Published at 12th of October 2021 10:20:59 AM

Chapter 93: 93

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Zhang CuiShan was secretly frightened as he thought, "These Heavenly Eagle Sect members are much too vicious in their ways" while his eyebrows knotted together unconsciously. Yin WuLu said, "If young master you are displeased with your unworthy servants for issuing too light of a punishment, then we can immediately go after them to finish the three of them off." Zhang Cui Shan hurriedly insisted, "No! Not light at all. It's severe enough already!" Yin WuFu said, "We also felt that because the purpose of our trip was to bring gifts to young master you, it is therefore a very wonderful and joyous event. If we killed any lives, it may ruin such a blessed event." Zhang CuiShan said, "That's right. How very thoughtful and considerate of you all. You just said that there were three of you who came, but where is that third person now?" Yin WuFu replied, "There is still another brother called Yin WuShou [6]. After we took care of the three escorts, we were worried that the Sacred Spear old fool Tan would finally hear of the news and would still dare to come forward and bother young master you, therefore Yin WuShou has gone to KaiFeng City. He asks your humble servant I to express his regards on his behalf." After saying this, he knelt down to the floor and bowed.

Zhang CuiShan also gave a bow in return of the gesture and said, "That's much too kind of him" while thinking to himself that this Sacred Spear Ruling Eight Directions Tan RuiLai's name has always been well-known and respected for it has been almost forty years since he established a name for himself. Now because of him, Yin WuShou will go barging into the KaiFeng City. Regardless of whomever may be hurt, it will still cause him to be ridden with guilt. Thus he said, "I have long since heard the great name of the Sacred Spear Ruling Eight Directions, they say that old master Tan is a true gentleman. I would like to ask the two of you to please go to the KaiFeng City and to tell brother WuShou not to quarrel with old master Tan anymore incase the two sides get into an argument and subsequently start a fight, which I'm afraid will yield disasterous results."

Yin WuLu smiled ever so faintly and said , "Young master, there's no need to worry. That old fool Tan won't dare to meddle with my youngest brother. When my brother tells him not to stick his nose into this business, he will listen to his orders." Zhang CuiShan murmured a "Really?" while silently asking himself how can this Sacred Spear Ruling Eight Directions Tan RuiLai possibly allow himself to be so easily bullied? Even if he may be an old man now, yet within the KaiFeng City, the Tan family has at least one or two dozen disciples who are highly skilled in martial arts, why would they be scared of a Yin WuShou? Yin WuFu could read the skeptical incredulity on Zhang CuiShan's face, therefore said, "The old bloke Tan was defeated by Yin WuShou twenty years ago, besides he also has some major discreditable information in our hands now. Please take care now young master." The two of them then paid their final respects and departed.

Zhang CuiShan stood there clutching the three escort flags within his hands, debating for a moment. He originally wanted to send these two people to help him out in his search for WuJi's current whereabouts. But when he thought to how mentioning this incident to an outsider might prove to be unwise for although he did not place much importance on his own name, yet it would still no doubt affect his second brother's eminent reputation. Therefore he could only slowly tread back to his bedroom.

Yin SuSu was lying on the bed rereading through the checklist of presents, overwhelmed with gratitude at the love her parents had shown towards her. But when she thought to how at this moment, WuJi's whereabouts were still unknown, she was also overwhelmed with a burning heartache. When she saw her husband enter the room with an fretful expression, she immediately asked with alarm, "What's wrong?"

Zhang CuiShan asked, "What are the backgrounds of those three people WuFu, WuLu and WuShou?"

Yin SuSu has been married to her husband for ten years now, but because she knew that within his heart, there always existed discontent towards the Heavenly Eagle sect, she therefore purposely refrained from relating to him the details of her family and the sect's background. Similarly, Zhang CuiShan would never ask her. Now only when she heard her husband ask her himself, did she finally say, "Twenty years ago, these three people were actually great bandits that ruled over the Southwestern regions. But one time, they were surrounded by many powerful fighters all at once and knew that they were not going to be able to escape. At that time, my father happened to pass by and when he saw how in the midst of their hopeless battle, they still manage to uphold their integrity and refused to surrender, my father therefore lent out a helping hand and rescued them. The three of them originally had different surnames, so of course they weren't brothers. But in order to prove their gratefulness towards my father for saving their lives, they thus solemnly vowed that for their rest of their lives, they will act as his servant and will cast off their original names and change it to Yin WuFu, Yin WuLu and Yin WuShou instead. Ever since I was small, I would be very courteous towards them and dared not to treat or view them as real servants. My father told me that in terms of martial arts and fame, there probably would be few famed fighters of the martial arts world who could compete with them."

Zhang CuiShan nodded and said, "I see" before describing the incident of how they decapitated other people's right arm and seized another's escort flag. Yin SuSu's scowled and said, "Their intentions were originally good, but they don't understand that the disciples of the orthodox sects do things differently from the evil sects. CuiShan, I'm afraid that incident has caused you more trouble, I … I really don't know what to do about this." After a sigh, she continued, "After we find WuJi, I think we had better return to the Ice-Fire Island." When she suddenly heard Yan LiTing call from outside the door, "Brother, come and flex your writing skills for us to write a pair of birthday celebratory phrases" he laughed before continuing, "Sister, don't blame me for dragging brother away from you, but he is after all the 'Iron Brush, Silver Hook.'"

That afternoon, the six brothers split up, supervising and giving commands to the culinary help, while the little Taoist apprentices cleaned around and decorated the whole Purple Paradise Hall. The celebratory words that Zhang CuiShan penned were also displayed within the main reception hall. Everywhere was filled with a celebratory atmosphere.

During the early dawn of the next day, Song YuanQiao and his brothers all changed into a newly tailored set of clothing and were all just about to go and assist Yu DaiYan so that the seven of them could go to their master as a group to offer their birthday blessings, when suddenly an Taoist apprentice came in and presented a calling card. It was Song YuanQiao who took the invitation but Zhang SongXi's eyes were quick and saw that written on the card were the words, "Ku Lun Sect students He TaiChong accompanied by his disciples wishes master Zhang longevity comparable with the mountains." Zhang SongXi exclaimed with alarm, "The sect master of Kun Lun has personally come to celebrate master's birthday? When did he arrive in the Central Plains?" Muo ShengGu asked, "Did Madam He come as well?" He TaiChong's wife Ban ShuXian was his martial arts sister, and rumour has it that the level of her martial arts were not below the likes of the sect master. Zhang SongXi said, "Her name is not listed on the calling card." Song YuanQiao said, "This guest is of great stature and importance, we should ask master to personally receive him" as he hurriedly ran out to report to Zhang SanFeng.

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