Published at 12th of October 2021 10:11:32 AM

Chapter 481: 481

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"That's right," Xia Zhou said, "The enmity between the Beggar Clan and Shaolin Pai can be temporarily set aside. It will not be too late for the two of you to settle your account later. We'd better talk about how we are going to handle that villain Xie Xun first."

"Don't be foul-mouthed," Zhang Bang Longtou was indignant. "Jin Mao Shi Wang Xie Daxia is one of the Ming Cult's Protector Kings; what villain are you talking about?"

Xia Zhou thundered, "You are scared of the Ming Cult, I am not scared of them! A villain with a wolf heart and dog lung like Xie Xun and you still honor him as a hero?"

Yang Xiao walked toward the center of the field, cupped his fists around and said, "I am [orig. zai4xia4] the Ming Cult's Guangming Zuo Shi [left emissary of the brightness]. I have something I'd like to say in front of the world's heroes. My humble Cult's Xie Shi Wang has killed innocent people in the past, but actually, he can't be blamed …"

"Humph," Xia Zhou snorted, "Those people he killed are already dead. Do you think you can resurrect them with several sentences of your superficial words?"

Yang Xiao was unfazed; he said, "We are roaming the Jianghu; we lick the blood on our blades on a daily basis. Which one among us has never taken anybody's life to be able to stay alive until today? One with stronger martial art skill might kill more people. One with inept skill might lose one's life. If for every life we take we must pay with our own lives, hey, hey, I wonder how many of us, among these several thousands of heroes and warriors in this field, would remain. Xia Lao Yingxiong [old hero Xia], you have never killed people in your whole life?"

The Mongolian occupation of China was a time of chaos; there was trouble and confusion everywhere. As the Wulin characters roamed the Jianghu, they would either kill or be killed. It was quite difficult to cultivate one's own moral worth. Other than a small number of monks and nuns from Shaolin Pai and Emei Pai, perhaps it was rare to find anybody whose hands were free from bloodstain.

This Shandong's warrior Xia Zhou was a hot-tempered man; he had injured countless people. Yang Xiao's words had rendered him speechless.

After being dumbfounded for a while, he said, "Bad people we can kill, good people we should not kill. This Xie Xun and the devil heads of the Ming Cult are entirely alike; always do dishonorable deeds. I wish I could cut you in thousands pieces, eat your flesh and sleep on your skin. Humph, humph, the one surnamed Yang, I think you are not a good 'thing'."

He understood that there were many highly skilled people within the Ming Cult, but today he wanted to kill Xie Xun to avenge his brother's death, so a bloody battle against the Ming Cult was unavoidable. Therefore, he spoke boldly without showing any restraint.

A piercing voice came from the Ming Cult shelter, "Xia Zhou, do you think I am a good 'thing'?"

Xia Zhou turned to look at the speaker; he saw a thin-cheeked and sharp-mouthed, pale-faced man; so pale that his face looked gray. Xia Zhou did not know what kind of person this speaker was; he shouted, "I don't know who you are, but since you are one of the Devil Cult's devil heads, I am sure you are not a good 'thing'."

"Xia Xiong [brother Xia}," Situ Qianzhong said, "Don't you know this gentleman? He is one of the Four Protector Kings of the Ming Cult, the Qing Yi Fu Wang."

"Pei, pei!" Xia Zhou spat, "The Blood Sucking Devil!"

Suddenly, while the crowd of warriors was still talking among themselves, Wei Yixiao had arrived in front of Xia Zhou. They were actually more than ten 'zhang's apart, but somehow Wei Yixiao managed to cover that distance in split seconds.

Wei Yixiao raised his hand and 'slap, slap, slap, slap!' he gave Xia Zhou four slaps on his face, followed by an elbow strike toward the acupoint on Xia Zhou's lower abdomen. Actually, Xia Zhou's martial art skill was not so bad. Based on their actual skill levels, Wei Yixiao would need at least fifty stances before he could beat Xia Zhou. However, Wei Yixiao's 'qing gong' skill was too strange for Xia Zhou. He moved like a ghost, like a demon; so because of this element of surprise, by the time Xia Zhou realized the attack and was about to parry, the strike had already arrived.

While the crowd of warriors was crying out in shock, a white shadow flew from the Ming Cult's shelter. It was inferior to Wei Yixiao's lightning speed, yet the shadow was faster than a galloping horse. As the shadow reached Xia Zhou, a large cloth sack opened, went down on his head, and scooped him inside the sack. It was not until the shadow slung the sack on his shoulder did the crowd of warriors finally saw that the shadow was a giggling Buddhist monk, the Bu Dai Heshang [cloth sack monk] Shuo Bude.

Shuo Bude laughed and said, "A good thing, you are a good thing! The monk will take you home and cook you slowly for my dinner!" Carrying Xia Zhou along, light as a feather he swiftly returned to the wooden shelter.

This attack on Xia Zhou happened very quickly and ended just as quick. Although he was surrounded by a dozen friends and fellow martial brothers, the two men from the enemy side were too fast that nobody was able to render their assistance. Only after Wei Yixiao and Shuo Bude were back to their seats that these dozen or so people unsheathed their weapons and charged toward the Ming Cult's shelter with loud shouting and cursing.

Shuo Bude pulled open the sack's mouth and said with a laugh, "Just return to your seats nicely and sit down quietly. After the meeting is over, I will let him go. If you are not obedient, the old monk will urinate into this cloth sack, or put some dung inside, or the best I can do is farting into the sack. Do you believe me or not?" As he said that, he put his hand onto his belt, as if he was ready to take his pants off.

These dozen or so people were so angry that their faces turned green and yellow, but remembering that these Ming Cult people would not stop at anything, they believed that he would do what he said he would do. They also realized that their skills were insufficient to help Xia Zhou. If this bald thief really urinated on his head, Xia Lao Yingxiong would certainly kill himself. They looked at each other, and then they returned to their seats with a dejected look on their faces.

Watching this affair, the crowd of heroes was startled and amused at the same time. When they went up the mountain, they were in high spirits, thinking that they were going to witness the execution of Xie Xun. But as they saw the skills of these two Ming Cult warriors, they realized that this assembly could turn dangerous. Even if they were successful in killing Xie Xun, the field would unavoidably be soaked with blood, and corpses would be scattered everywhere. They could not restrain trepidation from creeping into their hearts.

They saw Situ Qianzhong, with a wine cup in his left hand and a wine gourd in his right, walk toward the center of the field while shaking his head. "There is indeed a lively event worthy to be watched today," he said, "Some want to kill Xie Xun, some want to save him. But after going back and forth, whether Xie Xun is really at the Shaolin Temple or not, is still left to our own speculation. I'll say: Kong Zhi Dashi, why don't you invite Jin Mao Shi Wang to come out so that everybody can see him first. And then, those of want to kill and those who want to save, can show their true ability by competing against each other. Don't you think it will be interesting?"

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!