Published at 12th of October 2021 10:21:22 AM

Chapter 76: 76

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Branch Leader Cheng yelled, "Be careful!" He then swung the rope, XiHua Zi's body flew back over twenty meters, then this momentum was used to send him over to the other boat.

XiHua Zi let go of the rope, and landed on the boat's deck. His had just lost his sword to the sea, and was about to go berserk. Only to hear thunderous laughter coming from the Heavenly Eagle Sect's boat. XiHua Zi quickly grabbed Wei SiNiang's sword and was about to go duel with them. But then realized that the two boats are too far apart now. So other than cursing loudly, he couldn't do anything else.

Yu LianZhou saw exactly how Yin SuSu ridiculed XiHua Zi. He felt that this woman is quite cruel, not a good match for fifth brother, and then said, "Hall leaders Yin and Li. Please tell your sect leader that should he have time, we welcome him to the Yellow Crane Restaurant gathering. Now let us part. Fifth brother, are you coming with me to see master?" Zhang CuiShan said, "Yes."

Yin SuSu knew that Yu LianZhou wanted to separate her and Zhang CuiShan. She looked up at the sky, then down on the deck.

Zhang CuiShan knew what she meant, 'On Heaven or in Hell, never to part'. So he said, "Second brother, how about I take your sister-in-law and nephew to see our master. Then, with his permission, we would then go see my father-in-law. Is that alright?" Yu LianZhou hesitated, but knew that he can't truly separate this family of three, and nodded.

Joyous at his approval, Yin SuSu turned to Li TianYuan, said, "Martial uncle, please send these words to my dad. Tell him his daughter can't visit him right now. I will go back home as soon as I can."

Li TianYuan said, "That's fine, I'll wait surely wait for you. He then stood up, and waved goodbye to Yu LianZhou.

Yin SuSu asked, "How is my father's health?" Li TianYuan said, "Excellent! He's more energetic than ever." Yin SuSu then asked, "How is my brother?" Li TianYuan said, "Also excellent! His kung fu has accelerated greatly these past years. Not even this martial uncle is his match now. Pretty ashamed of myself, really." Yin SuSu smiled, and said, "Oh, you're just joking with me." Li TianYuan said seriously, "Actually, I'm not kidding. Even your father's said that his son would soon surpass himself. Don't you think that's amazing?" Yin SuSu said, "Oh, I can't believe you're gloating like this in front of outsiders. You're not afraid that Second Hero Yu would laugh at you?" Li TianYuan said with a smile, "Fifth Hero Zhang is now our leader's son-in-law. How could Second Hero Yu be an outsider?" As he spoke, Li TianYuan bowed with his fists together, and walked out the cabin.

Yu LianZhou felt quite annoyed upon hearing these last words. He raised his eyebrows, but did not speak.

After the people from the Heavenly Eagle Sect had left, Zhang CuiShan asked in a hurry, "Second brother, what happened to third brother afterwards? Did he…recover?" Yu LianZhou sighed, but did not respond for a long time. Zhang CuiShan waited in suspense. He kept examining Yu LianZhou, afraid that he'd say the word 'died'.

Yu LianZhou then said, "Third brother's still alive. But quite frankly, he's not much different from a dead person. His whole body's permanently crippled. There is no longer a Third Hero Yu in the martial world now."

Zhang CuiShan was happy that Yu DaiYan was alive, but cried at third brother's crippled condition. He then asked, "Have you found out who injured my third brother?"

Yu LianZhou didn't respond. Instead he turned toward Yin SuSu. His eyes glared like lightning, and asked, "Miss Yin, do you know who injured my third brother?" Yin SuSu shuddered and said, "I heard his joints were broken by Shaolin's Golden-Steel Finger." Yu LianZhou said, "That's correct. Do you know who did it?" Yin SuSu shook her head, said, "I don't know."

Yu LianZhou then ignored her, and said to Zhang CuiShan, "Fifth brother, Shaolin said that you killed everyone in the Dragon Gate Escort Agency, including servants and relatives. Plus you killed several Shaolin monks. Is this true?"

Zhang CuiShan said, "Well…" Yin SuSu cut in, "This doesn't concern him. I killed all of them."

Yu LianZhou glanced at her, with eyes full of hatred. But after an instant, his expression quickly returned to normal, then said, "I knew fifth brother would never kill mindlessly like that. Because of this matter, Shaolin came to Wu Dang Mountain three times. But since everyone knew fifth brother disappeared, they can't really do anything. We kept saying that Shaolin injured third brother. They kept saying that fifth brother murdered all those people. Thankfully, the Shaolin Abbot Kong Wen is a cautious person, and quite respectful of our master. He told his disciples not to view us as enemies. So we never had any open conflicts with Shaolin these ten years."

Yin SuSu said, "This is all due to the mistakes of my younger days. But since I've already killed them, let's just not tell them the truth. They can't figure it out anyway."

Yu LianZhou showed an astonished expression, and glanced at Zhang CuiShan. He thought, "How could you marry a woman like this?"

Yin SuSu saw Yu LianZhou's cold expression toward her, including calling her 'Miss Yin' rather than 'sister-in-law'. Frustrated, she said, "I will take responsibility for my own actions. Don't worry, Wu Dang will not get dragged into this. If Shaolin wants revenge, then they can seek my Heavenly Eagle Sect."

Yu LianZhou said, "Nothing in the martial world is above the word 'reason'. Even if we're not dealing with the powerful Shaolin, but rather a lowly farmer, one still cannot be unreasonable."

If this had been ten years ago, Yin SuSu would've drawn her sword in anger. But she heard Zhang CuiShan say, "Second brother's words are quite right," and thought, "Do you think I really care about your righteous crap? I just don't want to burden my husband by arguing with you." She then grabbed WuJi's hands and walked out the deck, said, "WuJi, let me show you around this boat. You've never seen one, right?"

After his wife and son left the cabin, Zhang CuiShan said, "Second brother, in the past ten years, I…" Yu LianZhou held up his hand, said, "Fifth brother, you and I closer than even blood brothers. No matter what you did, I will stand by your side. As for your wife, there's no need to explain everything. Just tell master everything when we return. Should he truly oppose this marriage, us seven brothers will get on our knees and beg him. After all, even your son's grown up now. Surely master would not separate you and your wife." Exhilarated at these words, Zhang CuiShan said, "Thank you, second brother."

Yu LianZhou is cold on the outside, but warm inside. Among the seven brothers, he is the most stern and jokes the least. Although the younger brothers respect him a great deal, they also fear him much more than their eldest martial brother, Song YuanQiao. In reality, Yu LianZhou's also incredibly caring of his brothers. When Zhang CuiShan disappeared, his heart was broken. But on the surface, he maintained the same, cold expression. Seeing his long, lost brother today is one of the happiest moments of his life. Yet he still carried that cold expression, and even scolded Yin SuSu. Only when alone with his brother, did Yu LianZhou speak his true feelings. He's mostly afraid of one thing, Yin SuSu's murder of those Shaolin disciples. Nonetheless, Yu LianZhou made a promise in his mind. He would protect fifth brother's family with his life.

Zhang CuiShan then asked, "Second brother, how did we become enemies with the Heavenly Eagle Sect? Did my wife and I cause the conflict?" Yu LianZhou did not respond, instead asked, "What exactly happened on Wang Pan Island?"

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