. Seeing the candlelight, Zhang Wuji turned his eyes toward Yi Sanniang with a blank expression on his face. 'Swish' Ma Fatong slashed his sword toward his throat. His action was very swift and fierce.

"Ah!" Zhang Wuji cried out in fear, and jumped out of bed, as if he was delivering his neck toward the blade of the sword. Ma Fatong immediately held his sword, thinking that this man truly did not know any martial art, because no matter how brave, a martial art practitioner would not dare not to evade the sword.

Zhao Min mumbled and turned her body around as if she was still deep in slumber. Under the candlelight, her face looked captivatingly beautiful and tender.

"Yi Sanniang was right," Shao He said, "Let's get out of here!" The five of them returned to the living room.

Zhang Wuji jumped down the bed and put on his shoes. He heard Ma Fatong say, "Have virtuous husband and wife confirmed that Xie Xun is really at the Shaolin Temple?"

"We are absolutely certain," Yi Sanniang replied, "Shaolin Temple has already sent out invitations to invite all heroes for a 'Lion-slaying Assembly' on the Duan Yang Festival. If they had not captured Xie Xun, they would certainly lose face in front of the world's heroes. How could they do that?"

"Hmm," Ma Fatong was silent for a moment before continuing, "Kong Jian Shen Seng [divine monk] of Shaolin Pai died under Xie Xun's fist; of course Shaolin monks and disciples would want to avenge him. Actually, all virtuous husband and wife need to do is enter the Temple on the Duan Yang Festival, and open your eyes to see your enemy stretch out his neck to die. Without uttering any word or exerting the least bit of strength, your enmity will be avenged. Why did Mr. Du sacrifice his ears and risk the danger of offending the Shaolin Pai?"

With a cold laugh Yi Sanniang said, "My humble husband destroyed his ears five years ago. Besides, without any reason our only beloved son was murdered by that wicked thief Xie Xun. Our hatred toward him is as deep as the ocean. With this kind of enmity, would we leave the revenge in other people's hands? In order to deal with this wicked thief surnamed Xie, our first step was to pierce his pair of ears deaf. We, husband and wife, will strive to die together with him. Hey, hey, ever since our beloved child was killed by him, we don't have anybody to love in this world anymore. We don't care if we offend Shaolin or Wudang, or die under thousand blades and ten thousand cuts."

In the adjacent room, Zhang Wuji could hear a very deep hatred in her voice; he shivered involuntarily while musing, "Because of his suffering under Cheng Kun's hands, Yifu has vented off his anger to many innocent people in the past. This Du couple does not look like bad people, yet because they are heartbroken over their son's tragic death, they endured pain and suffering just to kill my Yifu. This kind of enmity will not be easily resolved. As soon as I rescue Yifu, I will have to take him far away to avoid further shedding of innocent blood."

By this time, Zhang Wuji did not hear the least bit of noise from the five people on the other side of the door. He took a peak from a crack on the wooden partition and saw the Du couple and Ma Fatong, three people, were dipping their fingers on the teacups and writing on the table. "These five people are truly cautious," he thought, "Although they are convinced that Zhao Min and I are not Jianghu characters, they are still afraid we might leak their plan. Ay, too many families in Jianghu want to seek revenge on Yifu. There are even more people who covet the Tulong Saber. I am afraid there are countless people who want to get their hands on him even before the Duan Yang Festival. These people not only made extraordinary painstaking effort, they are also martial art experts. Yifu would certainly face a catastrophic suffering if Shaolin Temple is somewhat negligent. Looks like the sooner I can save him the better."

As five people continued their silent, secret discussion, Zhang Wuji lied down on the wooden bench and slept. They woke up at dawn the next day, and saw the Three Swords of Qinghai had already left.

"Popo," Zhang Wuji asked Yi Sanniang, "Why did those three Taoist masters come here last night with shining knives in their hands? At first, I thought they came here to capture us that I was scared out of my wits. Only later I found out that it wasn't the case."

Yi Sanniang was secretly amused to hear him calling the sword a 'knife'; but keeping a straight face she said, "They were astray travelers; they left after drinking a bowl of tea. Zeng Xiaoge [young big brother Zeng], after lunch we are going to take three bunches of firewood for sale in the Shaolin Temple. Would you help us carry a bunch? If the monks in the Temple ask, I will say that you are our son. This might inconvenience you a bit, but I just want to avoid making them suspicious. Your wife who is as-pretty-as-a-flower, must not go out to take a walk on her own."

Although she talked as if she was asking Zhang Wuji's opinion, her tone carried an authority, which did not give Zhang Wuji any chance to say otherwise. As soon as Zhang Wuji heard her, he understood her intention. "She thinks I really am a farmer boy," he thought, "And she wants me to accompany her scouting the Temple. Nothing can be better than that!" Therefore, he immediately agreed.

"Whatever Popo said, Xiaozi [little child – referring to self] will obey," he said, "All I ask is that Popo will give the two of us shelter. We have been running to the east and fleeing to the west with fear and trepidation, without a day of peace."

Right after the seventh hour [between 11am – 1pm], Zhang Wuji followed behind the Du couple, each one carried a pile of firewood on their shoulder pole, walking toward the Shaolin Temple. He wore a wide bamboo hat on his head, a short hatchet on his waist, and a pair of straw shoes on his feet. Among the three, he carried the largest bunch of firewood. With a smile on her face, Zhao Min stood by the door, sending him off with her gaze.

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