Hell App - Chapter 102

Published at 9th of March 2023 09:47:41 AM

Chapter 102

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Two corpse collectors in green overalls walked into the room, only to find that there was still one person in the room.

"Child, are you?" The man named Lao Zhang asked suspiciously, "Who are yours for those two on the ceiling?"

"Father, auntie." Bai Yan answered fluently.

Bai Yan's answer surprised Lao Zhang. He and another corpse collector looked at each other and asked cautiously: "Then why are you still alive?"

"My father told me to hide in the closet, and the ghost didn't find me."

"Oh, oh, that's it."

The two corpse collectors replied, feeling very unbelievable, as if they could not understand why the couple would do this.

However, even though they didn't understand, the two corpse collectors didn't think the child would lie about this matter.

When asked Bai Yan, who was six years old this year, had no other relatives, and had not yet gone to school, a flash of excitement flashed in the eyes of the two corpse collectors.

They were about to move around, and the eyes that looked at Bai Yan were stained with a wolf-like greedy light, making their faces extremely vicious.

But soon, this excitement turned into a strong hostility. The two corpse collectors also didn’t care about collecting the corpses. They walked out of the room and stood at the entrance of the corridor and whispered—

"Lao Zhang, this child is mine. Your family has just given birth to twins. There is no shortage of children at all!"

"Pharaoh, your food is too ugly! Children don't want to have them, besides, there are not too many children! Why do you have to give you a word?"

"Lao Zhang, let's go, I'll give you the money, and you will give him to me... Do you think this counts?"

They whispered for a while, and finally Master Wang got a little better and walked into the room with pride.

Entering the room, Master Wang ignored the corpse on the ceiling, but smiled and said to the white: "My child, do you want to go to school?"

"I don't want to."

Bai Yan didn't hesitate to answer, which put a haze on Master Wang's face.

This **** really doesn't give face!

Master Wang's face was blue for a moment, and he returned to normal again, and he said, "Child, don't say anything, I know you want to go to school!"

"To put it ugly, your parents are dead, and you can live in this society without money alone? Who feeds you and who feeds you?

Your Uncle Wang is a kind person, and now I want to tell you a great thing-I know a principal who can help you go to elementary school for free. The school takes care of food and housing, and there are a bunch of children your age who can play with you. , As long as you go to school honestly, you don’t have to worry about starving to death! "


Master Wang's unkindness was too obvious, Bai Yan's face was full of unbelief, and Master Wang didn't care about him.

In his opinion, this orphan has become his possession, and two adults watched, he could not escape no matter how unwilling it was!

Afraid of dreams in the night, Master Wang dialed his cell phone indoors in front of Bai Yan.

After the phone was connected, he smiled very flatteringly, and said to the other end of the phone flatly: "Principal Xu, this is the case. I found an orphan who didn't go to school. Can he let him take the place of my child? There is no need to go to school in the'Special Zone'..."

"Right, that is it……"

"...Okay, then it's settled, Principal Xu, you can come here to pick up people now! Thank you, Principal Xu, I will invite you to dinner with the child's mother another day, and I will thank you again!"

Master Wang hung up his cell phone, and he was overjoyed for a while.

Before Principal Xu arrived, Master Wang asked Master Zhang to block the door, and he opened the body bag, stepped on the chair to put down the two corpses, and began to stuff the bodies into the body bag.

Because he was full of fear of ghosts, Master Wang didn't dare to look more. He only knew that the male corpse was ripped apart, and the two corpses had a red seal on their faces, so he hurriedly put them into the body bag.

While Master Wang was wrapping up the corpse, Bai Yan had been watching quietly by the side.

He was familiar with the strange deaths of the two corpses, but the loss of the insurance policy pinned to them made him a little strange.

What happened in the past few days was very wrong, and he always felt something strange, but he couldn't tell.

In addition, he felt as if a long time had passed these days, and it seemed that a little time had only passed. As if the eyes were opened and closed, the day passed by, which seemed quite inappropriate.

Bai Yan only lost his mind for a while, and felt that this was normal, so he put this weirdness behind.

When he came back to his senses, there was a sound of "pedaling" outside the door, and a woman in high heels walked in. Behind her, two soldiers with guns and live ammunition guarded her every step of the way.

"Principal Xu, it's him. His parents are dead. They are in my bag. You can take him away now!" Master Wang bowed his head, his posture fell into the dust.

Seeing Principal Xu nodding at him and reaching out to the door, Master Wang and Master Zhang dragged the body bag and hurriedly carried the corpse down the stairs.

They didn't go far, Bai Yan faintly heard a person's cell phone ring.

In the corridor, Master Wang’s loud voice came from outside: "Who? The insurance? Go away, I'm busy with work, buy a fart insurance!"

Bai Yan blinked and seemed to realize something.

He looked up at Principal Xu, but the high-heeled woman didn't mean to talk to him.

She took his hand, dragged him and walked out the door.

I don't know how long I walked, but after passing through a large group of buildings, the scenery in front of me changed in vain, and I arrived at the registration site of an elementary school.

In front of the iron gate of the school, a female teacher was sitting at a desk, leaning over to fill out a form.

Next to the female teacher, there were also two rows of soldiers armed to the teeth standing sternly, scanning everyone coldly.

There was a long line in front of the desk.

The line has spread to the corner of the street, and you can't see the head when turning.

The parents led the children, and the team moved forward slowly.

Principal Xu walked through the team with Bai Yan, and said to the guard: "Open the door."

The iron door with spikes slowly opened, revealing a gap for only a child to pass through.

Principal Xu mercilessly pushed Bai Yan in, and then raised his calf, kicked a child who wanted to squeeze out of the gap with his high heels, and then signaled the guard to close the door quickly.

In Datiemen, the campus of this elementary school, there are many children the same age as Baiyan who are locked in the campus, making the campus seem very messy.

In the children's pile, there are a few teachers who are struggling to maintain order, but few children obey. Even if they are in line as required, they can't help crying in the queue, which makes people annoying.

In addition, many children are not obedient at all. Some of them got into the bushes and couldn't get out, while others clung to the big iron gate, and the cat got up, trying to crawl out of the gap in the big iron gate.

However, whatever they do is in vain.

The campus is like one of the strongest prisons. Its walls are so high that the walls are covered with spikes and power grids. There is no room to drill.

Outside the wall, countless soldiers are patrolling outside. Even if children can escape from the campus, they cannot avoid the guards of these soldiers.

What's more, there is no way to leave the campus except for the gap when the guard opened the door.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!